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Astrology for the week: Week of Transfiguration

Astrology for the week by July 31-August 6
by Risa Star

Date:   8/1/2008 4:10:08 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 4756 times

2:08 PM
August 1, 2008
Under the Influence of hte Solar Eclips

Risa's Stars Esoteric Astrology for the week of July 31 - August 6,
Posted by: "Helene Idels" h_idels
Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:20 pm (PDT)

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Esoteric Astrology for the week of July 31 - August 6, 2008
Leo New Moon Eclipse (Solar)

Eucharist, Communion, Festival of Polarities
Friday, 3:12 am (Pacific time) is the Leo New Moon, total solar eclipse. We know that eclipses bring about change, specifically a change in direction and there is a difference between a solar eclipse (at New Moons) and lunar eclipses (at Full Moons). Solar eclipses mean the Sun, our essential life energy source, is hidden by the Moon. The Sun’s light and life-giving radiations are, for several moments, obscured. This symbolizes that something essential within our lives will also be hidden, eventually to disappear. Eclipses take six months to manifest and their effects occur within three months prior to the eclipse and three months after. The degree of the New Moon (seed of an idea appears) is 9:31 degrees Leo. For those with natal charts, check where this degree is and what house the eclipse New Moon is occurring. This gives information as to the New Moon & eclipse’s effects.
When studying New and Full Moon times, the entire chart at the exact moment of the event is appraised. In this New Moon chart an interesting situation is occurring. The south node (point in the sky between the Sun, Moon and ecliptic which represents our past) is 18 degrees Leo which was the same degree as the August 11, 1999 eclipse.
Also, on July 30, 2000 (the year of the Shamballa Force) the solar eclipse was 8 degrees Leo. Something from those two times reappears for further completion and redirection, allowing us to move forward without obstructions. It is important to ponder upon what may have occurred August 1999 and July 2000. Remembering events from the past is one of the purposes for our esoteric journals – to record charts, the New and Full Moons, any impressions we may have had, along with experiences, dreams and esoteric notes taken from these writings and reading. Those who haven’t begun can begin their journals now.
Saturday is inconjunct – a day of uneven events and incomprehensible non-attachments. Work alone. There’s a small void-of-course (v/c) between 12 noon and 2 pm when the Moon enters critical thinking Virgo. Careful. Sunday is constricted (Saturn), expansive (Jupiter) with freedom in between.
Monday is complex, deep, wounding, healing and then right relations becomes the topic as the Moon enters Libra at 7:20 pm after a two hour v/c. Tuesday Venus enters Virgo (critically analyze relationships) and Mercury is inconjunct Uranus (communications don’t work). It’s an inconjunct week.
Wednesday the Sun is inconjunct Jupiter, Mercury is inconjunct Uranus, Mars is opposite Uranus, Mercury is opposite Neptune. Everyone should simply stay at home today. In the Catholic Church it’s the feast of the Transfiguration, an Initiation. When Moses came down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments (the Aries new laws and principles) his face (body) was so filled with light the Hebrews could not look at him directly. Also, when the Christ took His three disciples up the mountain and as He was communicating with His Father, Christ’s body was filled with light and the disciples covered their eyes as the voice of the Father was heard once again to say, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
Notes on Transfiguration
Transfiguration (an Initiation) is the appearance and manifestation (outflowing, radiation) of (one's essential spiritual nature) essence, a heightening of the spiritual inner hidden aspects of the person. Remember the film, "Cocoon"? When the spiritual beings took off their clothes and their cloak of skin what was revealed was a Being of Light (which we are). This is the Transfiguration Initiation. (Note: transfiguration is different than transformation and transmutation. In our classes students must, as homework study, find the different definitions in both classical dictionaries and within the Tibetan’s books.)
From Corinne Helene, Mystery of the Christos (paraphrased), we read about the Transfiguration (3rd Initiation):
When a disciple reaches that place of experience and illumination, a place of holiness, where the opposite polarities (shown to us by Gemini, sign of the twins) are in equal balance, then two organs within the head flower – the pituitary & pineal, the "lighted lamps" of the body/mind temple. The pineal gland is the masculine fire column, Joseph (the human father in the Holy Family). The pituitary is the feminine water column, Mary (the holy mother).
