Blog: Atoms have consciousness
by Takashi

Stone humans of Minanoko(small groups of atoms)

Atoms have consciousness

Date:   11/7/2016 5:58:56 PM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 698 times

Stone humans of Minanoko(small groups of atoms)

By Takashi

This info is translated into English from Let's solve the enigma of the earth

May 10, 2012

Stone humans of Minanoko(small groups of atoms)

Many Stone humans(wooden, bronze and stone)from giants to dwarfs have been left in Japan and Europe.
I was told these small statues like these are Stone humans(?) who were made of Minanoko (small groups of atoms).

"We were alive."

The above words came out of my mouth.

I have thought these small statues were the toys for the big Stone men.
However I was told through the channeling these small ones worked as servants for the big Stone men.
Minanoko (small groups of atoms) which turned into those small statues told me they wanted to go up to the sky as they had finished "playing the role of notice".
Therefore I talked to them in my heart, "Please go up to the sky and take a rest in a relaxed mood."

Their subconsciousness seems to have gone up to the sky, though they will remain as the material.↑

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