Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Ultimate Plant Lover Book Outline ...Draft #1

Here it is!
This is the Promised Outline for my dear friend
Peter Vegso, of Health Communications Inc,
and Larissa Henoch, HCI, Graphic Designer,
walking me through the process of
creating Mother Earth's Beloved Book

Date:   6/11/2008 7:58:54 AM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2709 times

CALL For Readers and Editors.
Get behind and push!
Leslie will be writing this book in the coming
months, and gathering the stories.


This is the OUTLINE DRAFT for
now being published
by HCI, Health Communications, Inc.

be in print. The ULTIMATE CAT LOVER
and ULTIMATE HORSE LOVER are soon to folow.
There are a ton of ULTIMATE BOOKS in the Seed Dream

On the eve of May 30-- my dad's birthday--
I was at the Heath Communications Inc Party at the Marriot Hotel.

It was a fun night. Many HCI authors and friends were have
a great time. I had time that day at the HCI booth. I saw
the ULTIMATE SERIES coming into print. I had been building
relationship with HCI for 14 years. I knew they would one day
be my publisher.

I told Peter Vegso, the publisher my idea.
I wanted to write the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER.
I said, "Give me some money as a down payment
to write the book.

Peter said, "How much?" I said, "$500.00."
Peter opened up his wallet and pulled out a
large bankroll of bills. He peeled off five one hundred
dollar bills. I wrote him a receipt that said
Down Payent toward Plant Lover $500.00.
Peter signed it.

The Publisher, Peter Vegso, did I say "Vegso" as
in Vegetable, is a man who likes to make hay while the sun is shining.
He gave me that $500.00 to get me jumpstarted.
He already knows me as his Ultimate seed planter,
as his ultimate and original Enchanted Gardener.

HCI made its money when it backed
John Bradshaw, the Recovery Giant.
Then Peter and Gary Seidler, co-owners of HCI, banked on
Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield, two authors
whose concept--CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL--had been
rejected by more than 100 other publishers.
The CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL series has now sold
more than 100 million books, and Peter Vegso feeds
hay to a stable of race horses down in Florida.

Gary, who retired from HCI, still delights in helping new authors.
His face in racing season frequents the Del Mar Turf
club, where the likes of Bing Crosby and others, are noted
in photos on the wall to have watched many a horse race
while likely imbibing a bottle of plant-based
brew. Gary, as Peter, loves the horses that are juiced
by plant-based materials to keep them running.

The Ultimate Plant Lover--in the Ultimate Book Series
will become a Vital contributor to World Peace
through growing a new generation of Beet Keepers.
Our world has lost its beet with Mother Earth.
Now is the time for each of us to rediscover
discover that we too can grow their our own food
through reading and following the simple Perscr*iptions

The world is destined to return to 100% Organically grown,
one Ultmate Plant Lover at a time. The Ultimate Plant Lover
is the World's Greatest Lover for Mother Earth.
You, my friend are asked to become the Ultimate Plant Lover.

Back in 1994, at the show run by the American Book Association
(ABA), I met Peter Vegso and Gary Seidler. I had already known
Mark. I had already know Jack, from our days together at the
Mandala Conference in San Diego, one of the places where the Holistic Health Movement
found its ground. I had a room filled with plants--an Enchanted Garden Installation--
at the Town and Country Hotel. It was a Conference Highlight for those who stepped
in the door of a formerly cement covered floor and found a world of plants growing.

At that ABA meeting, I was inspired that night by Mark and Jack. Chicken Soup for the Soul
was not yet a Best Seller. I took the book to the Taylor's Herb Farm on my way home to the
Enchanted Garden in San Diego. I sat in a stream, and planted Seeds for the success of that
project. In later years, Mark thanks me for seeding his dream to sell millions.

I am planting Seeds again today. I am planting seeds for you.
I am planting the Seed Dream that you become the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER
through reading the inspired, heart warming stories in this book.

Our world so deeply needs you to return to the garden.
It needs you so very much to return to your roots.

This book is here to inspire the reurn of our world to 100% organically grown by the year 2025.
Most of us, no longer keep the beet with nature. We have lost our natural rhythm with the sun,
with the pure waters of the earth. We no longer walk barefoot. We no longer recognize that
food was intended to be our medicine.