Organs of Light, Crown
These two organs of light "crown" the head of initiates and as the light grows in strength a third area of the brain is illumined. This is the 3rd ventricle, situated between the pineal/pituitary. It is referred to as the "manger of light" and the focal point for the activity of the Christ (Soul) principle in the life of the disciple/initiate. As all experiences in the lives of both Jesus and Christ’s in the Bible signify Initiations or Holy Degrees (Masonic thinking), the Degree of Transfiguration, the light of Christ, begun at the Holy Birth and later at the Baptism, become more and more potent within the head until the light actually expands and extends beyond the periphery of the head and forms a radiant light or halo (seen in early holy paintings of the Holy Family, saints and angels). Eventually the halo of light envelopes the entire body and then it is referred to as the "golden wedding garment." This is the "Soul-body", a luminous body of light, which prepares the candidate for entrance into even higher mysteries and Degrees.
When Christ took His three disciples (Peter, James & John) up to the mountaintop, and after He spoke with Moses & Elijah (not of the Earth), the disciples saw Christ "transformed into a glowing heavenly figure." They saw Him in His "archangelic (He is from Sirius) body". Only those disciples who had high consciousness could "see" the Christ in this light. Joy, an aspect of the Soul, descended upon them.
Transfiguration means to change form (not essence). The essence is revealed in the form of inner Light.
The Transfiguration (which takes place on the Fixed Cross of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo & Aquarius) is the 3rd Initiation in esoteric thought. The 1st Initiation is the Birth. The 2nd is Baptism. There are two births and two baptisms – the first birth and baptism in the physical world followed by a Birth & Baptism in the heart and mind. These are symbolized in the Bible as the entrance of the Christ into the body of Jesus (at age 30 when Christ began His three year ministry/public service) and the baptism at the River Jordon by St. John the Baptist.
Preparation for Transfiguration
Following these is the 3rd Initiation, that of the Transfiguration (inner light revealed). Prior to this Initiation (Transfiguration) the life of the aspirant is filled with experiences in matter. The Soul, during the 1st (Birth at Bethlehem, House of Bread) and 2nd (Baptism at the River Jordon) Initiations is quiescent within the body; using the body, emotions, and lower mind as vehicles wherein matter is contacted and experienced. Once the Soul has adequate experiences in matter (over thousands of lifetimes) then the Soul begins, now fully prepared to control the personality, to gather all experiences of the personality, calling now to be directed by the Soul.
Water & Fire Mysteries
The Baptism symbolically connects the water mysteries of Christmas and of Pisces with the fire mysteries of Easter (lighting of the Paschal candle) and Aries. It is said when Jesus stepped into the River Jordon (as the Christ entered his body), spheres of fire covered the surface of the water. At the Baptism, both Jesus and the Christ dedicated themselves and thus were consecrated into the expanded spiritual mysteries of Life. At this time the voice of the Father was first heard and the dove (Ray 3) descended upon the head of Christ.
Christ’s Public Life as Initiations
Christ began His public life with the Baptism at the River Jordon and completed His public life at the Ascension. In the middle, after the desert experience, after the triumphant walk into Jerusalem (city of Peace), and prior to the Last Supper, Gethsemane, Golgotha, crucifixion and death, the Christ experienced the Transfiguration on Mount Thabor in Galilee. Christ demonstrated these Initiations so we would understand that we too would experience them as steps upon our spiritual journey. Initiations are expansions into greater spiritual understand, unity and Light.
Christ’s Desert Experience
After the Christ was "baptized" (2nd Initiation) at the River Jordon, He then went into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. This represents the developing sense of discrimination, the ability to distinguish between right & wrong, true from false, real from the unreal. While in the desert the Christ learned how to use the physical body, how to work within it (He was an Archangel) without shattering the form body with His powerful radiations. He was thus vulnerable and it is here where Lucifer (a fallen Archangel) came to tempt Him on three levels: physical, mental and spiritual, all centered on using material gifts for individual purposes only (moving deeper into matter – the involutionary arc).
