Blog: Aladia's first Master Cleanse!
by #45147

Master Cleanser - breaking the fast day 2

Easing back into solid food

Date:   5/11/2005 9:55:46 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2847 times

So after my little beef incident yesterday, I was full and had zero appetite and zero cravings for the rest of the day.  I felt very satisfied, no tummyache or anything.  I ate very little and chewed well, mindful of not having had solid food for 12 days prior.  I had to remind myself to drink water because I felt so FULL.

Scale says 158.5.  Ba$tard scale .

I'm drinking OJ and miso today.  The OJ tasted a lot better this morning!  I've never diluted OJ before, but I drank it with water yesterday and today.  It feels heavy in my stomach.

I realized only this morning that all along I've been drinking Celestial Seasonings Nighttime Cleanse lax tea...with chamomile, which is almost guaranteed to put me to sleep.  No wonder I had a few weird crashes during the day!  I wasn't paying attention and drank it in the morning a few times.  I'll know better next time!

I had trouble sleeping last night, woke up at 2 am and couldn't get back to sleep for a couple of hours.  Even my Soma CD, which has ALWAYS worked before, didn't get me back to sleep.  I listened to my hypnosis CD again and that did the trick, after much moving around and trying to get comfortable and wondering whether eating something would help me sleep.

I have strawberries in the fridge for tomorrow and that Chelsea salad will be MINE!


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Re: Keep it up Anumii 19 y
Keep it up kerminator 19 y
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