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by kerminator

RiSo Triene

Rice is nice!

Date:   11/20/2010 4:25:19 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 45809 times


 ***  Rice offers some of the best for alll....   

A Breakthrough Discovery Allows The Two Parts of Rice to Be Separated Without the Onset of Rancidity

Unfortunately, until recently it was not possible to separate the germ and bran from the starchy part of the rice kernel because when separated the rice bran goes rancid within just hours of being separated. But, a little over 10 years ago, a process for stabilizing the nutrient dense part of rice was discovered. This process involves mechanical extrusion of the rice germ and bran, breaking the lipase enzyme which causes the onset of rancidity. So, now, the nutrient dense portion of the rice kernel can be separated without rancidity occurring.

With this discovery, for the first time in the history of man, rice’s tremendous nutrition is available without having to also eat all the carbohydrates. This wonderful product is called RiSoTriene.

A person would have to eat 30 plus pounds of white rice to equal the nutrition in a single canister of RiSoTriene.

For vitamin pill takers, take note that because RiSoTriene is a food, rather than a vitamin supplement, it contains numerous vitamins and other nutrients that man-made supplements can NEVER furnish.

How RiSoTriene Is Made

RiSoTriene is a granulated powder that is extracted from the outer layer of the paddy rice kernel in a three step process.

  1. The germ and bran are stabilized by fracturing the lipase enzyme that otherwise causes rancidity.
  2. Insoluble fiber is removed via filtration.
  3. What remains is then predigested — so that it is virtually perfectly assimilable by everyone.

What RiSoTriene Does Inside the Body

The nutrients in RiSoTriene signal your body’s cells to “repair” themselves. RiSoTriene is the best source of Gamma Oryzanol, an important nutrient that naturally accelerates healing of bodily tissues. The bottom line is that by eating RiSoTriene daily, your body’s natural healing capacity will be accentuated and will feel better in many ways!

So, we invite you to learn about the discovery of RiSoTriene and why it is one of the most nutrient-packed foods on earth. You need to try it. Once your body discovers RiSoTriene, you won’t want to live without the increased energy and wellness its daily use offers.

Why RiSoTriene?

RiSoTriene feeds your body more raw nutrition than you can get in perhaps any other way. This is so important because over the long haul, excellent nutrition is the best ensurer of health.

Here are ten reasons why RiSoTriene is the preferred food supplement of thousands of people:

  1. RiSoTriene is FOOD!  and provides us with numerous nutrients that scientists will never be able to synthesize — in a balanced format that doesn’t cause extra work for the body to utilize.
  2. RiSoTriene contains very few calories (55 per serving).
  3. RiSoTriene is gluten free. So, even people suffering from IBS and celiac disease can eat it.
  4. RiSoTriene tastes great in water/juice or mixed in food.
  5. RiSoTriene is powerful for healing the cells and tissues of the human body. It naturally contains Gamma Oryzonal, one of the most important group of healing nutrients known to man and the subject of numerous use-patents Gamma Oryzanol instructs the cells to repair themselves.
  6. RiSoTriene is an antioxidant power house with numerous distinct antioxidants. Antioxidants work better in teams and in RiSoTriene there are at least 107 distinct antioxidants including numerous powerful tocotrienol antioxidants.
    • Tocotrienols are more mobile and more reactive than other antioxidants. So, in a sense they’re better. They have been shown in some preliminary studies to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Also, tocotrienols have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer by over 90%. The least potent antioxidant of RiSoTriene is sixty times more potent than Vitamin E and the most powerful antioxidant in RiSoTriene is 6,000 times more potent at neutralizing free radicals than Vitamin E.
  7. RiSoTriene is great for enhanced athletic performance because it contains a powerful comprehension of natural B-Vitamins (rice is the source of most B-Vtiamin products) that have been shown to increase energy and stabilize blood sugar (including those B-Vitamins that cannot be synthesized in a laboratory such as Pangamic Acid or B-15, that has been called the Russian athletic performance secret.
  8. Another outstanding characteristic of RiSoTriene is that it contains all of the amino acids to help maintain organs, glands and tissues.
  9. RiSoTriene is highly digestible and assimilable. It is hypoallergenic (new born babies, allergic to their own mother’s milk, have thrived on it).
  10. RiSoTriene is prepared with quality standards that go beyond ordinary food and nutritional products — every batch is tested for residue of pesticides and chemicals before and after processing. The bran and germ from which RiSoTriene is captured comes from rice grown in Montana and California’s Sacrament Valley within 7 seconds of milling. This nutrient dense portion of the rice kernel is then stabilized via extrusion and further filtered to remove insoluble fiber.

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