Blog: My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator!
by kerminator

Why do some people dislike you because of where you are from??

People need to be treated as a friend and neighbor...

Date:   7/5/2005 7:55:14 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 3175 times

Why do some people simply dislike or disapprove of you because of where you are from??  This has bothered me for many years...

Is that we are different? Is it because we have different views or back grounds?? Is it a matter of not understanding and therefore fearing something strange or unknown?? It could well be all of the above...

Well I have tried to be a neighbor to all those who come in contact with me...  I do not want to imply that I am an angel or saint, as there are those whom I have not always gotten along with...  But on the whole I have attempted to be the best neighbor and friend I could under the circumstances...

Why some people don't like others is varied and can be complex...  There are social issues, economic differences, class, race, and religion that play a part...  All of these items are differences in opinion(s)... They can be very difficult to over come on a broad spectrum....   But they can easily be over come on a one to one relationship...

This is where we should strive to go or be in our relationship(s) with others....  It is the basic element of friendship...  Where people learn to trust and help others... Just like "MR. Rogers" used to say "Won't you be my neighbor??" ...   This is the plane that I recommend we development with others... Epically people from other areas ans parts of the world..  This is the bases of human kindness and understanding...

So next time someone is treated poorly or given the third degree; lets try and be a better neighbor to them...  That is all that is required of us is to be a good neighbor....   Thank you for your time, lets practice that in our life next time someone mistreats you or someone you know...  

Just because you don't know everything about me, doesn't mean you should dislike me...   Or vise a versa...    

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