The Return to 100% organic begins through your eyes. It begins with a Moment of Awakening
as we each enter Plant Parenthood.

Plants are here to love us back into loving ourselves. They are here to help us recover
our wholeness.

Plants are here to help us remember how to Keep the Beet.

My life has been touched by plants.
It has been touched by local organic farms who love plants.
It has been touched by masters of the natural healing arts who know how to use
food grown from plants. It increasingly being touched by Chefs, whose FIve Star Status,
is based on them Keeping the Beet with local farmers in their area.

We all like to eat. This comes natural.
We all are natural seeds growers by the very nature that we are humans.
Why limit our natural seed growing capacity to our own seeds that we make
in our generative organs? This Book--The Ultimate Plant Lover-- is here to help you
see that you are here to love all the seeds, and to see that seeds--whole, pure, natural--
are here to grow a whole new world one Beet at a time.

You, my Beloved friend, were born to see a different kind of world.
You were born to have Live by a Credo that intends to make you the a Peacmaker
in the world. Peacemakers are by nature plant Lovers.

It is you my Friend, who are intended to be Mother Earth's Ultimate Plant Lover,
and this book is here to inspire you and your whole, one plant, one seed at at time.

Through my eyes,
I sense I am recording the history
of Peace on Earth,
The History of the Earth and its human flowering.
Our Renewed Earth is the Enchanted Garden,
and You and I, its Gardeners.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener


IINTRO--Our Return to 100% Organic
begins with you, the Ultimate Plant Lover

PART ONE--Heartwarming stories, ala Chicken Soup,
of Ultimate Plant Lovers demonstrating Enchanted Garden Teachings.


Part Two of this book contains many of these heartwarming stories
that are told within a few pages, ala Chicken Soup for the Soul Style.
You will see Enchanted Garden Teachings through the various stories
of people just like you who begin reading this book imagining they cannot
grow food. You will find simple Homework assignments here
that will return your self esteem as the Ultimate Plant Grower.

You will read here the reasons The ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER is so
important right now to grow peace on earth.


1-"May The Enchanted Garden be Everywhere!"
How my love of plants inspired Robert Muller, then Undersecretary General of the U.N.
to give me a Peace Medal for the work I would do in my Life.
Iinspiring you to return your world to organically grown, is my work.

2-Joe the Farmer--the story from a fourth generation local farmer praying for a moment
of awakening--support for local farmers. Joe Rodriguez, Jr. The Man who Never, Never,
Never gave up.

3-True Homeland Security is Plant-based. The solution to our immigration problem is
not about building walls between us and our neighbors. It is about building up our neighbors.
Nosotors somos del Jardin Encanto. We are Enchanted Garden Neighbors. This is a story
through the eyes of Sarah Livia Brightwood, inspiration behind the Foundation La Puerta.
Sarah Livia was born in Mexico. She is the daughter of Deborah Szekely and Edmond Bordeaux
Szekely. Thousands of school children learn to love plants and mother earth at the
environmental Cener in Tecate. Rancho La Puerta is the #1 Destination spa. It became
because it has grapes, a plant, growing there, and Edmond and Deborah saw in those
grapes a way to not only survive but thrive.

4- The Eyes Have it. This is the story of a natural health practitioner who was inspired
by Dr. Bernard Jensen.

Dr. Bernard Jensen was the Ultimate Plant Lover. He always lived in nature, and invited others
to come to his Health Sanitariums to find themselves through plant contact. Jensen, was skilled
in the wok of V.G. Rocine, who identified 20 Chemical Types of people. The Chemical Typles
are Soul Types, each type of person requiring a different balance of food to return the organis
to balance. Jensen knew his beets. He knew the chemicall elements in each plant. He looked
into the Iris, noted the condition of various organs, and then turned to nature and her natural
whole, pure, and natural foods to return each person to living in the Enchanted Garden.

