Blog: My Journey to Cure my Acne
by #124387

The acne equation

The three componenets of the presence of acne

Date:   1/15/2010 7:25:06 AM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 1134 times

I have spent the last couple of years researching holistic ways in which I can cure my cystic acne, and that research has helped me to learn an awful lot about the body and more importantly why and how acne is caused.

Here I'm just going to elaborate briefly on the acne equation:

Any one of these components in their own right can cause acne, when more than one factor comes into play is when the really serious acne occurs.

1) Hormonal imbalance

Excessive androgens in the system are incredibly toxic and must be removed from the system in one way or another. When everything is running smoothly in the body, these androgens are filtered out by the kidneys, liver and intestines. However when the load is too high for the organs to cope with, they must be excreted through the skin, which blocks pores and allows acne bacteria to grown and spread.

2) High levels of Toxicity

From eating substances that your body doesn't appreciated. Things like red meat, rancid oils, many processed foods. Can also be caused by air pollution, metal tooth fillings, by ingesting things you are allergic to etc. The list goes on.

3) Genetic Tendencies

Poor liver, bowel and kidney function or poor lymphatic system can all contribute to acne. These are hereditary defects or genetic defects that you don't have much control over but you can help to alleviate by keeping the organs in good health through things such as cleasing.

I'll do another update about my EFA consumption over the next few days.

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