Blog: LightLizard's Lair
by LightLizard

Conscious Evolution


Date:   10/18/2008 2:32:32 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3775 times

We believe that our consciousness is what separates us from the animal kingdom. We also think that this (consciousness) makes us somehow 'superior' to the animals. Sometimes, its hard to believe, with some of the atrocities done by humans to other humans and animals.

We could say that consciousness does, or could give us an 'edge' on our ability to survive. But, it can also be a great hindrance to our survival sometimes, as well as a weight that slows down the natural process of evolution.

For instance; we instill strong beliefs in our children when they are very young. One phrase that comes to mind is 'we are the greatest nation on earth.'
This is a common call from politicians and others who wish to promote a feeling of pride in the listeners.
If we examine the outcome of such a belief and follow it to it's natural conclusion, we will recognise that such a phrase, if absorbed and cherished, can quite often lead to bigotry and predjudice.

If people believe that they are part of 'the greatest nation on earth' some part of them, usually the ego, will most certainly seize upon this belief as proof that everyone else on the planet that is outside of our nation is inferior, less than we are, and it becomes acceptable to invade their country, capture their resources and generally oppress them with our supposedly 'superior' strength.

If we are to evolve in a healthy direction we must employ our consciousness in these things. We must eradicate these kinds of 'catch-phrases' from our minds and hearts, knowing full well how easily the human mind is shaped. We must challenge and reject those officials that insist on instilling such a belief in us and in our children.

THIS is 'Conscious Evolution.'

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Comments (15 of 140):
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