Blog: fasting for a better me
by #39296

day one 9-30-05

day one- and reasons why I am fasting

Date:   8/30/2005 9:00:56 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1714 times

It is 9:19 and day one of my fast. I am not fasting with only water because I am not doing this to cleanse my body I am doing this for weight loss. I know that in order to loose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume but I also know that you have to consume some to loose some. so I am not only drinking water. Right now I have OJ and its not fresh squeezed its from McDonalds. Hey my boss offered to pay for a meal and I said no so I opted for an OJ intead.
I will start workingout today as well. I will be taking a walk on my lunch break then I will walk away the pounds when I get home. I will soon start Tae-bo up again when I am feeling better. I had a procedue done and my body is not up to par right now and so I am taking it easy. I figured my life is changing I am 27 and I found the love of my life, I just had a crazy eye opening experiance and now I am ready to change my life for the better. I got rid of all of my unwanted house guest. Brother stayed with me for over a year sister stayed with me for a while along with her 2 children so now I am free and done taking care of everyone else and can now take care of me. I am going to look good for me I am going to get in shape for me. I want to be 125 at the end of this journey because I know I will gain 5- 10 lbs of it back and 130-135 is my actual goal weight.
My plan
5 days on a liquid fast working out doing toning in the morning for 1/2 hour
walking during lunch 1 hour
and while my daughter eats dinner walk away the pounds all three tapes (total of 6 miles)
take a day off due to a BBQ with my wonderful very little just enough to let family know that I am eating
4 days on liquid fast working out toning still in the morning for 1/2 hour
walking during lunch
and hopefully I will feel better and can do least one hour and walk 2 miles
take a day off for a wedding again eat just a little so i don't get sick while I
then do a 10 day master cleanse...same workout routine.
hopefully by September 21 I will be 125.
I won't stop until I reach my goal. I already know I can do it.
My stats will be posted on Tuesday September 6th...doctors appt. who has a better scale.
last time I went to the doctors was August 8th and the scale read 145, but I know I have gained weight I feel at least 150. so on the 6th we will see.
I'm sure I will post again later on today sometime after lunch.

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