Blog: EarthSpirit
by Mayah

Akashic Record

Kryon Channeling by Lee Carroll--I had tears rolling down my face while I read this! Kryon talks about DNA, the Akashic record, Crystalline Grid, Cave of Creation, Gaia, Pleidians, animals, whales and more!

Date:   10/12/2010 9:10:06 PM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 50457 times

"The Akashic System"

This live channelling was Given in Syracuse, New York
Saturday September 11, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Syracuse in September, 2010.


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The masters had a phrase: "It is well with me, it is well with my soul." They would say it even in times before death, in times that were frustrating, and in times of difficulty. It is because they were focused on one thing and one reality - that the love of God inside them creates love of self. We have said this before. We have channelled it many times. We've even told you that it's the secret to mastery. Get to the place where you are content with that which is in you, which is God, and let all of the other things around you slowly develop in appropriateness as you learn what to do with your life. Do not decide in advance where you're going to go or what you're going to do.

Shortly, we'll give a channelling that outlines the difference in energy between the very ancient past, the relative past and the energy that is in the shift. We'll give the attributes of how a Lightworker deals with specifics and how things have changed. It's coming [given in Buffalo, New York]. But that's not today.

Today I wish to give you the profundity of the Akashic system that is Gaia and humanity. What I want to do is explain your relationship to a system that seemingly is complex and esoteric, but that literally defines your relationship with the earth. Every so often, I will give this kind of channel, where absolutely nothing in the message is anything you can prove. It's not science, but instead it's spiritual, and this one is about you.

Is it possible that the whole purpose of Gaia is to support humanity? Is it possible that Human Beings are not simply another mammal on a planet moving around the sun? Is it possible that the energy delivered from the vibratory rate of this planet is based upon what humanity does and will actually affect the Universe? The answer's yes to all. So if that is the case, what kind of a system is in place that would allow such a thing to be? That's what we'll discuss now in this short amount of time.

The Energy of the Planet and the Akash

Let us speak of Gaia and the Akash. You might have heard that Gaia is an energy, which is of the planet Earth. Gaia is sentient [conscious]; Gaia has innate intelligence; Gaia, therefore, has an intelligent consciousness that "knows" about you. Gaia is able to converse and speak much like Kryon does. If you have heard that, you'd be right.

Gaia's energy speaks in so many ways, and one of them is seen by looking at the Akash. If you asked Gaia what this is, it would be defined as the "life force of the planet." This takes into consideration everything that is alive, including those things you don't even think are alive. So the concept of the Akash of Gaia is huge and is very grand. But tonight, I wish to speak specifically of Gaia's system of the Akash of the Human Being in relationship to the earth. We speak of Gaia's cooperation in the Human spiritual experience, and that essentially everything revolves around the Human, even the planet's purpose.

If we start at the beginning and give simple definitions, we will say that there is a system to keep track of who is on the earth. Now you may not think Spirit wouldn't need a system at all, and you'd be right. But Gaia does, and there is a reason. For every single Human soul that comes to this place called Earth makes a difference as a unique energy that actually modifies the life force of Gaia. So when that soul arrives, Gaia creates a record, and more. So here come the specifics.

The Cave of Creation

Many times I have reviewed a concept with you that I again present. Deep within the earth, there is an interdimensional cavern that will never be found. It has 3D properties that connect it with Earth reality, but it is also multidimensional. This is difficult to explain to you since you only perceive reality in a single-digit dimensionality. So I can explain all I want, but my explanations fall short of your understanding. It would be like I spoke to you in your language and suddenly changed to one you had never heard, where the words were jumbled, backwards, and all rearranged in a nonlinear way. Not only would you not understand the message, but the very strange language itself would be disturbing for you to hear. This is how multidimensional things appear to you - chaotic. But I will at least give the information as best I can so you will know the "what," if not the "how."

