7.5 Million + 2 of Us Will Vote Label GMOs Right to Know
Greetings, California Voters Saying Yes to Our RIght to Know Label GMOs,
I just signed the following petition addressed to: The People of California who are Registered Voters.
Right now, as of June 3, 2012, millions of Californians are without their knowledge eating GMOs every day. GMOs are Genetically Modified Organisms. They have been in our food for a number of decades. Somebody thought this was O.K. to include GMOs in the daily foods we eat, but did not take the time to ask us first if we wanted them there. More than 40 nations of the world have the integrity to give their people choice to know if they are eating GMOs in their corn, soy, and a host of other foods, but in the US, since the inception of the FDA in 1906, we have leaned toward supporting commercial interests that have placed profits over producing healthy kids. This has gone so far that Congress, in Fall 2011, declared that Pizza was a vegetable just so they could keep from the expense of improving foods in our schools. From our point of view, kids would benefit from more and more healthy ingredients. Toward that end, we are coming together, bonding together, opening an honest Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food about GMOs, We are here to educate ourselves, and our fellow Californians that we might each stand in the light about what we are eating. We believe that in signing this petition we are Cultivating Food Justice on our own tables. We insist on our Right to Know and call on each other to Label GMOs.
We love California. We love good food. We love that we can grow our own food. Many of us are regaining confidence now that we can grow some of our own foods. We love and trust the process of initiative in the Golden State. We come together now as registered voters, and others around the country in support, that the people of California become aware that GMOs are in many of our foods. We each, endorse the California Right to Know Label GMOs. We are letting each other know that we are standing together here...to Grow a Healthier Pizza for our Kids.
Pamm Larry Signs the Petition to be Among 7.5 Million Californians and Our Allies in other States and Nations Cheerleading for The Golden State to Label GMO Foods.
This is more than about Labeling for me, it is about winning back our Sacred Seeds and given each of us what Mother Earth says we need to Plant Your Dream!
Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food Sponsors
Join The Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food on Facebook
A Story about the how Leslie planted organic seeds with Dr. Robert Fraley, PhD, the father of Round Up ready Technology toward lessening the tension between GMO Lovers and Organic Lovers. http://curezone.com/blogs/fm.asp?i=1578350
Join the Caravan! Ride with us from San Diego to Santa Rosa, CA September 1-10. Join us along the way. Host a place where we can deliver a heartfelt message along the way, and stir our seeds. Call Leslie @ 619.384-2631. You can be "along for this Freedom Ride" in many ways.
Are you headed to the National Heirloom Exposition September 11,12 & 13 in Santa Rosa? Be sure to attend the Grow a Healthier Pizza workshop at the event. Thanks for joining our Campaign to Educate Californians through the 7.5 Million +2 Campaign. For Updates on our Caravan and to Follow the Success of the 7.5 Million +2, follow us on Facebook here. Be sure to sign today, if you are a Registered Voter in California and plan to Vote Yes to the Right to Know to Label GMOs November 6. Photo of Freya Sadler helping to launch the Grow a Healthier Pizza at the Hillcrest Farmers' Market May 27, 2012. The Hillcrest Farmers' Market is held 9-2 pm each Sunday at the Hillcrest DMV. Leslie can be found at the Rodriguez Stand around 11 am each Sunday, or call 619.384.2431 for a personal tour of his favorite organic vendors.
In the "Grow a Healthier Pizza" Workshop, at the National Heirloom Expo and at various places on The Caravan to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds, you will plant your Dream. Legend says Prophet Noah may have put ancient KAMUT® khorasan grains on the Ark for these challenging times. Ancient wheat become our teacher as we grow it and learn to turn it into a healthier pizza. In this workshop you will work with our harvest of Baker Creek Non GMO Tomatoes that were planted with the intent of growing our own San Marzano pizza topping. We will look at the power in heirloom seeds as sacred seeds to plant our intentions. Many more people are growing food now; Please use heirloom seeds, Non GMO, to ensure our future. This workshop is about saying seeing and seeding victory November 6 for the California Right to Know Label GMO Foods Ballot initiative, and being one of 7.5 million + 2 Californians that will not settle for anything less than winning back our Sacred Seeds. Congress in Fall 2011 declared Pizza is a vegetable; If Pizza is a vegetable then we will load pizza with locally grown organic foods and the finest Non GMO ingredients. We commit, we will not cut corners on the needs of our kids for healthy food. We are each seeds forming the New Ground for America the Beautiful.
Make a Contribution now to Support the Caravan to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds
Join Beet Keepers, Return! Make sure the Little Engine that Could, The Enchanted Garden Mobile, a 68 VW Van, arrrives carrying your well wishes! http://plantyourdream.net/?page_id=13380
Thank you for supporting those who are Supporting the Caravan to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds, and the California Right to Know Label GMO Foods Ballot Initiative
I made this movie a few years back. Bill liked an original slide show I made when we first met, but that was on an Iphoto Library that corrupted. This is a movie I made a year later. It is a favorite of mine, Enjoy, Bill & Thanks for "Getting Away with Being a Kid!" Video by Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener. Music by Paris Bingo, "Getting Away with Being a Kid,"
Plant Your Dream Blog
Bill Tall sponsors Caravan to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds.
