Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator

What do you value?

*** So many of the younger people feel that it is so hard today... Just because they do not have they have all the latest stuff... ***

Date:   6/7/2013 5:50:44 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 9440 times

How can or do you come to find value in your life?

All things of any real value are compared to some high standard... **** There has to a standard to determine value, because either some thing is real and valuable or else false or counterfeit!
Some things of great value are i.e.: gold, silver, diamonds, solid currency, high quality land, or many other things! The greatest of these is the Kingdom of Heaven! Thus their value is established by the comparison to the greater value item or thing! This is the same with your soul in eternity! Either you will choose God and follow His Awesome Heavenly plan or fall short seeking after the things of this world; which pale in comparison and value!

Romans 1:21
New International Version (NIV)

1:21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

*** The Greek word rendered {magnify} here is the same one translated "glorify" in Romans 1:21 - therefore both magnify & glorify can be used interchangeably...

Because it is the same thing to either Magnify or Glorify! So to glorify God is to magnify Him!

Most people tend to not glorify or magnify God in their lives... However as far as your perception and experience of God goes; you can make Him either smaller or larger in your life! it all depends upon you and how you react and believe.

You can either choose to magnify God and diminish your earthly problems or vise versa! But the sad truth is most of us have become masters of making the smallest, most insignificant things in our life larger - thus minimizing God and His Word in our life!

Most of what we make something a major problem only became so because you have magnified it and made it big! It comes down to how you perceive things... Honestly, some of the things people get so upset about are really nothing...

This type of thinking makes you want to send these people on a one way trip to some third world country - where they really have hardships and grief! They'd have a whole new perspective - and they would magnify things very differently!

It is all the peer pressure, and all the wonderful ads {most based upon a false premises} driving people to lust {desire} for all this stuff... Most of which they can not afford or need.

Mainly because they have magnified " peer pressure " to such a grand extent - that they need to feel good about them-self and have " a positive self-esteem!" HUH!

Yet people a hundred & fifty years ago, were just living trying to survive to live another day! They did not have time to think about their self-esteem... Daily life was their most important activity...

The reason so many are so messed up emotionally today is because we have misplaced our true values! People no longer really care about anyone else but them-self...

** more soon....

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