The Cave of Creation is one of the only physical objects on the planet that is a dimensional hybrid. That is to say it has three-dimensional properties that absolutely you would see and understand if it were visible, which it is not - for it can never be found or detected, and it won't be. Within this mulitdimensional place is the record of who you are. Again, it's called the Cave of Creation.

When you come to the planet, this is the first place you visit, even before the birth canal. When you leave the planet, it's the last place you visit before you come home. It, therefore, is the depository of the record of humanity - all of the lives that humanity have lived and the very core soul essence of who each of you are. Here is more information on how it works. It is the Akashic Record.

Each soul in the Cave of Creation is unique. Let us take yours, for instance. What is your spiritual name? It's not a name you can pronounce, dear one, but rather an energy. That energetic name is partly the name of God and is recorded in the Cave of Creation metaphorically, as a stripe on a crystalline structure. The crystalline structure, you might say, is that which remembers the vibration of who you were. So when you come into the planet for the first time, there is a crystalline structure waiting for you (since the potential of your arrival is known). As you live on planet Earth, Gaia and the entire system "knows" you are here. Then you pass over to the other side of the veil. When you leave, you visit the cave again and enhance that crystalline structure with an energy of everything you have done. Then you leave the earth, but the crystalline structure with your information remains.

Now, let us say you come back to Earth, and you're going to have another life and another earthly name. Before you arrive within the birth canal, another stripe is added to the crystalline structure. Note: It is the same soul, but now has stripe number two. As it develops on the planet, the cave knows you will return and activate or awaken the stripe every time you return. So, therefore, you have a crystalline structure for every soul, not every lifetime. Some of the souls represented have a thousand stripes! So perhaps you might understand that there are far fewer of these crystalline soul records than you thought. One for every soul, not every life.

Now I want to tell you something: There are old souls in this room and reading this. That's who you are. Even the one or the two here that have come to this place not necessarily for the program, but to be with somebody else, are old souls as well. You don't have to know about spiritual things to be an old soul. Many walk this earth and never awaken to who they are, for this is their free choice. But the fact is that the Humans who often come to meetings of this kind are the ones feeling the calling to be part of a shift of the planet, the end of one age and the beginning of another. These are the ones whose eyes are on the page now.

The Mysterious Functions of the Cave

So the Cave of Creation becomes the Gaia record of who is here and who has been here. This, then, is the physical part. What I tell you next is the interdimensional part that is confusing to the Human Being. Listen: The cave is static in 3D and yet dynamic in multi-D; that is to say, there are never any crystals added or taken away in 3D. That means that there's a crystalline structure for every potential Human Being who will ever live on planet Earth. Now you might say, "Oh, no, that doesn't make sense. It sounds like predestination. Spirit knows everyone who is coming?" No we don't, but this is not predestination. Instead, the cave is predisposed in a quantum way to be complete every moment. A quantum energy deals with potentials, and not empirical [absolute] attributes. Therefore, as things change on the planet, the cave changes quantumly, but not physically. The crystalline structure counts do not change. I can't explain that to you except to say this is a quantum event. The cave is always complete. It always has all of humanity in it. It is connected to the past, present and future.

The very confusing thing for you is that this means you are actually interacting with those who are not here yet. Again, I can't explain it any better than that, and your three-dimensional mind is not ready to go on that journey. But know this.

The cave is complete.

It's sacred.

It's sealed forever.

The soul crystals remember your lives and the energy of your lives.

The soul energies within the crystals interact with each other.

The lifetimes you live modify the energy of the cave and, therefore, Gaia.

Gaia is there, since the cave resides interdimensionally within Gaia.

So, in summary, this cave becomes the record of souls, of their many lifetimes and the energy that they create. Now listen to me, for this is the focus of this message. Whatever you do on the planet, whatever vibrational energy you create on the planet, is imbued into these crystalline substances. The record of that life energy remains on the planet with the accompanying vibration within that crystal - forever.