Bill Endorses California RIght to Know Label GMO Foods
Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener, creator of the popular Plant Your Dream Blog with more than 5 million page views, is a Food Activist in California, committed to winning the California Right to Know Label GMO Foods Ballot Initiative. Leslie for decades has planted success for super ripe people and their dreams. He was given a U.N. Peace Medal in 1984 by Robert Muller, then Assistant Undersecretary General for the work he would do in his life. Winning back our Sacred Seeds is his life purpose.
"I've been waiting
half my life
to tell somebody
about Leslie Goldman.
Always figured
I'd waith for some
desperate moment.
Now it's here--
Bob Baker
Los Angeles Times Magazine
“Do you remember, a lifetime ago,
when Nat King Cole had a hit song called
'Nature Boy?' It told about a
‘strange, enchanted boy’ who wandered
far, very far, and when he met you,
he taught you many things.
I’ve met that boy, or someone very much like him,
and he is now a man known as the Enchanted
Gardener. I may never be the same.”
–Paul Froemming, writer at Large
Montecito Journal
World Peace Celebration Declaration of Interdependence by
Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
This is the History of Peace On Earth
"Through my eyes, I am recording a History of Peace on Earth,
a History of the Earth and its human flowering.
Our renewed Earth is the Enchanted Garden,
and you and I, Its Gardeners."
--Leslie Goldman,
Your Enchanted Gardener
Quote from Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
Adapt or Non-exist
Adapt or Non-exist, says Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
“Our adaptation to the natural forces
is a question of existence or non-existence.
We cannot transform the universe or nature so that they
adapt themselves to us; on the contrary, we must adapt ourselves
to nature and her laws.”
-Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.
"Nuestra adaptación a las fuerzas de la naturaleza
Es una cuestión de existencia o no existencia.
No podemos transformar el universo o la naturaleza a fin de que
se adaptan a nosotros, por el contrario, tenemos que adaptarnos
a la naturaleza y sus leyes. "
-Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.
Alfred W. McCann, friend of Dr. Wiley Founder of the FDA, Said
in his Book, "The Science of Eating," 1919:
“The Science of Eating” by Alfred W. McCann (1919)
Quote from Alfred McCann On Wheat
From the Preface to “The Science of Eating” by Alfred McCann (1918)
From "Starving America" 1912:
The food manufacturer fears to step outside the
limits of a careful conservative campaign, because
he feels that a radical departure from trade cus-
toms would jeopardize his business. As a com-
m^rcial institution, he declares that his chief
function is not to educate the masses, and points to
the fact that no profit is to be derived from such
Because of these obstacles in the way of reform,
the writer no longer looks to commercial publicity,
or to legislation as means through which to eniight"
en the people. Most of the conditions described
here are unknovm to our legislative bodies, and it
wiU be a long time before Congress can be educated
to that point, where the distressful facts here out*
lined will be noted and acted upon.
The reform work must be done in the schools.
Our children must be taught the meaning of depraved foods. They must learn how those foods are processed, bleached, colored, de-natured, de-germin ated, de-mineralized, chemically treated. They must be taught the relationship of such food to sickness and death. They must be taught the relationship of natural food to health and life. The true conditions, now concealed from the public, must be exposed, in order that the public may make its own choice, guarded by a complete knowledge of factsi
These facts are presented here in a manner understandable to the layman for the first time, and with the addition of the Catechism of Vital Questions and
Answers, this work places before the people a full and complete exposure of the evil conditions, which unmolested, now menace the health and life of
He has been used as a witness by the U.S. Department of Justice in interstate conspiracy prosecution; by the Attorney General of New York State;by the District Attorney of New York County….He has been arrested on charges of criminal assault and upon trail in a hostile court has been acquitted. He has initiated two hundred and six sucessful prosecution of food adulterators and has never lost a case.
Resources of Selene Press
by Harvey W. Wiley, MD
Summary: An illuminating peek at the early—and fateful—politics of food adulteration. From 1906–1912, Dr. Wiley was the head of the USDA's Bureau of Chemistry (later renamed Food and Drug Administration), the department charged with enforcing the country's first food purity law, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. In this excerpt from his 1929 autobiography, Wiley details how the Bureau's authority was illegally usurped by higher-ranking officials within the USDA under the influence of industrial food manufacturers. In one famous case, the solicitor of the USDA forbade Dr. Wiley and other workers of his Bureau from testifying in a federal case in which their testimony would have supported a ban of the food additive sodium benzoate, a compound Wiley and his fellow chemists had determined to be injurious to health yet, sadly, remains one of the most common food preservatives used today. Includes an introduction by Dr. Royal Lee. Special Reprint No. 1-60.
Corruption of the Pure Food Law of 1906 is related in the chapter of the autobiography of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, who fought for food reform. Commercial interests won out. To this day, they have won out, leading us to the the condition of GMO in our food.
