Blog: Alternative Health (A to Z)
by Lapis

Changing Your "Health" Story

"Every moment we make a choice.
Disease or health."

Date:   5/14/2005 1:09:17 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 3158 times

Changing Your "Health" Story
by Lapis

When you experience unpleasant health symptoms, your body is actually doing you a favor by letting you know that you are nutritionally(physically)/emotionally/mentally/spiritually off track. It is designed to do just that. It's just like a blinking light on the dashboard of your vehicle letting you know something needs attention. Mainstream medicine's aprroach to dealing with the "blinking light" is to mask over the symptoms (pharmaceuticals). This just creates the illusion that the problem is over but in reality, it has just been hidden away and will become more profound in time. What we really need to do is honour the "blinking light" and get to the root of the problem.

We live in a society where we are conditioned into a collective story (lie) about what to fuel are bodies with (among other things). Industrial food giants (corporations) produce the cheapest, most profitable forms of pseudo food they can, many having very addictive qualities to them. Then they advertise these products in a way that creates a false need for them and "we" believe that this is part of our culture (our collective story) so we fall for it hook, line and sinker. That is until our body tells us otherwise. Even the basic food groups that mainstream nutritonists recommend is a highly contrived lie based on industry lobbying.

What can we do?

Once we become aware of what the optimum conditions are for true lasting health, we can take our power back and live fuller, healthier lives. A big part of becomming empowered is being aware of what the optimum fuel for our body is. Also, we need to stop allowing food to be an addiction and utilize what nature intended us to use for maintaining optimum health in its simpliest, unprocessed form. We are intended to be in harmony with nature (part of the grand design..the explicit order of things). When we are inline, our bodies revert to a balanced state. When we waiver, we wander to a diseased state.

Do we choose empowering habits or are we attempting to supress (undealt with) emotional imbalances with unhealthy habits such as drinking coffee, eating poorly or smoking, etc? Unhealthy habits are often the path of least resistance but can lead us down a road where the future payback is very costly. When we make bad choices (addictions) we end up robbing Peter to pay Paul and then one day Peter shows up to collect. This scenario relates to the manifesting of disease.

Other considerations include things like the building materials we choose to live with, furnishings, carpets, etc. Are they inert or toxic? Do they harmonize with our existence or do they work against us (health)? What kinds of personal products do we use, cleansers, chemicals? Again are they health supporting or a health hazard? All these things add up to what environmental medicine terms as "total load." Job environments, relationships, all forms of stress, all add up to either supporting our total health or tearing it down. Toxicity takes many forms from emotional to physical.

Disease is toxicity.

Every moment we make a choice.
Disease or health.

Cleansing is needed after we have inadvertantly stored up enough toxins to give us unpleasant symptoms (disease). Once we have "reset" our biological terrain through appropriate detoxification processes (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) we can then choose to treat our bodies (ongoing) as pristine vessels, which will allow us to experience life in the fullest, richest way possible.

Clean, healthy organic food (raw food diet), clean air, clean water, non-toxic living and working environments, non-toxic personal products, wisdom (vs knowledge), empowering relationships, empowering thoughts, and being in line with our life purpose (spirituality) will pretty much ensure optimal health and a fulfilling life.

Let your "new" story begin.

In The Raw
Law Of Attraction

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