Mary and George

Let's say you are Mary tonight. I'll talk to you. Mary, when you cross over, the cave is where you're going. It's a three-day Earth journey. Mary, old soul, you've been there before. Oh, Mary, you've been there before - and because of that, you go there in joy. You remember it! You know where you're going, and you remember what it means. You're going home. There is no sting in death, for although there might be a temporary fog of interdimensional reconnection, you remember the feeling of joy! This is the promise to you, Mary, that we all take your hand and you feel it. Death of the Human Being is a transitional energy, not a terminal one. There is no "end," but rather a journey to an energy that you remember the moment you take your last breath.

Let us say Mary is a healer. Let us say Mary has increased the vibration of this planet by her very presence of walking on the earth. Let us say that the earth remembers Mary's footsteps, because Gaia knows who she is. Let us say that Mary is in touch with her Higher-Self. Let us say Mary has created a mini-portal wherever she goes because of this, and now she passes over.

There is a gathering of Humans... much sorrow. They are so sorry to see her go because she was a marvelous presence, a wonderful mother and loving Human Being. They cry and there are tears and there is grieving. Well, here's the metaphysical truth: Mary goes to the Cave of Creation and everything she ever was, and the portal she created as a Human, is imbued into her soul crystalline structure. That portal then remains because Mary was here! The marvelous presence, the wonderful mother and the loving Human is not wasted! It's imbued into Gaia itself, through the process of the Cave of Creation, and that energy of remembrance never goes away. It never goes away! It becomes part of the earth life-force consciousness from then on.

Then she comes again as George.


Don't just laugh, because here's the real process and the beauty of the system. Ready? When George comes in, he picks up Mary's record! Then both George and Mary go to the next area of Akashic teaching, the second of the four parts we are teaching today. The system continues.

The Akash Within your DNA

Everything that is represented in the crystalline of the Cave of Creation regarding your core soul crystal is transferred to your DNA at birth. You transfer it in the Cave of Creation. That's why you go there. It's becomes your personal Akashic Record, every lifetime you've been, everything you've ever done is all in your DNA. As we have mentioned before, this Akashic Record resides in every double helix in a multidimensional way, and is represented by the billions of chemicals in the 90% of DNA that science sees as junk! Science is looking at it with 3D eyes and it seems vastly complex with no symmetry or order. It is, indeed, multidimensional to the max! But it's all there in a beautiful system. We have told you that before. But perhaps you didn't get the full implications of what it means?

Think. George, you now have George and Mary in your DNA, but only George's body is there. So, what is George going to do with Mary's lifetime in his DNA? I'll give you the answer. Everything that Mary learned is now available to George. Remember that Mary and George are the same soul, just taking a different form on Gaia at the moment. The beauty of the system is this: The Higher-Self is also the same, since it represents core soul energy. Therefore, George doesn't have to learn again what Mary learned! It's in his DNA. Even the compassionate mother is there. Mary's spiritual journey is there, and at a level that could care less about gender, the love of God is there, created by the journey of a Human soul on planet Earth.

Listen to me. You came into this life and you sit in the chair hearing and reading this - and you're learning spiritual things today. Maybe you think there is a steep learning curve and so much to know? Maybe all this is new, and you are overwhelmed with all this information and the feelings that go with it? Let me tell you, old soul, that you are simply awakening something you already knew. If you give intent, old soul, you will remember it!

What if you are a very old soul on this planet? That means you're going to have the wisdom of the ancients in your DNA right now. It means that every page you read in a Kryon book, you can say, "I remember this. It's right. There's nothing new here. But it's nice to see it in writing."

[Kryon smile]

Let us now look at the first two attributes of the Akash of humanity. (1) The Cave of Creation is a record of who comes and goes. The energy thereof stays with the earth and helps the vibration of the planet to change. Therefore, human lifetimes modify the vibration of the planet. (2) The DNA of each Human contains the individual record of the one soul and helps the next incarnation [Human expression on Earth] to become more aware, if this is their choice.

