Dh broke his mc 3 days into it
after just 3 days on taking 1tbsp of cod liver oil first thing in the morning on an empty stomach the back pain vanished..anyways, when i started the mc i stopped the cod liver oil..now that i have finished with my first mc i am going to start on the cod liver oil again and then maybe an hour later take my limeade and cayenne
Date: 7/4/2005 12:45:43 AM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2423 times Sad but true...we went to tesco on friday to get some groceries and i am not sure if that's what made him have a change of heart about continuing with the mc. Maybe it was the sight of the promoters frying their chicken nuggets or maybe it was the lady near the organics handing out alfalfa sprouts on little crackers..i dunno what it was...but he decided to break the fast...he bought some vege and made some broth with some fish when we got home and g.o.r.g.e.d. himself. to say i was dissapointed doesn't quite do justice to what i felt...i encouraged him to continue but he couldnt/wouldnt grasp the fact on why a mc was important to his body..so i just let it slide. he apologised for not being able to continue with the mc and thats when i decided enough was enough..i was not going to be disspaointed or mad etc. at the end of the day, one needs to decide on what one will do or wont do for ones body.
i have been taking my limeade for breakfast everyday without the cayenne. i am thinking about taking the cayenne along with my limeade tomorrow and restart my 1tbsp of cod liver oil. i started taking cod liver oil 3 months ago because i had some lower back pain...after a session of vacuuming and mopping..well the bottle says that its good for joint aches and indeed it is..after just 3 days on taking 1tbsp of cod liver oil first thing in the morning on an empty stomach the back pain vanished..anyways, when i started the mc i stopped the cod liver oil..now that i have finished with my first mc i am going to start on the cod liver oil again and then maybe an hour later take my limeade and cayenne pepper and for brunch another limeade then come lunch i'll have a healthy, hearty meal. For tea i'll have another limeade with cayenne and then a light dinner..maybe some broth and then to bed...i am hoping to have increased energy like i did while on the mc...
my energy level since the mc has been super but not as superb as when i was on the mc...i am hoping to continue with high levels of energy with my change in diet. i want to do right by my body i have used and abused it enough already...its time to give it time to heal....however, last night dh wanted to take the children to mc donalds. we havent been there in about 3months.....so i had a greasy meal of filet o fish, fries and yes even apple pie..what blasphemy ! so now its time to clean up. i dunno why i even ate the stuff...i sugar coated the wole affair by eating a filt o fish cause its "healthier"...but thats it...now its time for "penance"...cause i had some slight cramps after...
i have ordered a new batch of bentonite that should arrive during the week, i'm then going to do some p+b shakes as i havent gotten any mp out as yet...just swamp looking ater during the mc....
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