Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Brilliant Flashes!!!

Brilliant Flashes!

Date:   3/16/2006 9:48:27 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1231 times

March 16, 06
7:06 AM

Ate half of a grapefruit last night before going to bed.
Gives me a loose bowel as ususual,
and gas mixing with something I ate earlier in the evening,
but my mind is also expoding with more brilliant flashes
that I could bring into 3D in a day, or maybe a week.

I am always deceived when these flashes come.
They are so exciting, so tantalizing! They are the
snake in the garden, tempting me with more and more
things to do that keep me trapped online,
trapped outside the garden, allowing dustballs
in my bedroom and office.

My mind is propelled by the Creative Juices
that want to flow through this broken world from the Universe.

I once knew a Rabbi who seemed to express
the loving heart of the Jewish people that I never experienced
many Jews being open to share. It had to come through
someplace, so it came through him. He had a bad reputation
for having roving eyes for women. He was authentically
loving, but loved so full heartedly that he could not contain
his passions, or so the stories went.

Me, I seem to be a conduit for Creations that no one
has TIme to bring through. We are all so broken in pieces
by things we feel compelled to do. Some of us here
have more freedom. We are on the computer a lot.
We are struggling for answers because our bodies
are yelling at us.

Pain is a calling out.
A yearning.
A wanting for something more beautiful.

I sat at the computer all day yesterday.
I did not eat until very late in the day.
The sun was a few hours from setting.
I drank some diluted cranberry juice
and water. I am not even sure I washed up
in the morning.

As occurs on many days, I was working
with push and pull emotions.
Part of me did not want to surrender,
and knew that what I was doing would
not likely make my websites more effective.

Part of me wanting to mail out the photos
I owe for the MVH event two weeks ago.
Monday, I got a complete. I had lost
some vital photos from the Erotic Museum
event in January. I erased them unknowingly,
and so I had to slow down and get a Recovery Program
for the PC, about $40.00. I went over th David's
PC. Mine was too slow.

Success with finances comes from doing less,
not doing more.

IT comes from going vertical.
Take one idea...invest. invest, invest.
One idea has 10,000 details around it.
Vertical leads to bringing down something
ordinary, or maybe brilliant, and giving focus.
Focus, Focus, wearing blinders.
Coming up with a Product, and then
having the courage to Take that Product
to the Marketplace.

At the MVH marketing seminar,
they had the most brilllant marketeers
with the most advanced systems of technology.
IT was enough to make be very uncomfortable.
They really get off on sales. What Nerve!
The people pay $1200.00 for a three day marketing
blast from the Guru's of the field, and then
each Guru comes on stage and has something
to pitch that always gives discount from a Value
made up of $6443.00 to a special today of $2499.00
or something like that. They are masters at this.
They are a secret society of pitch artists and it feels
almost shameful. The saving grace is that
I sense many of these guys are good hearted.
Hansen for one does tons of good things with his
revenue. He would like to put weath into the hands
of 1 million new millionaires who would help transform
the world. He lifts up a lot of people. Richard for one
has an organization to help the poor. He was near
homeless when Mark met him. Mark helped him
get out his book. There are countless stories of
people with little dreams who have taken these
principles and worked them for good.

I did not feel understood at that event.
I arrived with my organic strawberries, love cures,
and abnormal marketing tools of an open heart
as well as ignorant rule knowing nature that
seems to see things in ways that can upset
the applecart.

IT is the job of a bouncer and program director
to make rules, and make sure everyone is in keeping.
I am still reeling for a series of being seen
as something other that my intent, but then
someplace inside, a part of me is a wild child
that really needs to play by more rules
and skills if I want a different, less frustrating
and hurting result for my actions.

I was an outsider at MVH marketing seminar.
Today is Thursday. This day next week I will
be at the Super 8 Disneyland Hotel,
across from where Mickey weaves magic
and the Anaheim convention center.

I will not be the outsider.
I am the Photographer for the OTA--
Organic Trade Association at their fund raising
banquet. The room will be filled with tables
of companies like Whole Foods, or Wild Oats,
or Stoneyfield. Some of these faces I know already.

Yesterday, arrived 12 new batteries, a new battery
charger, and AC connector so I can plug in directly
the the current that most people relate to.

