Blog: Atoms have consciousness
by Takashi

The skeleton patterns which stood out on the shirt at the ho

Atoms have consciousness

Date:   9/15/2016 5:36:18 AM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 616 times

The skeleton patterns which stood out on the shirt at the house for fellows of THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA

By Takashi

This info is translated into English from  Let's solve the enigma of the earth

The person introduced in the below is Takashi of this site.
Though I (Takashi)wanted to introduce the skeleton patterns which had stood out on my shirt when I started to make this site, I couldn't find the picture.
As I knew someone had taken the photo of mine I found it yesterday at last in the following page of Let's solve the enigma of the earth
After coming back from the house for fellows of THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA、 I tried to shave off the skeletons on my shirt with the scrub brush in vain.
Therefore I abandoned it as I didn't want to wear such a shirt. 

July 30, 2012

The skeleton patterns which stood out on the shirt at the house for fellows of THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA

When this person came to the house for fellows of THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA, the skeleton patterns came to stand out clearly on the shirt as is shown by the picture below.
The skeleton patterns at the bottom were not clear at first and they were blurred, the same as the small ones toward the top of the shirt.
The said person told he hadn't known the skeleton patterns on the shirt when he had bought it at the shop.
It was the matter of course he didn't buy it if he had found the skeletons on the shirt.
The silver colored patterns came to stand out in a short time and they formed the marvelous patterns when he was talking in the house for fellows of THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA .
The reason why these patterns stood out was that patterns were stood out as the a little evil atoms were bonded to make them stand out.
They warned that this person had been ruled by the wicked energy body.
As this person has the very big conscious mind, he had been ruled until then because he had been targeted by Snake charmer seat.
Therefore he seemed to be made to buy such a shirt while he hadn't known the skeleton pattern.
It is surprising people are ruled by the invisible energy body while he or she doesn't know it in the world of spirits.
In this connection the skeleton pictures have got in fashion, though, those who choose those patterns show their will which want to become the skeletons.

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