Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 731 of 731

Leslie Goldman on "Channeling"   27 mon  
Leslie Goldman's second secular anniversary of his death was June 18, 2022. His Hebrew Yahrzeit is 26 Sivan; this year it fell on June 25, 2022. I "spoke" with Leslie early morning Friday June 24, 2022, via "automatic writing".
By way of explanation, ”automatic writing” is a process in which I ask questions and then ”hear” Leslie’s response in my head, and write it down. As the energetic transmission from Leslie must go through my own brain and be translated into the English language, there is always something ”lost in translation”. This posting has been edited to leave out personal information. And with that as a disclaimer: Hello! Yes, it’s been two earth plane years since I ”left”, although as you know I’m still ”here”, at least in part. I’ve been gallivanting all over the Universe(s) of Cr ...   read more

Plant Your Dream Leslie Goldman Scholarship Award   3 y  
Your Enchanted Gardener's niece has established a High School Scholarship fund in his name as a way of both helping students and honoring her Uncle Leslie Goldman
Warmest Greetings and Blessings! Hello, my name is Eva Becker and I am Leslie Goldman’s niece from Los Angeles. I am a public school science teacher who has taught Biology and Physiology for the past 25 years for the LA Unified School District, as well as in the private sector. I wanted to let all of Leslie Goldman’s beloved and sacred followers know that I have established a scholarship in his name that I am trying to get funded and endowed for the next five years! I am very excited about this scholarship, having written it myself! All monies raised will go direc ...   read more

Leslie Speaks: One's Own Truth   4 y  
A postscript from Leslie following his "Leslie Speaks" communication.
One’s Own Truth It’s best if each and every human seeks their own Truth, instead of being dependent upon others. Humans don’t think they ”have it in them’’, but each and every human does. Each and every human, if they so desire, can be in touch with their own ”inner” and ”outer” ”God-Spark”, each in his/her own way---Dreams, Visions, writing, ”self-channeling”, intuition--there is no ”one way” to be in touch with one’s ”God-Self.” ---Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Gold-man, July 5, 2020 ”Leslie Speaks” Part 1: ...   read more

Leslie Speaks, Part 5: Thankfulness   4 y  
The final post of the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 5, Leslie discusses Giving Thanks.
Leslie Speaks, Part 5: June 25, 2020 10:35AM Thursday (When) "I" was in the body "I" had these issues---a short little Jewish person struggling with the religion "I" was born into, trying to make sense of it---(and like other humans), trying to make sense of the world, and our place in it. trying to love Gaia, and Her love us, each in our own way, and trying to be happy and content, but finding this elusive. Why? Our "lot" in life? We chose this existence, knowing full well what it will "cost" us. (WHY?) You a ...   read more

Leslie Speaks, Part 4: Tour of the Universe   4 y  
Leslie Speaks, Part 4 Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 4, Leslie talks about his tour of the Universe and his love for Gaia.
Leslie Speaks, Part 4 June 23, 2020 3:30 PM Tuesday (Hello, Leslie, I’m here; please excuse my ”bad mood”) Of course, Dear One---human moods are funny---we’re ”all over the map” as they say---”here,” where I AM now, it’s much calmer, more peaceful emotion-wise; we still ”feel” emotions, but they are ”tempered”---if that’s the right word---more JOY than sorrow, no physical pain, no focus on biological issues---why should we? We don’t have bodies anymore, although some of US, not all, had/have/will have bodies---there is a kind of ”residual memory” that those of US wh ...   read more

Leslie Speaks, Part 3: Angels & God   4 y  
Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In part 3, Leslie answers questions about Angels and God.
Leslie Speaks, Part 3: June 21, 2020 11:50 PM Sunday: (Leslie, are you here? can you talk to me?) Yes, Dear One, I can still ”hear” you! I am far away, I am near, I Am with you always. Do not grieve for me, I AM FREE! I am expanded, is wondrous, as I told you earlier...harder for me to concentrate on the earth plane, it is a lovely place, to be human, yet such a small, albeit important part of all of the ”Universes of Creation” ---so many worlds, so many planets, so much LIFE!   LIFE in all its myriad forms--did you know on some planets cats ar ...   read more

