Blog: The Happy Lab Rat (HIV-medicine free)
by mysogood1031

Why do I feel so good lately?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Date:   1/29/2014 3:28:46 PM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 9214 times

I have been waking up each morning feeling better than the morning before. I'm not unwell, either, so when I am feeling good, it is way above neutral. I mean, I am feeling GOOD. I live in a large city, and like many others have chronic allergies due to the pollution, among other things. I have grown accustomed to mediocre health: frequent sinus issues, itchy eyes, mucous in my throat. It's the kind of thing that has been such a part of my life, even as a child, that I don't notice it until it is unbearable. Or when it disappears, and I realize what life is like without allergies. I live in a kind of murk, both outside and inside of my body, and much like the way we don't see the smog until we are out of the city, I don't notice the murk until it starts to clear up. You know how your eyes feel when you use Visine after you have had eye-goop (that's the scientific term) blurring your vision? That's how my entire body feels, more and more every day. Clear.
Is it the Vitamin C? The zapper? The garlic suppositories? The intense workouts I started two weeks ago? The only downfall to applying SO many healthy tactics is that I have no idea what is working the best. And I'll be damned if I am going to start eliminating things just to appease my curiosity. This is not the time to play around. If things are working, then I will continue to do them. And who knows, it very well could be a combination of some or all of them.
Knowing me, at some point one or two of these supplements will run out or I will let something fall to the wayside, and if I notice a big change when, say, I start taking less Vitamin C, I'll have an idea of what it specifically was contributing to my feel-goodness. Whatever! In the meantime, I am gluttonously raking in all of this health. And I did order a couple bottles of MMS, which many people are swearing by, so maybe I will get this virus' ass kicked once and for all. Or die trying -ha ha, bad joke.
My most recent obsession, one of them, is Vitamin C. I had a thought to put a few tablets in the bathtub before I got in, to utilize the skin-permeation factor. Whenever I get an idea, I google it to see if it has been done before me. Almost one hundred percent of the time, my ideas were thought of so long ago that there are entire websites revolving around that one thing specifically. So I 'discovered' that not only is it a good idea to put Vitamin C in the tub, but it dechlorinates the water, and there are even shower head filters made from vitamin C just for that purpose! How cool is that. I unfortunately get overzealous when I experiment, and I put WAY too many tablets into the tub. It was lovely at first, but within ten minutes my skin felt itchy and on fire. I got it rinsed off, but I still went to bed that night feeling like my skin had been partially sizzled off. I just tried it again this morning, and I put about four grams of Vitamin C in. It was perfect, and the water where I live smells like a pool when it comes out of the faucet normally, but the bath didn't smell like that at all. Pretty amazing. I also dropped one tablet (these are the small 500 MG ones) into our Brita water pitcher. I'm out of control, I tell you. On top of that, I am consuming around 20 grams of Vitamin C throughout each day.
Humans are one of the few mammals on Earth that do not produce their own Vitamin C, we must acquire it from external sources. I had always thought that it was an easy vitamin to ingest without trying. I realize now that only because the FDA put such a low number for the recommended daily allowance, does it seem like we get enough every day. My guess is that we need much, much more. I always will prefer to get my vitamins from food and not pills or tablets. However, because I am battling a virus that doesn't seem to play by the rules, I'm gonna have to fight dirty. I'm eating a good amount of organic citrus as well, because it's in season and abundant. I'm pretty sure I could be taking even more of the C tablets as well.
The calibration process, which I still have not done because it entails 'voluntary diarrhea' and I have to pick a day where I have nothing to do outside of the house, requires a LOT more vitamin C than I am ingesting daily. There are quite a few websites with instructions, but the general idea is that you take high doses every fifteen minutes, keeping track of how much you are taking, until you get explosive diarrhea, then you do some math to calculate what your daily dosage should be. The websites say that the sicker you are, the more C you will tolerate, and that you should recalibrate at least once a month, because you will need less and less as time goes on, provided you have been taking your appropriate daily dosage. I have mentioned that one of my goals with killing the virus is to get my intestines as cleaned out as possible. I tend to be constipated a lot, and the high dosage I am taking now just makes me regular. That's how I know I could be taking a lot more. I don't have a gurgly gut or anything. I need to do more research on Vitamin C and MMS. It appears as though there should be no consumption of food or anything else for an hour before and after taking the MMS. But would having so much Vitamin C in my system affect the MMS? I am open to suggestions.
That's enough rambling for now! Feel free to comment below.
Have a great day -
The Happy Lab Rat

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