Graduation Day Message for Ms Becker's Hami High Seniors
Graduation Day Message for Hami High Seniors June 8 2012:
I have in mind this early morning to write a Graduation Message to the Hami High Seniors. They are having a party today in the classroom of Ms Eva Becker, a remarkable science teacher at Hami High School, who is my Niece, the daughter of my sister Vivian.
Date: 6/8/2012 8:50:33 AM ( 12 y ) ... viewed 4212 times
NEW! JUNE 23, 2012
This is my first Video on the Caravan to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds. It was made and first uploaded on June 23, 2012.
I am thinking right now of a quote from D.. H. Lawrence I want to find about America and how it leaves its dying skin, and how our youth are our hope.
That is the true myth of America.
She starts old, old, wrinkled and writing in an old skin.
And there is a gradual sloughing off of the old skin, towards a new youth.
It is the myth of America. D.H.Lawrence, Studies in Classical American Literature.
Graduation Day Message for Ms Becker's Hami High Seniors
Dear Graduating Students of Ms Eva Becker's class,
I want to tell you that you have brought great joy and fulfillment to me during these three or more years that I have met some of you, given some talks, and shared time imaging the Hami Garden, that is now a reality.
Ms Becker, when I saw you last, gave me pictures of the first time we went out to what is now the Hami Garden. It was mostly a place of dirt that had not yet become soil.
We took a group photo. Some of you are in that photo. The last time I saw some of you, it was at the Medical Fair, April 25, 2012.
You did marvelous projects. I want to congratulate you all for the wonderful work you did.
Some of you planting Seed Dreams that day when I saw you last. The pot where we planted Kamut grass is overflowing.
This morning I am going to do some pruning in that pot. I will cut back some of the grass that does not have room to fully mature. I will work with the seeds. I will leave some of the seeds in the pot. Other Seeds, that represent your dreams, I will put in the ground in a new garden space at the entry to my home that is called the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community Growing Grounds.
Many of you are experts in your generation with texting and communicating via cell phones and the computer. We forget that there is another technology that goes with living on the earth in a healthy way. I call that technology of the earth, Nature's Original Technology.
Sometimes, I hear the plants and nature talking. I feel a sense that they are all waiting on the sidelines of history. They have the most wonderful technology in mind. That technology brings health, vitality, and dream fulfillment.
That technology is based on seeds becoming all they can be.
Each of you are a seed. You are born in a moment when the earth herself is talking to you. She wants you to talk your deepest dreams off the shelf. She wants you to be all you can be.
She has made for you, the most wonderful world. Mother Earth has given you all you need to succeed. This is called healthy food so you can Plant Your Dream.
Right now, I am on a journey within the next few months to prepare to give the world back their sacred seeds. I am sorry that you are graduating into a world, where some people thought it was O.K. to do what they wanted with seeds. They did not have the love that they needed when they were little. Somehow, they thought it was O.K. to take apart seeds through science as a way to solve the problems that go with never having taken the time to learn about the Beat of Nature.
So this is my dream for you.
This is what will come to pass for you.
You will graduate. You will take time this summer to recognize that we are each living in a different world that so wants you to succeed and learn how to be part of a eternal Wellness Spring.
You are the Youth of America. You are every color of the corn. You are the beets that we planted. You are the carriers of the Ancient grain that I will give more room to grow in the ground this very morning.
Love makes everything possible.
Tending plants makes everything possible.
I send you my deepest support, speaking as your Uncle Leslie.
Always know that in what I am doing, you are in my heart, and I thank you for the gift of knowing that our world is in safe keeping.
So begin now your journey. Throw away the things that did not work that others thought they wanted you to learn. Remember the simple grass of the field that has been and will always be.
Remember how fast a dream grows, and grow.
Always here for you starting with this Facebook Page;
Uncle Leslie
Food as Medicine: #expowest Gifts from Uncle Leslie for Hami High School Students
For Our Youth
This is my favorite quote from Lurther Burbank, in the 'Training of the Human Plant"
Leslie Goldman is a real food advocate from San Diego. He was given a U.N. Peace Medal in 1983 from Robert Muller, assistant secretary general for the U.N., for the work he would do in his life. Leslie is a popular internet writer on the Plant Your Dream Blog with more than 4.7 million page views. He is known for his compelling photography. The book "The Ultimate Gardener," HCI 2009 is dedicated to him, "It reads, "To Leslie Goldman, The Enchanted Gardener, for planting dreams and seeds of inspiration. To all those who garden and for those who dream to have a garden one day."
Bob Baker of the Los Angeles Times Magazine wrote years ago:
“I’ve been waiting
half my life
to tell somebody
about Leslie Goldman.
Always figured
I’d wait for some
desperate moment.
Now it’s here–
Bob Baker
Los Angeles Times Magazine
Gary Hirshberg, former CE-YO of Stonyfield Farm has said, "The Time is Now!"
I am setting out in 2012 to inspire thousands of new gardeners. I set this intention when I spoke at Organic Listening Day at the USDA in Washington September 20, 2011, and volunteered to be the Enchanted Gardener for the People's Garden Initiative. The beginning: We can each grow some of our own food in containers and get our beat back with nature. I travel with a silver box that contains the deepest dreams of humanity, and a pot where you are invited to Plant Your Dream. I hand out seeds to others as well and encourage their planting. We have reached a tipping point of consumer initiative thanks to so many divergent voices coming together. A literal grassroots movement of gardeners will inspire the White House, Congress, and its Federal agencies to come to terms with Real Food Safety; this includes GMO proliferation. Our Food Emergency is my pressing issue of the 2012 campaign. As a consumer movement, the Right to Know Initiative reached near 1,000,000 signers in early May to get on the California Ballot. Now we are taking the next step at the ballot box this November. Washington is in the farm bed with Biotech Agriculture. Thousands more small gardeners are needed, and a new generation of organic farmers. We will ignite a movement of 10 million strong or more leading to 'Uncle Sam Marries "Anti" GMO.' "Grow a Healthier Pizza" is my contribution toward this victory through blogging, educating and planting strong intentions.
I will caravan to the National Heirloom Expo, September 11,12,13 in Santa Rosa, CA. This event falls less than two months before the election and features some of our big anti GMO hitters, including Jeffrey Smith and Vandana Shiva. This Expo is a rally point for winning the campaign to Label GMOs in California.