Leslie Speaks, Part 2: Creation   4 y  
Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 2, Leslie discusses Creation.
"Leslie Speaks" Part 2:   June 21, 2020 1:45 AM Sunday: (Well, Leslie, we had Summer Solstice today---happy summer! You seem "farther away" now--are you still in the "inbetween"? Did you "sit Shiva" with your family?) Yep, I was there. I’m feeling somewhat "removed" from it all now. It’s been how long? since I "died"---that is such a weird word to use, since I’m still "here", it’s just my body I left behind. I’m not missing it as much now---kinda nice to feel "free" and " ...   read more

Leslie Speaks, Part 1: Transition   4 y  
Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, transitioned on June 18, 2020 at 4:56 AM; his funeral was the next day, June 19, in Los Angeles where he was buried next to his parents. I've been a close friend of Leslie's for 20 years; one week before he died, I visited him in his home in San Diego where he was receiving hospice care. I asked Leslie, if he could, would he communicate with me after he transitioned, so I'd know he was OK. About 13 hours after he died, I "felt" Leslie strongly wishing to speak to me; this started a week-long communication with him, from June 18 through June 25, 2020, and led to this document, "Leslie Speaks".
By way of explanation, this is a process I call "automatic writing", or "taking dictation", in which I asked a question and then heard Leslie’s response in my head, in his own voice, and wrote it down. As the energetic transmission from Leslie must go through my own brain and be translated into the English language, there is always something "lost in translation" by formatting the energies into language. My questions to Leslie "Gold-man", as I like to call him, are in parentheses; occasionally a notation has been made for clarification. I ha ...   read more

Your Enchanted Gardener Passes   4 y  
Your Enchanted Gardener, AKA Leslie Goldman, transitioned on June 18, 2020. This is his niece's moving eulogy to her beloved "Uncle Leslie" posted today, the 5th month anniversary of his passing.
Leslie Goldman and niece Eva Becker MY UNCLE LESLIE Dear Cherished Enchanted Garden Followers, My name is Eva Becker and I am the niece of Leslie Allan Goldman, A”H (Hebrew, “May peace be upon him”). On June 18, 2020, Leslie transitioned to the next world. He left us early in the morning and was buried the next day in the Jewish Tradition in Los Angeles with his beloved father, Rabbi Solomon Goldman, z’l and mother Anna Goldman, z’l (Hebrew, "of Blessed Memory"). It is most interesting to me that for a man who spent most ...   read more

Starvation In the midst of Plenty   4 y  
Starvation In the midst of Plenty Chapter from You can Master Disrase by Dr Bernard Jensen 1947
Starvation In the midst of Plenty From You can master disease By Dr Bernard Jensen   read more

My health picture   4 y  
My health picture February 20, 2020,
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Benefits and information about Vitamin E   4 y  
Benefits and information about Vitamin E
Benefits and information about Vitamin E Met Jim Capps, president of UNIQUE E Vitamin E. Jim is a “goto”. Person on vitamin E. Vitamin E can influence EMF. Also featured James Flint. We met at the 17th Annual Scripps Natural Supplement Conference. One of my biggest takeaways from the 17th Annual Scripps Natural Supplement Conference was meeting Jim Capps, an expert on Vitamin E. My original mentor in health Dr. Bernard Jensen often spoke of the deleterious effects of the commercial milling process that created a product with “eternal life” through removing t ...   read more

Ram Dass photo by Leslie Goldman   5 y  
Ram Dass photo by Leslie Goldman
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Mission Possible: Let's Win This!   5 y  
Mission Possible: Let's Win This!
INTRODUCTION Mission Possible: Let’s WIn This! was the first in a series of five Workshops led by my partner Adrienne Prince and myself, Leslie Goldman, aimed at Unearthing Our Personal Superpowers that can be used to help regenerate The Enchanted Garden, a name for our renewed Earth that can grow one seed and one Seed Dream at a time. Our first workshop was December 10, 2019 at our local food coop in San Diego. Please be in touch to schedule your own workshop to uplift your favorite group or business or for personal inspiration and coaching underscoring that you ...   read more

Profound Feng Shui D. Dream!   5 y  
Profound Feng Shui D. Dream!
Profound prophetic Feng Shui Dream! Began writing 5:31 am November 9, 2019 Awoke from a highly stressful dream that later turned into powerful momentum for the next steps. In the two part dream, in part one, I was at a very large expo. A mentor wanted to introduce me to an influential friend. We left the room and then I could not find my way back! I was totally stressed. I had no idea where the room was! Finally I found the conference map! The room was in a top corner. I saw it on the map. I was relieved. In the second part of the dream, I was in the roo ...   read more