Look at the first attribute in this lesson: It's Gaia related. The cave is in Gaia. It is deep in the earth and it represents many crystalline structures. "Known by the earth," you are. Loved by the earth, you are. Those of you who deal with Earth-like things - nature, animals, even the study of the rocks and land - can feel it. When you walk in certain places, you can feel it! The intelligence, which is Gaia, speaks to you. There is a confluence of energy that wraps around you that says, "I know you. You belong here. It is appropriate that you step upon the planet." Oh, Human Being, for what you do here will change the Universe eventually. Can't you feel it? How many of you have ever walked into a forest alone and felt the company of the trees? That's real!


I speak of the precious animals all the time and how they're here to service humanity and how they do it so completely. I've spoken about how some of them are here to be eaten. Many don't like to hear this, but understand that collectively the animals understand this. They have to be part of the Human food chain, since humanity doesn't have the ability to grow things fast enough and distribute that food. So that's a service, you see? For those of you who are vegan, you might say, "I never eat them!" That is a choice for your health. It's appropriate and accurate, but doesn't hold true for the survival of the Human race, for animals are needed for Human nourishment and survival at the moment.

So let's divert for a moment and give you some valuable information about Human consumption of animal life. Many Humans need to eat them, but never understanding that the animal knew this when it came in. Is this too spooky for you? This is known by those who know of animal spirits and can see the sacrifice and appropriateness of this. It was also very well known by the ancients. But here is the question, dear Human: How do you treat them? With that kind of purpose on the planet, how do you treat them before they become your food? How did the ancients treat them? Now that's a hard question, isn't it? Let me give you an attribute of truth. Did you know the better they're treated, the more nutritious they'll be within your body? "Kryon, please don't talk about that. We don't want to think about it." Dear one, if not me, then who? Listen, if these animals are willing to come and be so grand a part of the life-force of this planet and help it to vibrate higher by keeping you alive so you can make choices, don't they deserve respect and comfort while they are growing up? The end result will be a far better contribution to your health. Let the scientists lead the way and do some comparison studies to show that the nutritional values increase dramatically when an animal is honored during its short lifetime. The ancients knew this and honored each animal before it became part of their life-force.

There is no Cave of Creation for the animals. They are here in support of humanity. Some of them are here to love you and you know that. We speak of the ones in your home. They're here to love you - another great service to Humans. You look in their eyes and they look back. They see the old soul within you, did you know that? They know the system. But they don't live very long, do they? Sometimes there is heartbreak when they leave. But the good news? Yes, they can reincarnate! They have choice with you to continue the love affair! I don't know how many dear ones in the room are aware of that system and I want my partner to develop this more clearly so those animal lovers will know this. When their dear loved animals die, they can continue the love affair if they want to by looking in the right place and finding the returning soul, picking it up and continuing what they had. There's somebody in the room and reading that needed to hear that. There is a system for their core souls to return!

So in a way, many animals have souls, too, but they're not in the Cave of Creation. They don't have the profound system of planetary change that you do, which is a consciousness that can increase itself by free choice. The Human is the only being on Earth who can do this, because the Human has divinity in the DNA. It was implanted there, appropriately and with love, approximately 100,000 years ago by that which is from another star system.

We have given you all this before. In all appropriateness, the Humans on this planet received their spiritual seeds from the Pleiadians in a beautiful way, in an appropriate way, in a divine way, in a perfect way. There were no wars, no conspiracies, and these beautiful star souls are still here. They're your brothers and your sisters and a piece of them is in you. You're in a quantum state with them. I can't explain that anymore either. But some of you can feel it. Some of you can see it. It's beautiful, and it's not inappropriate, odd or scary. Instead, it is the real creation story on the planet and can be found in the indigenous writings all over the planet. Look for references to the seven sisters and the stories about creation.