The Christ denounced Lucifer, as we are to denounce the materialistic standards during this time, the antechamber of the Aquarian Age. This denouncing must occur for the "new materialism", the equalization of polarities" to come forth. "The ‘New Materialism’ will appear when materialism as a mass principle is rejected and the major spiritual values will assume greater control." Renunciation will be accepted by the disciples (p. 129, Reappearance of the Christ).
Fire Mysteries
"His face did shine as the sun: and His garments became white as snow". The Transfiguration marks the beginning of the Fire Mysteries. We remember that our mind is a fire and the Soul lives within the realm of the Mind. Transfiguration is an "interior shining of our Divinity’’ once the Soul has taken hold of the personality for the Soul (code word for Christ) is Light and light is both intelligence and fire. Our God is a fire - Agni.
Click here to see a painting of the Transfiguration by Raphael (
), on Wikipedia.
Christ was seen transfigured by the three apostles Peter (Pisces), James (Virgo) & John the Beloved (Scorpio). Christ revealed to "those who could see" that He was the Lord of the Earth, the spiritual Ruler of the Sun and during the Transfiguration "He appeared clothed in the radiant splendor of His shimmering Sun body." From this point on in His ministry, the events in Christ’s life, assumed cosmic proportions and importance for this marked His preparation to become the world Regent and Savior of the planet (Earth). This is the beginning of the Sun Mysteries (moving from moon to Sun, from Saturday [Saturday as Sabbath] to Sunday as the day of rest).
The Disciples, during the Last Supper, were instructed in the mysteries that laid the foundation for the Aquarian Age (which we are now in). After His death on Golgotha, the Christ entered the heart of the Earth to become its indwelling Planetary Spirit, Lord of all created being within and without the earthly sphere."
Anchoring the First Strands of the Aquarian Age
Later, after the Transfiguration, Christ told the disciples to follow the man with the water pitcher (Aquarius) who would lead them to an upper room (higher state of consciousness). Here the Last Supper was held and it was here that the rite of Holy Communion or the Eucharist was initiated. There is always a great question as to what the Eucharist really is. At the Last Supper the light of the Christ (inner essence of the Sun) poured itself into the bread and wine, and the two substances became the "medicine of immortality." The early Christians, schooled in receiving the Sun’s magnetic rays, were able to magnetize the bread and wine and thus use the Eucharist for healing.
Feast of Polarity – Eucharist, Communion
Two events occurred during the Last Supper. As the Eucharist rite (communion) was initiated and the feminine and masculine, the bread (body of Christ) and wine (blood or life-force of Christ – not blood as sacrifice) were offered, the two elements of water (bread) and fire (wine) came together, the opposite polarities (feminine, male) were united and equilibrium and unity were introduced into the life of humanity for the first time. This was the forerunner to the Aquarian principle of the feminine rising to meet the masculine when man and woman will be equal, when the feminine water mysteries (pituitary) and the masculine fire properties (pineal) meet at the 3rd ventricle. Here in the "marriage bed" the new consciousness (Christ child, Soul, Horus) is conceived and birthed. Also at this time, the Our Father, the first world prayer of peace was given to humanity. In 1945 a new world prayer was given to humanity, the great Mantram of Direction, the Great Invocation.
As Christ’s ministry continued (until His Ascension into Shamballa – Gobi region in the etheric) He taught his close disciples "many mysteries relative to discipleship and spiritual realms. The disciples saw Him daily in his glorious body, which St. John described as ‘whiter than snow and brighter than the Sun’ " Mary Magdalene (not a prostitute), one of the most holy women disciples under Mary, was the first to see the Christ after His Resurrection in His "heavenly body." Christ’s "natural vehicle was His Sun-body, a body of luminous radiance. This body was Christ’s natural vehicle upon the spiritual Sun and in the Capricorn realm which is the home of the Archangels."
Word & Star References: Eucharist, Communion: Bootes, the star in Virgo, the constellation holding promise of the future, the "One Who is Coming, Virgo’s stars the Cup of Communion and the Ear of Corn.
These are the mysteries enacted more than 2000 years ago in an upper room. It is said that these mysteries will be revealed now as the Aquarian Age unfolds.