A Love Letter to Joe The Farmer   5 y  
A Love Letter to Joe The Farmer by Leslie Goldman #YourEnchantedGardener #PlantYourDreamBlog
Dear Joe the Farmer, I thank you now for all the times I never thanked a farmer. I’m eating locally grown organic food and thinking of you with a renewed appreciation! Thank you for growing food for me. I accept my responsibility, more now, toward regenerating healthy agriculture. Please accept my gratitude for the caring positive spirit you, your family and workers give each day to the earth in my behalf. You labor through the hot sun, the rain, the difficulties of natural calamity and man-made insensitivity to do with it takes to grow food in harmony with building fertile ...   read more

Upcoming Talk and Poetry Reading Planned   5 y  
Upcoming Talk and Poetry Reading Planned, Looking back and forward, still more to say, and I plan to. “ Urban shaman, Leslie Goldman, communes with God in his magic garden, coaxing healing from herbs and plants and writes verse blossoms That left the heart, touch the soul and somehow gladden the wounded spirit weeping in us.” - Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l, 1994. “When I hear you, I hear the prophets, Their words, their teachings, their passion, flowing through ...   read more

How many EG Members to grow 1000 years of peace?   5 y  

Vetting Questions for Residents   5 y  
Vetting Questions for Residents
TO ADD Basic house ceanliness First and last month rent Utilities expenses Trial period ORIGINAL QUESTIONS Why are you looking to move? What are you looking for in a living situation? What unique value can you bring to a community household? How many hours do you currently work? What is your savings position? How much stuff do you have? Would you be willing and able to make a 6-month commitment to living here? Three month trial Are you looking for a place to live for just yourself, or will you be cohabitating with a significa ...   read more

Mission possible: Aligning Your Purpose with Nature   5 y  
Mission possible: Aligning Your Purpose with Nature
First draft Yes or no? Do I take my 68 Vw up to the 9th Annual Heirloom Exposition in Santa Rosa California Sept 10-11-12, 2019? Thinking of renting a vehicle And shipping 68 Vw to NorCal. Journey to the The 9th Annual Heirloom Exposition in Santa Rosa California Buy in please With a contribution in any Amount. #supporttrip2019 Support our NorCal journey 2019 with a contribution in any amount here at the PayPal:   read more

Journey to the National Heirloom Expo   5 y  
Journey to the National Heirloom Expo
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Climbing with one hand tied behind my back   5 y  
Climbing with one hand tied behind my back
Today is a day to climb a mountain with one hand tied behind my back. I need to get back in the saddle again, so to speak. My optimal goal is to be at the Sonoma County Fair Friday Sept 11. I am in San Diego now. Today is July 8. I am hearing critical voices around me; I don’t do well with critical voices. Last night I did some pep talking for my self. I pulled out a notebook of bio materials and came upon uplifting testimonials. Good to remember. Passed over some big bumps in the last six weeks. A ten week bout with headaches and light headed ness has ...   read more

Breakthrough Dreams   5 y  
Breakthrough Dreams
“We need Reasons to Live, far Greater than the Reasons we have to Die.” —Your Enchanted Gardener The name #YourEnchantedGardener came to me on my journey to piece together my shattered early life. I had to discover and name my higher self and create an identity that clearly for me was aligned with my purpose for birth. We all are riding a horse, so to speak. At times we fall off. A key to life is getting back up in the saddle. I have been under a lot of stress lately. I felt distracted from my purpose, without seeing that the difficult and trying experiences I was havi ...   read more

Processing my Jewish experience pain   5 y  
Processing my Jewish experience pain
I know it is candle lighting time and you won’t get this till after shabas. That was quite a project to remove that pic. Took a lot of grace and time. I have been thinking of you. I spent time with my blood family last weekend in LA. I am glad you have found the place where you feel alive spiritually and that the connection with proper diet for you is part of that. It was kind of bashert—meant to be— that the page I found and then erased had a recipe for a healthier challah. Growing a healthier challah is one of my projects that comes up for me. It saddens me that kosher ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 57 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 57 d ago

viewed 54,774,717 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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