Blog: Water Fasting (second attempt)
by amenra

Some thoughts


Date:   7/27/2013 4:24:56 AM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 16130 times

I drank coffee and it made me speedy.


I have to submit to authority.
What if there are multiple authorities?(Itachi(from naruto), Me)
You have to kill one of them(in your head one of them, its hard, you have to choose a side, unless you want to live like a monk, bum)
What if the authority is corrupt?
1-Fight it. Extremely difficult.Most of the time its a losing battle. But if you are willing to fight a losing battle then do it.
2-Go along with it. Follow a certain path laid out for you.
3-Run away.
All of them leads to pain and suffering.
Unless you accept that we are animals. Animals kill. A lion kills a hyena just for crossing its territory.
We are animals. You can be the biggest murderer(head of a war state) yet have peace of mind. Because god is on your side.(I say this sarcastically, but being an animal and surrounded by other animals I have to behave like one)

Since I am a sort of godless person, my ultimate master is society.
No my ultimate master is my physical heart(not my emotions), Then society.

I have authority over my work.
I have authority over my kids(if i get kids)
I have authority over my career choice.(kinda)

I have to keep working like a dog to catch up to whatever.
Catch up at work.
Catch up in knowledge
Catch up in news
Catch up with family
Work, work, work.
Being average is a lot of work.
I have to delay gratification till death.

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