January 13, 2008
London, Ontario, January 18, 2009.
London Seekers' Spirituality Expo.
Come and meet the talented people and organizations from a variety of spiritual paths in London, Ontario. Meet Douglas in person and be part of his lecture, "The Divine Within." He will also be doing a Spiritual Healing demonstration in "The Centennial Room," at 4:30 PM, at the Church of St. Jude, 1537 Adelaide Street N., London, ON. This expo is by donation. For more information visit their site, www.londonseekers.org
Toronto, Ontario, January 26, 2009.
The Richard Syrett Radio Show.
CFRB 1010 Toronto, Ontario. Tune in on the internet or listen live to Douglas the last Monday of each month. Exciting topics and demonstrations of Douglas's intuitive wisdom. Call in and ask questions or make a comment. Be part of the show. Douglas returns to his monthly guest spot on January 26, 2009 at 11:00 PM (EST). To listen live online from anywhere in the world, visit www.cfrb.com
Maryland, January 29, 2009.
Paranormal Research and Resource Society Radio Show.
8:00 PM EST. This will be Douglas's first appearance as guest on this radio program about the paranormal. For more information, visit their site, www.prrsociety.org
Q. Is it wrong to be a spiritual person and still want to make a lot of money?
A. The answer is no, it's not. In order to survive in the physical, material world, one has to have assets, have an income, a place to live, and be able to support themselves financially, so they are not a burden, but rather a contributor to the world. If one wishes to do any good in the world or contribute to it, one must have resources. A poor person can't give what they don't have. A giver can only give from excess.
Let me ask: how much money do you give away on any given day? If your answer is, "If I had a lot of money, I'd give more away, but I have to watch the bills right now," then let me suggest that you are failing. If you believe you aren't going to have enough money for yourself, then you are showing your spiritual poverty.
For God is like the ocean: a huge resource of everything you need, including money. The secret is that you must go to the ocean to get what you need, or you must do something, not just simply sitting on your duff, crying "poor me." Think of it like this: if the ocean is everything, and you may take freely from this sea of abundance, then understand God Almighty has no restriction, whether you go to the ocean with a tea cup, or a tanker truck. It's up to you. The distinction is the effort you make, since anyone can go to the ocean with a tea cup in hand, but it takes a great deal more effort to acquire a truck and drive there. But there is still no restriction in how much you take.
Abundance is abundance. It is foolish to give away your assets and to impoverish yourself when God Almighty has provided everything you need to live a comfortable life in the world. Rich people can be spiritual and poor people can be spiritual. Money, resources, or assets cannot make a person more spiritual, and their spirituality should not be based upon their physical wealth.
If you are poor, you are doing something incorrect, and are not in harmony - and this may be one of your spiritual or karmic lessons to learn. Not everyone can be a financial wizard, but everyone can live comfortably. If you are in harmony with God, you should be blessed with health, wealth, and peace of mind.
There is no conflict to be a spiritual person and a wealthy person. The conflict is between being greedy and selfish and believing you are advancing yourself spiritually.
Have you missed a past issue of our newsletter? You can read any of our past issues on our Newsletter page on Douglas's website. Click here to access.
Countdown to 2012
It wasn’t that long ago questions were being asked about the accuracy of the ancient Mayan calendar’s ominous prediction of the cessation of our Age, as we know it, exactly on December 23, 2012. I do not believe this will happen. Instead I believe that when we look back on December 23, 2012, it will be seen as a line drawn in the sand, so to speak - the finite date when the Age changed. Before that date great, changes - which have already started - will be seen as welling up to that pivotal point. And thereafter a new way of life much different from today's lifestyle will have begun.
Forecasting this pre-destined path for the world should be found all around us, if it is a natural evolution of our world. Present-day astrologers, as in ancient times (as well as in Mayan times) should be able to read signs that great change is upon us in the heavenly time clock of our solar system. And so they have.
Pluto, a mysterious and powerful “planet,” is returning into the constellation of mighty Capricorn this month (January 2009) and this arrangement will continue until November 2024. This will be a momentous and historic occasion. This powerful astrological episode occurs about every 250 years, and in each instance “Earth Changing” events happened. The last time Pluto transited Capricorn was 1762-1777, and the world was changed with the American Revolution.
Pluto is the god of the Underworld, and is capable of greatness. This planet's influence represents powerful change, justice, karma, charity and retribution, capable of producing great things that last for generations. In doing so, the past will never be the same again.
Capricorn’s is the realm of government, nations, power, business and religion; the advocate of a clear distinction between right and wrong, and remarkable, beneficial changes.
When Pluto is in Capricorn, we usually experience both sides first: the good times then the hard times. The influence of this Pluto/Capricorn combination can be seen today with adaptations going on in banking and commerce. The world is changing around us and a revolution is taking place right this minute. This Age is ending, never to be the same again. It will be, as with all changes, a difficult time to bear. We learn the difference between right and wrong, and good and evil, and friendship and mutual support.
Take steps to meet this new Age. Be prepared. Opportunities for great and wonderful change may be at your door step. As we go through this time of extremes, know the world has gone through these changes many times before. You will survive by being prudent and, most importantly, by staying out of debt. One extreme in one direction will be met in an opposite extreme to the same degree.
Douglas James Cottrell
ONLINE STORE - Great New e-Books
This month we feature THREE new downloadable books. Full colour throughout. The information offered in these books contains profound wisdom gathered from the Akashic Records through Deep Trance Meditation sessions performed by Douglas.
Atlantis Revisited - 2009 Expanded Edition
Featuring an all-new Forward by author and broadcaster, Robert Appel, B.A., B.C.L. L.L.B, Atlantis Revisted takes you back in time to this great civilization which flourished for centuries but ultimately self-destructed as the planet reacted to the unrest in the minds of the Atlanteans - much like what is happening again in this Age. Bonus material included in this expanded edition was taken from Douglas's repertoire of personal DTM sessions - information you will surely find both fascinating and inspiring.
Plus you'll discover how Douglas's intuitive ability was put to the test in research for a movie project on Atlantis with the late film and TV star, Lorne Greene. Only $9.99 for a limited time.
PLUS, we have updated two of our most popular publications from Douglas's collection.
The Purpose of Life - 2009 Expanded Edition is a fascinating spiritual explanation of the most-asked question, "What is the purpose of life?" Your soul has a purpose! Find out why you are here in the world and what life is really all about.
Meditation: The Holy of Holies - 2009 Expanded Edition teaches you that there is really only one way to the spiritual dimensions above and that is through meditation. Learn why Meditation is referred to as a holy experience and how you can peer into the Great Beyond in a safe and spiritually enlightening way.
These "e-books" are only available in downloadable format from our on-line store. You might expect to pay $39.99 for books like these, but because they are digital, we save the printing costs, so we can pass these savings onto you.
Now you can have these amazing and inspiring books - not for $29.99 or even $19.99 - but at the low introductory price of just $9.99 each. Hurry your personal copy is waiting for you at the following link....
Atlantis Revisited - 2009 Expanded Edition with Introduction by Robert Appel
Meditation: The Holy of Holies - 2009 Expanded Edition
The Purpose of Life - 2009 Expanded Edition