Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator

Brain Fog: Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail

** More useful information from the Blog: Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog = by RisingSun *** Avoid distilled ACV products the health giving malic acid, enzymes and minerals such as: potassium, phosphorus, flourine (not to be confused with flouride), sodium, sulphur, iron, copper, magnesium and silicon have been destroyed.

Date:   8/15/2021 4:48:02 PM   ( 4 y ) ... viewed 865 times

Blog: Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog
by RisingSun

Brain Fog: Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail

Potassium puts toxic poisons and acid crystals into solution so the body can flush them out through the kidneys, and other organs of elimination. When deficient in our diets, the lack of potassium can lead to stunted growth, senility and mental deficiencies. Potassium deficiency can show up as dull hair, luster-less skin, itchy scalp, dandruff, premature balding, nervousness, depression, mental fog, muscle fatigue, cramps and joint pain.

Date: 6/11/2005
... viewed 26112 times

Potassium is one of the key minerals that helps to keep our bodies flexible and resilient. It works with the soft tissue of the body such as our arteries, working as a detergent to clear out clogs and toxic poisons. It also fights bacteria and viruses.

It is as important to our soft tissues as calcium is to our bones and hard tissues. It helps to keep us youthful and supple. Without it we would lose muscle tone and experience premature sagging and aging of our skin.

The poor mineral content of our soils along with the extreme processing of our foods have robbed potassium, along with other minerals, from our diet. It is this mineral deficient diet that leaves us under nourished and ripe for many of the ills that plague us today.

I would like to speak of a simple way to get the potassium you need into your diet. Of course, eating whole organic foods such as, fruits, vegetables, unprocessed grains, legumes (beans), nuts and seeds is always a good idea. It will do much to add nutrients to your body, especially when theses foods have not been cooked at high temperatures.

A fresh diet of up to 60% raw foods will contain the vitamins, minerals and enzymes intact so the correct life-giving nutrients may be available to us.

Besides eating well you can add apple cider vinegar (ACV) as a simple way to get beneficial potassium and other minerals into your diet. Apples are a great source of available potassium. We are talking only about natural, undistilled, organic ACV here. This is made from organic apples that have been allowed to mature and undergo the process of natural fermentation. It will not be clear like distilled or synthetic vinegars and it will have a deep rich brown color with cob-web like substances floating around in it.

In distilled ACV products the health giving malic acid, enzymes and minerals such as: potassium, phosphorus, flourine (not to be confused with flouride), sodium, sulphur, iron, copper, magnesium and silicon have been destroyed.

Not only will ACV help provide needed minerals, especially potassium into the body, it will also flush toxic waste out of the system. Waste products will be broken down and made harmless. Now this waste can be ushered out of the system by the organs of elimination: the kidneys, intestines, lungs and skin. ACV can be used for all sorts of ailments including: headaches, sore throats, muscle aches, joint pains, sunburns, warts, callouses, corns, dandruff, baldness, acne, bladder irritations, kidney problems, bedwetting, impaired digestion, circulatory problems, arthritis, mucous conditions, prostate problems, female problems, gallstones, constipation and obesity.

In most cases, a ACV cocktail of ½-1 teaspoon of ACV is mixed with ½-1 teaspoon of honey in a 6-8 ounce glass of distilled water. It is taken in the A.M. and P.M. or up to 3 times a day. I must say that even though Patricia Bragg tells us honey is also high in potassium, I find that just a fraction of the amount of the recommended honey is plenty. Why add the extra calories and sugar, especially if you are diabetic or wanting to loss weight. For body purification, you can add 1 teaspoon ACV into 6 ounces of fresh vegeatable juice such as carrot and/or greens. Drink between meals once or twice daily. When purifying, it is a good idea to include doing a water fast one day a week also.

In the case of arthritis, besides eating a 65-75% healthy organic raw foods diet, you can make a ACV cocktail of 1-2 teaspoons of ACV with 1-2 teaspoons of honey blended into 6 ounces of distilled water. Follow this by eating an organic apple. It would also be helpful to include; kelp and alfalfa tablets for their mineral content, one teaspoon of cod liver oil to provide essential fatty acids and a whole food living vitamin-mineral such as Living Multi from Garden of Life, as part of your daily regiment. More information about Living Multi can be found on my website:

For painful muscle cramps which can be caused from precipatated acid crystals getting into the circulation, take 2 teaspoons of ACV and 1 teaspon of honey in a glass of distilled water three times a day.

For a sore throat gargle with 1 tablespoon in a ½ glass of water. For sinus problems and mucous you can have a ACV cocktail in the morning plus make a nasal rinse of 1-2 teaspoons of ACV in a glass of warm water.

To improve digestion, five minutes before you eat, hold a tablespoon of distilled water and 1/3 teaspoon ACV in your mouth for a few seconds. This will start saliva moving in your mouth, preparing you for the digestion of carbohydrates and will cause the digestive juices in the stomach to flow better.

For kidney problems avoiding dairy, animal products, alcohol, caffeine and sugar will be helpful. You want to flush out toxins, acidify the urine and inhibit bacterial growth by drinking 8-10 glasses of liquid that you add 1/3 teaspoon of ACV to. Cranberry juice and herbal teas such as parsley, cornsilk, marshmallow, uva ursi and dandelion root will also be of help. You can also take a sitz bath with 1 cup of ACV added to the warm water. Watermelon, including chewed seeds, also makes a great bladder-kidney flush. You can go on a watermelon-only flush for up to three days to get great results.

A vaginal douche can be made from 2 quarts of warm distilled water and 3 tablespoons of ACV. You can use this as needed since this solution is approximately the same acidity as the vagina. If there is a discharge present you can use it 1-2 times daily until it clears up.

You can also use ACV on salads and on vegetables to experience its wonderful health-giving properties. Try it in your animal feed or water to relieve your pets and farm animals nagging health problems.

You can also prepare for a gallbladder flush by drinking 1/3 teaspoon of ACV in 6 ounces of apple juice, upon rising, mid-morning, mid-afternoon and after dinnner, for one week. You can dilute the apple juice with distilled water, as I prefer. Dilution is especially recommended if you are hypoglycemic. The small stones and gravel will be removed and cleansed due to the solvent action of the malic acid, enzymes, pectins and potassium in the ACV. You can then follow the gallbladder liver cleanse found on my site: or use the following method, which I feel may not be as thorough in its effects.

This method requires filling an 8 ounce glass with one part organic virgin olive oil and two parts organic apple juice. Add 1 teaspoon of ACV and take this mixture 3 times a day for the first day and 2 times a day on the second day. You may only drink as much apple juice as you desire on these 2 days but NO other liquids. This is not recommended for diabetics because of th high sugar content of the apple juice. Go to sleep on your right side with your right knee drawn up to the chest. On the third day, about mid-morning, eat a raw salad with generous amounts of ACV and organic olive oil on top. You can also eat lightly steamed greens, if you like. When you have a bowel movement you will notice tiny greenish stones in the bowl. Amazing! You may notice feeling nauseated as toxins, bile and mucus dump into your stomach. Should this happen, drink 1-2 glasses of distilled water and regurgitate, if you can. This will help you feel immediately better.

You can read more about the recommended ACV remedies in "The Miracles of Apple Cider Vinegar Health System" by Paul and Patricia Bragg, published by Health Science. Thier phone number is 805-968-1020. They have written many booklets on the Bragg's healthy life style system that you may want to read.

Taking charge of your health may help to keep the doctor away. Remember, our cells are constantly replenishing themselves. You can essentially have a new body in just 11 months. When given the needed building blocks it can be a healthy body ready to serve you.

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