I live in a different current.
I am so sorry that my flow of energy often comes up
against rather than flows with the common order,
but the common order like me
ate the Original Apple.
Thus we were kicked out of the Garden.
GMO Apples all started with the Fall
from the Garden. We started to get Self-Conscious
about being Naked. We put our clothes on.
We started to Hide. We became less Open.

IT is all Perfect. We were innocent then in that
garden. All we did was lay around eating food
we never worked for. Women gave birth without
any pain. Then she discovered the Snake
and the Seeds of becoming a Goddess were

So here I am
Your Enchanted Gardener.
Some Soulful expression of unforgetting
Values that Mother Earth wants us to apply.
The Essenes say the application of knowledge
to experience creates Wisdom.

Jensen called Wisdom the Wise Domain.
We were not Wise in Eden. We had no diseases,
no pains.

Pain and ordeal can be Awakening.
Most of us choose to grow up through pain
and what the West names diseases.

Our science is more something that untimately
is intuitive. What we practice here is a discovery
of the 8000 or more years of recorded wisdom
from countless traditions. We belong with
Nature's Originial Technology of Seeds
although we are playing with the Beast when
we compute all day long.

I do believe we can be on the Web and still
be part of the Web of Life. I would hope so.

They say Jesus was meant to be the Sacrificial
Son, and commit the unselfish act of giving up
his life so none of us would have to do the same;
yet you and I keep suffering because we are not
seeing the Whole Picture.

The Soul is the Whole Picture.
The Soul is buried, deeply buried inside
our Cracks. We are all Cracked up.
In Pieces. Like is a Puzzle to us,
but you and I are the Missing Peace.

All we have to do is let the Brilliant Flashes out.
Mother Earth asks, she pleads, "Plant Your Dream!"
FInd a way to get out of your shoes, and get naked
again with Life where it is in the
intimate arms of each other.

Life asks that we increase in human understanding.
This has nothing to do with what Gender we choose
to hang with, but for me, each time, one man and one
woman increase in understanding, we have taken
one step--one natural step--closer to the Enchanted Garden.

The Enchanted Garden is Eden again.
It is planted inside us. The Enchanted Garden is
up for grabs. Who wants it when the most popular
Apple today in the Marketplace is your Mac,
or PC that you will likely feel like trashing if you
are at all taken in by the Marketeers who make
more and more Upgrades that end up on our
Credit Cards.


I worked on the Windows PC here
upgrading The Declaration of Interdependence site.
I ended putting on line the old list of signers
from the Early 80's.

Some of these include people who were at the top
of their game back then. Some have faded. Others
are still alive....Bernard Jensen signed it. Various other
Health Gurus...Dick Gregory signed it...The man who
wrote the Global Brain signed it. I would travel to conferences
in those days alot, so many of the speakers would sign
and give a donation to help me pay my expenses.

I worked over the URL's and links.
I refined and added pictures of Robert Muller,
then the UN undersecretary general to the story
of how he gave me a Peace Medal for the work
I would do in my life.

In the late evening, I worked over three of The Seven Love
Cures. I still need to put these pictures of them
and ordering info online on the World's Greatest Lovers site.

I was sitting here for at least ten hours.
I am sure I did a bunch of other things, but that part of
my head is not in gear. That was past tense.

Deep down, I know, no one who makes money
on the internet does so many projects.
The way to earn is by capturing Emails.
You create a simple opening page.
Most people do not spend time on any site.
If you have too much stuff, they get confused.
The Masters of Marketing have simple home pages
that ask one simple question and offer something

I would like to apply some of this info.
I know that some of my sustenance to put gas in
the EG Mobile and do these conferences comes
from people who join the Enchanted Garden Club.

Next week I will be with the Natural Food Gurus.
I will be taking their photos and collecting emails.

I want to give them opportunities to give back
for the photos I will take.

I know that anyone who supports my ministry
or using any of hte Divinely Inspired Products
I bring into the world will be uplifted.

A part of me wants to make money like
Mark says. I am pressured to buy out my Co-owners
here at the EG Community. Most of all,
I what is the point of working so hard all the time,
when what I am doing so so ineffective
and so far out of the ordinary that few can relate?

I would be better being 100 times more simple
and just go vertical with The Seven Love Cures.

HERE are some of the Flashes this morning...
Some that I will do.