ARIES (March 21-April 20):There’s an increase of creativity when you relate to children, to those you love and are intimate with, when you enter into the arts, play games and look in the mirror. Simultaneously, your work calls to you, makes even more plans for your future and responsibility looms over everything else and you understand and accept this because love has a hold on you like never before. Just one important suggestion. No gambling.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21): All things concerning home and partner, family and foundation, past nurturance and present, mother and father and tending to where you live (or lived) comes up for review, reassurance and replay. It’s not Mercury retro yet (that’s late September), but the eclipse brings these forth and the new moon asks what will you do and how long will it take to make those momentous decisions in dire need of completion? You must be worried. We stand with you.

GEMINI (May 23-June 20): What are you thinking? Are you sleeping? Are ideas being impressed upon your mind concerning your future? There is a bit of organizing that needs doing. Is that at home? And there’s some communication that needs communicating. What is it about? Did something from the past appear — a feeling, situation or person? You must ponder the future seriously (Sirius). It won’t be what you expect.

CANCER (June 21-July 20): Resources and money will be deeply considered with new ideas on how to use your finances. It’s possible a new value system emerges due to your knowledge of the present world situation. As the new moon eclipse presents you with new ideas and direction, observe any changes in your thinking concerning resources, their availability, source, and how you express yourself through them.

LEO (July 21-Aug. 22): Happy Birthday to all Leos this week. How interesting to again have an eclipse in your sign. Sun, Moon, Mercury, the south node and Venus form a stellium (many) planets in your sign so potent energy streams toward you from the heart of the Sun creating many changes and a lasting ending to parts of your past. Your gifts are many because they are needed by humanity. On this birthday re-commit yourself as the world disciple.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The Leo planets are resting behind the scenes in your house of contemplation, spirituality and listening for the voice of God. Maybe some have crept into your first house of self-identity, too. It’s therefore a proper time for rest and relaxation, for pondering the future by gathering all strands of the past, and by assembling new work and daily life agendas. Things may feel a bit chaotic but you’re able to form New Harmony from the disruptions.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): This is a most important time to review your future wishes, hopes and dreams. Take time away from work and family responsibilities, from relationships and social interactions to, in solitude, interact with your inner self. You need reacquainting with your true goals, desires and aspirations, your priorities, values and inner dialogues. The planets are shedding intense light on these issues. They shape the quality and excellence of your future, the success of which depends upon you developing Right Human Relations and true Goodwill.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):Read and follow Libra’s instructions. Then be aware that your two rulers (Mars the tester and Pluto the transformer) are challenging each other and this challenge will be reflected and thus felt in your life possibly with friends, your bank account and with communication. On inner levels you may be challenged to learn how to bring more harmony and goodness, more resources and kindness in your life. Hint: give, give and give some more.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 20):Ok so maybe if you’re observant you’ll feel like you’re awakened from a deep sleep and suddenly all you’ve longed for (others, adventure, travel, change, opportunities) may be available. And then you’ll have to make choices (not easy) about what actually enRICHes you; how best to explore the recesses of your mind, heart and the world actually; and what perspectives are seeking to infiltrate your very being. Blame everything on the eclipse.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): At this New Moon solar eclipse you can more easily move toward intimacy with loved ones. Intimacy isn’t just another word for sex. It means love and wisdom, contact (releases love) and sharing, giving and receiving, tending toward and moving closer to all that you love. This is an opportunity this week and the next three months. Therefore have the intention to work consciously with and under this divine influence. The outcome is surprising.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 18): With all communication in the coming week and months, remember to use a tone of nurturance. You will be communicating more with others due to an emphasis in work, relationships, love affairs and all things artistic and creative. Remember to radiate kindness and conscious goodwill. Let these define you and your ways of interacting and communicating. This is the most important guidance one could receive.

PISCES (Feb. 18-March 20): Health and work needs must be focused upon as you simultaneously consider what parts of the past to keep, what to eliminate and ideas for beginning new autumn projects. Tend to health very carefully for the next three months. Work ceaselessly in creating a new work environment out of the old and create daily agenda including exercise and study. You will attempt to bring harmony out of the chaos (a creative state) of continual change. Ask your angels to help.

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