Blog: WholeFamilyParasiteCleansing
by nanaysdaughter

Day 14 of Humaworm Cleanse

felt a bit better after drinking my first healthy green drink for the last 4 days. I've readd from a CZ thread that raw green juice also kills I have a good enough reason to take this green drink. Tastes good too!.Will sleep early tonight and wake up early tomorrow for a forest walk.. perhaps the pure air will help lighten my mood.

Date:   6/11/2012 6:06:04 AM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 1761 times

Day 10- I missed my morning dose of Humaworm, so took 3 capsules in the evening and 3 capsules the next morning. I also missed a bowel movement.

Day 11- had a coffee enema to move my bowels. Didnt have a goodnight's sleap so I was quiet on edge the whole day, but Have enough excitement to get me through the day, as I was organizing a baby shower for a friend. Since it is a surprise, the shower was held in our house. Ate all the bad stuff as well, sigh! hard to resist crispy pata (pork knuckles), pork barbeque... tsk!

Day 12- watched a play with my daughter and my friend (and her daughter in the morning. Had a terrible headache in the afternoon, so I took a nap. At about 4:30pm had a coffee enema. And walked with my daughter and 2 kids in the neighbourhood...

Day 13 - no bowel movement, terrible headache the whole day. relief from headache after my coffee enema. promised myself to have an early night, but then spent too much time checking Facebook. wwhich just made me all depressed.

Day 14 - today, had rice and egg for breakfast...went to the mall with my daughter (I am on annual leave for 2 weeks)..hope to spend this time detoxing and spending quality time wwith daughter.. but blew my diet again by eating donuts, brownies and chicken bbq...had terrible headache, relieved by another coffee enema, followed by a yogurt enema. Now, I am taking green juice (Moringa, sweet potat leavers, artemisia, apple, ginger with Vitamin C and potassium chloride).

felt a bit better after drinking my first healthy green drink for the last 4 days. I've readd from a CZ thread that raw green juice also kills I have a good enough reason to take this green drink. Tastes good too!.Will sleep early tonight and wake up early tomorrow for a forest walk.. perhaps the pure air will help lighten my mood.

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