1. Get Essential Enchanted Garden Documents
on line. Get the current EG Membership artwork
on line. Revise minorly in Photoshop.

2. Create a new Outlook Express signature
to mail out with the promisedd MVH

Your Photo from the MEGA EVENT.

Use part of current signature.
but add the link to the How I recieved
a UN Peace Medal story.

link to donation button on EG CLub
Page. Make EG CLUB page nicer.

[ Leslie, why are you doing all this???
You said you would focus on The Seven
Love Cures...bring them out...

I feel I got my hands slapped at
the MVH event for my work with The Seven
Love Cures...

Please Leslie, believe in yourself...
You do not need to do more,
you need to Do less!!!

{I am hurting...I am missing love.]

Love yourself, Leslie.
Go vacuum the bath room.
You have a Marcia coming over at 5:30
to help with seeing about house cleaning support..

TODAY, Leslie, vacuum the bathroom and your room,
please...clear your camera....use that lovely photo
of the backyard as the opening page for your main site...

guote from job's Prayer on the opening page...
a small part...

[how long will that take to produce????]

Leslie, you have today and tomorrow...

{Saturday is a Jewish Renewal event...,
Do you want to to to LA with Helena on Sunday.
You said you would call her back this morning
before 9. it is 8:21 now.]

It is Mercury Retrograde....slow down and
stay inside. You are doing good.

{I feel unnerved that the house is so dirty
and no one is cleaning...what are they thinking???
Dare I ask???


Create some of The Seven Love Cures
with the reverse as a sample....
Use Bragg as a model...have some models for this...
Their logo can be on the back in the message space.
Dottie Walters said this....

Leslie the key to going Vertical and having a harvest
with The Seven Love Cures is Focus...

Please, clear your Altar in front of you...take everything
away, except the new Seven Love Cures.

Go Vertical....stop doing so much...
Allow fulfillment, please, Leslie

Use your Feng Shui Skills to allow manifesting.

You can do the other stuff later....

Can I get up the EG membership on line?

YES, do that one...
and the signature...
focus the signature...on pitching The Seven
Love Cures for purchase...this is where you have
put most of your energy.,

Calls to be made...Patricia Bragg..???
You want to make a model...
Let her know....Your batteries are empty
from all you have been going through.

Calls to be made?
Stay in touch with Barry Panter about
the Creativity and Madness Conference.
Send him something pretty to look at...
something you make today...

Amy, of the Post Card Company...

Call to Patricia Kaminski for opportunity
to show The Seven Love Cures at the FES

Lynn Gordon...French Meadow...
some thank you's for her to give away...
with Because She is a Woman...
This ties Lynn...
Get your link up with the NPEW...

Testimonial page...Oh...I put a lot of work
into the website "About Leslie..."
What is the opening page for that one...
nice artwork....will come later...

For signature:

A note about joing the EG Club.

and signing the D.I.

Create some simple opening pages that
aim to capture emails so I can have better connection
with those who may want to receive ongoing
contact with me.

Create some beautiful art pieces that say what
is in the a list...but do not have a bunch of links
on the opening pages. This only confuses.
The visitor does not know what to do.

3. Yummy! Make The Goddess Prayer into a greeting
card. Later...way later....with multiple pages.

(stop Leslie! go vertical...make sure The Seven Love
Cures are ready to sell!]

I hear voices in the kitchen...
If I go out and get into asking about cleaning up...
my energy will be taken there....just vacuum...
Don't ask...model cleaning...
Take a shower, please, do some laundry,

get the other love cures done at Michaels...
come home...

Start going through the Photos...when?
Today? Mail them out...get them out...

4. Plant Your Dream Site: Have a simple art work...
maybe the original back cover from the Plant Your Dream

How more beautiful would
the world be if all the heirloom seeds
sitting on shelves in packages became
the plants they could be? How much
more soul would there be in the world
if we allowed our deepest, inner Seed Dreams
to come out of their packages and grow the Platns
they can be? How much passion and life
would we feel? How more Peaceful
and healthy would the world be?
Mother earth says, "Plant Your Dream!"
because your Soul is intended to be a fully
expressing heirloom seed in her cornupcopia
of earthly abundance. She wants you
fully growing in the world now.

--Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener

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