Blog: A New Therapy for Health & Energy - The Therapy with Pictures!
by NewTherapy


Sugar is used for its carbohydrate energy. It connects and joins all the other sugar and carbohydrate energies used up to now.

Date:   11/8/2015 4:31:28 PM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 700 times

A picture of the materials used is below...

The last material used has been replaced with a 500g bag of sugar.

Also shown are 2 putty filters with 2 bags of white sugar, about 200g in each, sitting on top, a roll of plastic bags and 28 AA batteries divided into 2 plastic bags. All as before.

There's no particular reason for using white sugar. If you feel brown sugar would be better to use for yourself, please do so.


Place the materials on the lower back, then a day or 2 later, on the stomach for up to 2 hours each time and then repeat.

Take care to store the materials safely when not in use.

Sugar is used for its carbohydrate energy. It connects and joins all the other sugar and carbohydrate energies used up to now. Joining them in this way acts to balance and keep them all in relationship to each other.

The filtered energy of sugar draws together all the different carbohydrate energies to form an overall energy which becomes a person's reality, that is the feeling of their existence, and penetrates that reality with meaning.

Meaning gives reality, or the feeling of existence, its content from which purpose flows. This meaning will also infuse thought.

If you wish to try any carbohydrate that's hasn't been shown in Part 3, please go ahead. Use the method the same as in Part 3 with batteries, putty filters and plastic bags placed on the lower back and stomach twice for up to 2 hours.

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