Blog: Water Logged
by arielrobyn

Day 2: Don't Make Me Drink That

Day one is all about the water...

Date:   8/4/2010 12:41:11 AM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 49734 times

Day two of my cleanse starts too early for me to be happy. I'm up at 6:30 a.m. to get ready for a big ceremony at work. It's a big event with a bunch of really big wig historic people, so I have to be on my best behaviour.

Fully dressed and waiting on my mom, I start making our lemonades. I put syrup in mine, black strap molassas in hers. Dad is watching me in total disgust but I can't be bother to care this early in the morning.

In the car on the way to the event, I stare at my lemonade in distaste. I have just brushed my teeth, no way am I going to drink that now and ruin the delicious minty freshness I am breathing.

The event is long and we shake a lot of hands in the hot morning sun. I have my giant bottle of Smart Water with me to help me through the day, and by the time we leave, I've made my way through the whole thing plus another smaller bottle I got from the event.

I've been in a good mood up until now, I've been meeting some really important people, but all of a sudden on the ride home, I snap. I'm cranky, angsty and aggressive. I lash out at my mom as she tries to engage me in conversation, and though I instantly feel bad about it, I can't bring myself to change my mood. I feel awful and no where near hungry enough to drink my stupid lemonade.

I head to work angsty and frustrated. Today is a bad day to be in a bad mood because the only other person in the office is also in a bad mood. The tension is thick in the office all afternoon.

By about 2:30 p.m. I'm close to passing out. My boss is back from lunch and laughing at me because I can't summon the energy to do anything. Simple tasks are taking me forever to accomplish. Meanwhile, I've downed about four more bottles of water while at work and haven't peed once. I can't even bring myself to drink the lemonade, just looking at it makes me want to toss my cookies all over the place.

2:40 my boss hands me a UPS package, sends me to the store to drop it off, then home to sleep. I'm so exhausted I can't even summon proper gratitude to thank him.

3:07 I get home, finish off my current water bottle and pass out.

6:12 I wake up disoriented. I hardly ever nap, it messes up my nightly sleep pattern, but now I feel as if I could sleep longer. I do some work, sipping at my water and ignoring the occasional pains of hunger. I can't eat or drink anything other than smart water, that much I know.

Mom tries to convince me to drink some tea that will help me poop, then she tries to get me to drink salt water. I want to vomit at even the suggestion of both options. Even my past favourite limeade is making me sick now.

So sticking to strictly smart water, I continue my work.

I'm exhausted, water logged and cranky... and all I can keep down is smart water.

It's the worst second day ever.

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