Blog: Forgotten Words!
by kerminator

Which way do you go to find true forgiveness?

Learn to read the Scriptures to seek the Holy way of God!

Date:   8/12/2021 2:08:25 AM   ( 4 y ) ... viewed 816 times

Blog: Forgotten Words!
by kerminator

There is not enough time, even with all the energy or praise to win Heaven or such things in this world!

If Riots, lies and killing were so beneficial - then why are so many souls lost in their sorrow and wanting! Because they have entered into such total destruction?

Date: 9/3/2020
... viewed 298 times

When will you get all of whatever you are seeking?
Never - is the only true answer!

Then why is there so much Greed and lies?

Most people are so involved in whatever they are into that they seldom stop to realize this fact! Failure looms before them!

Be honest - because this not about you getting Bozo points, or winning some big lottery, or whatever, rather it is the rhythm of you earthly life!

It comes down to where and when are you really going to do this for whatever reason or purpose!
Can you answer this question?
Most people are lost or distracted to the point that their life is just a long list of failures and defeats!

Really - how does this happen? well if you are like the fools following most of those who for whatever reason that comes down the pike; then you do not know.

There is a better way to live out you destiny?
Yes, but it is not by following a bunch of fools who are just running around looking for more fun!

The real question is really - WHAT do I need?

If this makes you think about it - then you are on the way to seeking a better life or eternal existence!

We need the Lord God in our life if we are going to learn and improve! You can play around and play games for the so called fun - but one day there comes an accounting!

Are you ready!

One of Your best tasks would be to start following many of the Critical Thinking posts on: This could help you live a better life both now and into the Eternity that follows!

** Read more on:
My unusual road of life by kerminator - Blog

Read: It seems that we just can not get it right!

People have been playing with their lives ever since time began - but most of us have not gotten it right yet! The real question is why not and when are we going to wise up and find our eternal purpose?

Date: 9/16/2021
... viewed 19 times

Knowledge is cumulative and necessary in order to live a successfully happy existence!
Yet the history of the human race seems to be going the other way! Why?

This is what we shall look at in this series!
Life, love, plus the search for a better existence or the search for our real eternity!

What can really make a big difference?

Practice being patient,
" " " Kind,
" " " proud,
Do not dishonor others,
" " be selfish,
" " " easily angered,
" " keep records of wrongs,
" " delight in evil,
But rejoice with the truth,
Always protects, trusts, hopes, preserves,
Because Love Never Fails!

When did you see or know anyone in one in these conditions? Well then you should try to aid or help?

** This is the key, or total difference as to how you should live and be a friend to others placed upon your pathway!

Lend a helping hand, when you can!

Back Later - see ya!

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Comments (20 of 32):
Re: So what is tru… kermi… 9 y
Re: So what is tru… r1def… 9 y
Re: FGM - Evil in … glaxo… 10 y
Re: Integration??? kermin… 10 y
Re: Integration??? ren 10 y
Re: How to know a … kermi… 11 y
Re: The Myths of M… kermi… 11 y
Re: Where did we g… kermi… 11 y
Re: Where did we g… kermi… 11 y
Re: Did someone fo… kermi… 11 y
Re: Did someone fo… kermi… 11 y
Re: If you really … kermi… 12 y
Re: If you really … ren 12 y
Re: If you really … kermi… 12 y
Re: General Guidel… kermi… 12 y
Re: What do you se… kermi… 12 y
Re: Erasing Hell? kermina… 12 y
Re: How find true … kermi… 14 y
Re: Just what wome… kermi… 15 y
Re: Just what wome… ren 15 y
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