1902 An Act of the Unites States Congress was initiated by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, M.D. "to investigate the character of food preservatives, coloring matters, and other substances added to foods, to determine their relation to digestion and health, and to establish the principles which should guide their use. Dr. Wiley became famous after 1902 after he organized what became by the media as the “Poison Squad.”
1906 Sir F.G. Hopkins, English Biochemist, noted that most food factors, (meaning the vitamins) besides carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and water are also REQUIRED for health.
1907 “A Pure Food & Drug Act” went into affect signed by President Roosevelt.
A Message to the World: Dr. Wiley, the father of the Pure Food Act was to serve only one master-the public welfare and safeguard public health. Had Harvey Wiley been able to fulfill his life's ambition, this is what he would have achieved:
“No food product of our country would have any trace of a synthetic chemical preservative; no soft drink any caffeine; no bleached flour would be manufactured. Our foods and drugs would be wholly without any form of misbranding or adulteration. The health of our people would be vastly improved and their life greatly extended. The manufacturers of our food supply, and especially the millers, would devote their energies to improving the public health and promoting happiness in every home by the production of whole ground, unbolted cereal flours and meals.”
1908 Gunther Enderlein, German Medical Doctor, was 36 at the time of Bechamp's death. Enderlein continued and expanded on Bechamps work, and completed after 60 years of fine research the most advanced understandings of the microbial universe in relation to man, ever to have been compiled and understood. He developed the Darkfield Microscope usage for studying live blood specimens. He founded the Sanum Company in Germany which still today produces the world famous Sanum remedies.
1912 March 15, 1912, Dr. Wiley announced his resignation because there was a nullification of the provision that the Bureau of Chemistry was empowered to examine all suspicious foods and refer all cases of misbranding and adulteration to the courts. He lost all his power to regulate food and all his life’s efforts were derailed. Our national health has suffered tremendously and this was one of the saddest times in modern health history.
Crimes Against the Pure Food Law Of 1906
by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, who created what became the FDA.
" The final step to complete the restoration of the law is the repeal of the provision in the appropriation bill abolishing the Bureau of Chemistry and the restoration of the execution of the law to the revivified Bureau.
This is the only amende honorable that could possibly be made for the destruction of the Bureau of Chemistry and the transfer of its authority by an item engrafted ,on an appropriation bill. It may be that the present arrangement is much better than that enacted by Congress. It would be entirely proper, therefore, after this restoration is made, to introduce a new bill into the Congress of the United States, providing for the destruction of the Bureau of Chemistry and the transfer of its authority to the present unit in the Secretary's office.
No attack has been made upon the provisions of the law. They remain exactly as Congress enacted them. It is, therefore, the duty of the present administrative unit to urge the abolition of all these illegal restrictions on their authority and to proceed with all vigor to the execution of the provisions of the law as they were enacted on June 30, 1906."
1936- Scientists were able to synthesize the mirror image of thiamine from coal tar.
1940 About the beginning of World War II, enrichment of refined, devitalized flour became compulsory. The enrichment, so called, was with synthetic fractions of pseudo-vitamins. The practice continues to the day.
Bpb Quinn begins popularizing Kamut (R) Knorasan wheat, beginning a comeback for healthy unadulturated organic wheat.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Jere Gettle always had a passion for growing things, and at age 3 he planted his first garden. Ever since that day, he wanted to be involved in the seed industry. So at the age of 17, he printed the first small Baker Creek Heirloom Seed catalog in 1998. The company has grown to offer 1300 varieties of vegetables, flowers and herbs—the largest selection of heirloom varieties in the U.S.A.
Baker Creek carries one of the largest selections of seeds from the 19th century, including many Asian and European varieties. The company has become a tool to promote and preserve our agricultural and culinary heritage. Our company and seeds have been featured in The New York Times, The Associated Press, Oprah Magazine, Martha Stewart, and many others. Gardeners can request a free 196-page color catalog that now mails to 310,000 gardeners nationally.
Baker Creek started hosting festivals in 2000 as an idea to bring gardeners, homesteaders and natural food enthusiasts together to exchange thoughts, seeds, listen to speakers and enjoy vendors, old-time music and much more. These festivals gave birth to the idea for our pioneer village, Bakersville. Other projects include our trial gardens, seed collecting expeditions, our popular online forums at idigmygarden.com and educational produce exhibits.
How Fast Can a Dream Grow?
As Fast as a Blade of Grass!
When I Touch Grass, I touch Infinity..."
--George Washington Carver
This is a Favorite Quote for the 2012 Season from George Washington Carver. I found this quote in the books of Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, who I see an the foremost Essene Renaissance Prophet of the 20th Century. "Essene" means many things, including, Expectant of the return to wholeness. It means, holding to the Essential. It means each of us being an Organic Uprising, Standing Up for Nature's Original Technology.
This is My Favorite Quote from Luther Burbank
Here is an Online Text Version of The Training of the Human Plant