In your DNA surges all that you ever were, old soul, and we have told you in many channellings how you can access this. This access is not just as spiritual information, but as the ability to access some of the Human attributes that you had in the past. The essence of the energy of who you used to be is in your DNA. Therefore, this Akashic information has the ability to communicate to the blueprint of your stem cells. Remember, it's all within the same double-helix structure that contains the protein-encoded section, your genes! Are you understanding this? Your DNA is, therefore, a far larger system than any medical authority has ever believed it to be. It is an interdimensional system that has the ability to modify itself at any time. It explains spontaneous remission. Spontaneous remission is the Human Being who decides they're done with the disease, and who then picks up the energy from a past life that never had the disease. Many Humans have rid themselves of the most virulent diseases known to man. They suddenly come up clean with no trace of it - spontaneous remission. The dreaded disease simply goes away. I'll tell you, dear one, that is not a miracle from above. That's a miracle from within.

The Crystalline Grid - The Third of Four

Let me tell you number three. There is a grid of appropriateness that is being activated in this energy today, like never before. It is an esoteric grid, which means it is spiritual in nature and you cannot see it. It has a name that should give away what it does. It is called the Crystalline Grid. Crystalline is the name given to it so you'll understand it is a storage attribute of Gaia and it stores life-force information. It is similar to the Cave of Creation regarding the purpose of the crystalline structure - information storage.

So let's refine the definition from the above for clarity. The Crystalline Grid of Gaia [the planet] is a grid of the earth that is esoteric [spiritual] and that stores the life-force energy of humanity, the energy of you. Now this is different than the Cave of Creation. The cave is a record of who you are and what you've done. The energy of your contribution to Earth [whatever it is] goes into the cave, becomes part of the earth, and stays there. The Crystalline Grid, however, is above the earth; imagine it laying upon the earth. This grid is on the exterior. You can't see it, but it's there.

Now, this Crystalline Grid also contains imprints of your energy, but is location specific. The best example I can give you is this. When you go to parts of Europe, you might feel what has happened there. There are layers and layers of war. Some of you have a hard time meditating there. It's difficult to clear the land, isn't it, because of what's happened on the land? The Crystalline Grid contains everything that ever happened and where it happened. You see? So it is a location-specific Human energy storage grid. Is it part of Gaia? Absolutely. It lays upon Gaia like a blanket of energy of Human consciousness.

Did you ever notice that when you go to certain parts of the planet where almost nothing happened significant in Human history, it's clear and clean and you meditate better? I want to ask you something. Do you think this has an effect on where the spiritualists in this new energy come from? Take a look at where all of the channellers have come from in the last 25 to 30 years. They have come from the pristine lands that never had major wars [many from the western portion of the USA]. Did you think of that? Take a look. This is because it's easier for a Human Being to relate to a pristine essence of Gaia. It creates a far stronger spiritual connection. Again, here it is. The connection with Gaia is there - the connection with the earth. Why the earth? Because Gaia is part of a measuring system, a vibrational measuring system. There'll come a day when the earth is measured for its vibrational attributes - attributes created by what the Humans did. Collectively, the entire Human experience lays upon and within this planet, and creates a vibratory rate that is measurable by Spirit. That's the Crystalline Grid.

A while ago, we gave you some of the attributes of this Crystalline Grid that you didn't expect. It's in a recent channelling [Berkeley Springs, West Virginia]. You can read and understand even more of the energy it contains. It even explains ghosts. The Crystalline Grid contains a quantum imprint so strong in certain areas that even though the Human Beings have left, the imprint of what they did replays like a tape. Go find this information if you're interested.* That's how profound the Human influence is upon Gaia.

