Blog: Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator

What is religion? Part 1 of X

*** " Religion " is a word though commonly used; has been twisted and misapplied... A religious person means someone who has accepted a creed or observes certain ceremonies or who goes to only certain places of worship! Yet all of this is not enough!

Date:   3/17/2013 2:05:29 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 10055 times


You must have Faith in a personal living Savior...

Yet it is possible to have and follow a religion without the Gospel of Christ!

This is a peril that faces most people; who believe that they count on going to Heaven, because they say, they follow the " Golden Rule as my Religion." But there is no salvation in that, because:
" without shedding of Blood is no remission " of sins.
Hebrews 9:22 { Book of Hebrews is called the fifth Gospel }

Many people think what a waste of time it is to send missionaries to foreign countries, or to tell others; because they have their own religions, so why try to change their thinking?

Well they have too much ritual stuff their religions, that they are so bowed down under the load! Yet they do not have the Good News - Gospel... It is of no eternal importance if a religion, does not have a personal living relationship with The Savior!

Christianity is a personal relationship with Almighty God!

No other religion has or comes close to the Truth of Having a true personal relationship and Savior; who is the actual Son of God to lead you! Check it out for yourself! I have!

Read the four Gospels of Christ, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; then the 5th gospel Hebrews... It is here that you will find the mission of the New Testament! Both of the Books of Acts, & Revelation are the yet to be finished work of God!

We will study how the book of Hebrews; guides us today!



It is well to notice that there is a vast difference between Angels and Human (people who have died) Spirits! Humans do not become angels when they die {unlike popular myth}... Angels are servants and messengers of God, who carry out their duties both in Heaven and in our present sighted existence! Angels worship Christ just as we should...

When Almighty God wanted to save humans from their fallen sinful lives; He did not send Angels; But His Only Begotten Son! Jesus - Yeshua, came a human not an Angel... Thus He lived upon Earth as a human... Hebrews 2:10

Our problem is we (humans) look toward ourselves for answers, and find only our own weakness... Heb 3:1 Then Christ came as the Living God; great Lawgiver (The Great I Am), and gave us a better way; the New Testament... The Old Testament was weak and imperfect. Heb 7:11 & 18...

There are two warnings in Hebrews;
1.) Do not neglect the Great Salvation offered to us; not by angels, but by The Lord Himself! Heb 2:1-4

2.) Do not depart from the living God! Heb 3:12

This Gospel shows us the Superiority of Christ as High Priest = after the Order of Melchizedek {a Royal Priesthood}
Heb 7:3

Which led to (3) three things:

1. A better covenant Heb 8:10-13

2. A better Tabernacle Heb 9:1-12

3. A better sacrifice Heb 10:18

We can go into further study upon these 3 later..


Now our approach into the Throne of Grace: Chap. Heb 9:

Three things stand out about out Lord's great appearances;

Verse 26 Past - on the Cross - " but now once in the end of the world has He appeared to put away sin by sacrifice of Himself "

Verse 24 Present - at the right hand of the throne - " now to appear in the presence of God for us "

Verse 28 Future - in the clouds of Glory - " and unto them that look for him shall He appear the second time without sin unto Salvation "

**** More on Part 2 ....

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