A Summary

So here you are with this information. Interesting, isn't it? There are three places where your Human energy exists at the same time. (1) The Cave of Creation - it keeps a record of who you are as you come and go, and imbues your lifetime of experience to the vibration of the planet even after you have gone. It is the multidimensional system that captures the Human experience for Gaia and it stays with Gaia. (2) The DNA in the Human body helps you while you are alive in each lifetime, for all that you ever were is information and energy that is stored in the double helix. All thousand lifetimes are there if you've lived a thousand of them. They are all accessible. You never have to relearn anything spiritually since it's cumulative - that is, it stays with you from lifetime to lifetime. All you have to do is open that spiritual jar of intent to remember, and out will come the wisdom of the ancients. This ought to tell you something. All of you are your own ancestors. Did you think of that? (3) The Crystalline Grid - a spiritual grid that lays over the planet's surface that remembers everything that Humans do and where they do it. This grid is also being reactivated as you approach 2012, for it is becoming more quantum in that what you do in real time is being transferred to Gaia through this grid in real time. This means that the energy of humanity is affecting the vibrational level of the planet in actual time instead of waiting to receive the energy after you pass to the Cave of Creation. This also creates a feeling of time going faster for you.

Look at the ancestors for a moment, for they knew something. Look at their wisdom. What is the first thing they did when they started a spiritual ceremony? They honored their ancestors! They all know intuitively that their ancestors are still with them. That is always first in their order of honoring. Before they make decisions, they always go to the ancestors and ask them for wisdom. The indigenous know how to mine the Akash, they always have, because they realize the circle of life contains accessible information. They know it's inside of them. They also knew Gaia and considered the earth as a life-force partner - a partner in their soul life. Oh, dear one, if you study the ancients, you're going to find everything I've given you today. They knew. Intuitively, they knew.

The Backup System is Alive

Lastly, here is something we have spoken of only two times before. Years and years ago, we gave you some information that we now complete. It may be hard for you to understand the following, but the three systems I just gave you are mostly Gaia related. Even the Human DNA is part of the Gaia system, since it represents a biological evolvement of humanity on the planet, from the dust of the earth. Yet there is a backup system for all of it, a redundancy that isn't the kind of "backup" that you think of -- for your backup is something that is linear, in case you lose the first one. This "backup" system is one that assists the others all the time. The information of those three combined Akashic systems are stored in a living mammal on this planet. It has to be this way, for it is the final layer and it connects you not only with Gaia, but it connects you with the rest of the life on Earth in a most profound way. The system is stored in the whales of Earth.

Let's talk about whales for a moment. You love them, don't you? By the way, ask a biologist - a dolphin is a whale, just a smaller one. Did you know that? You love the dolphins, don't you? Did you realize that the whale is the only mammal on the planet protected by treaties signed by almost all of the countries of Earth, even the countries without an ocean? What a coincidence! There is an intuitive level of all humanity, no matter what their system of government, no matter where they are, which knows that you can't eliminate whales or you'll change the life-force balance of Earth. They hold the records. It is the cycle. The whales are in Gaia; they're under the water. They're mammals like you. They contain the information. The Akashic cycle is complete. The very water of the earth also glows with everything you've done, who you are and who you might be.

Do you see the profundity of the system? Look at what it is about: It's about you. All of it. Why would the earth be designed so intelligently to keep track of you, to honor you, to know who you are and the spiritual name you have? Why would that be unless you were important, unless you were part of the master plan, unless you had something to do with the Universe's future. Think about it. That's the system. I won't be the only one to channel this information to you. There are others who've never heard these words, who will tell you the same thing. If you get a chance, you might even ask Gaia, and she'll tell you the same thing.

Gaia exists for the sacred Human Beings who are on this planet in lesson. I give you this in love today. I want you to think about something. Everywhere you walk, you're known by the earth. What a system! Why do I give this to you today? It's so that you continue to feel loved and cared for. It's so you know there's a hand-holding going on between Spirit and you and Gaia, if you want it. There are so many things here for you if you want them. Old soul, you sit here for a purpose. Maybe you needed to hear this today. Important you are, precious you are, and a master you are. Now go claim it. Live a long time. Be joyful in the process. Don't make up your mind what's supposed to happen. The worst thing you can do is predispose what God has for you based upon what you think is happening now. Instead, relax, be joyful in all things, and fall in love with yourself.

Leave this place differently than you came.

I am Kryon, lover of humanity - for a good reason.

And so it is.




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