4-Raw! Raw! Raw!
Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D. speaks

The trend is clear. Raw food grown from the finest quality food is in. Hollywood Stars
are going are some of them to name a few who imbibe on wheatgrass juice
grown from wheat seeds into little strands of grass that is then juiced for its high
Chlorophyll content. One of the leaders in the field of encouraging his patients
to go raw is Gabriel Cousens M.D. Not a wheatgrass devote per se, Gabriel does
testify to the wonders of what can happen to a person when they eat raw food.
His Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia Az is world reknowed for inspiring
people to retun to health through eating a plant-based diet.

5. Suburban Mom goes Mystic--
Liora Leah shares her love for her dad's Ficus Trees growing in her backyard
Enchanted Garden. A former Social Worker, Liora became so sensitive to unnatural
fragrances and common substances that she was forced to give up her job to take
care of her dad who planted those trees out in Roosmoor, CA. Where did her
Chemical Sensivity lead her? Ultimately to Keep the Beet and find her true
calling as an artist, poet, and advocate of Mother Earth Heals.

6. This is a story of Carlos Petrini, the founder of SLOW FOOD NATION.
years ago, Jack in the Box, wanted to put in a fast food establishment
near the Vatican. Carlos said no. A global movement, in reaction to
the trend of Fast Food began. The Slow Food movement now has
devotees around the world who gather in Conviviums to sup together
while enjoying being the ULTIMATE Foodies. Leading Chefs are the
pride and joy of Slow Food devotees. Local Sustainable Farmers are
the back bone of the movement. In this heartwarming story, we hear
in Carlos own words, why he said no to fast foods, and his inspiration

7. Going 10% Organic by 2010. This is a story from Sara Snow,
who in recent years has been the M.C. at the Organic Center Fundraiser
held each year at the Natural Product Expo West each March near Disneyland.
The generosity of the Natural Product entrepeneurs shines that night,
as science backed reports and projects to educate children to understand
the word Organic are rooted. Sara Snow is the daughter of one of the founders
of Eden Foods. She is a country girl and the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER. Her

8. Strawberry Conversion:
Anthony Zolezzi's story. One day, Anthony Zolezzi was visited a farm that grew
strawberries. He was impressed with the size of the berries. He thought to imbide.
He was warned by the grower, not to imbide. The berries were pesticide laden.
That same day, Anthony visited a local organic farm in the same neck of the woods.
He found butterfields, ladybugs, deep beds of soft loved soil, and the ULTIMATE strawberries
that were sweet and tasty. Anthony tells his story in HOW DOG FOOD SAVED THE PLANET,
a fictional account. In real life, Anthony Zolezzi became a Natural Food Entrepeneur.
One of his 25 companies, Pet Promise, is now helping save the American Bison through
Bison Ranches, the use anti-biotically free bison to feed the nation's pets, and as well,
give this American Treasure a cared for home where the animals are tended.

[ FYI aside: Pet Promise, I see now, in collaboration with Vet Marty Becker's

Dr. Andrew Weil M.D. speaks out.
In this story, Dr. Andy points out the need for our nation to support Joe the Farmer.
He talks about the need to turn back childhood obesity through giving our kids
real food--more plant-based food--in our cafeterias. Dr. Andy loves his pets.
He also loves the future of our country and believes it can get healthy again.

This is the story from Gabriel Howearth. One of the founders of Seeds of Change,
Gabriel tells why we need to love our remaining Heirloom seeds. Gabriel has been
at the cutting edge.

10. Taylor's Herb Farm.
This is a story about an Herb Farm that is now is desolate ground. The farm
was once one of the nation's more prolific herb growers, with more than a million
baby herbs sold yearly. It was started by Betty and Kent Taylor. The Taylor's Herb Garden was once
written up in National Geographic Magazine. The pressures of sucess may have
been too much. Kent turned to drink and drugs. The farm degenerated. Betty Taylor
left to save her life and children. Through a commitment to Recovery, she pulled
her life together, and today is happily remarried and is the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER,
heading up a new nursery in the South.Her children are all on healing paths.
Kent Taylor, who died in 2008 of heart failure, was one of the most generous
and loving men a PLANT ever knew. He deserved to be remembered for the good
he did. His Life points out a deep message. This story will be told by Betty.

11. Peter Dukich:
Bio-Dynamically grown giant
who loved made compost for 50 years.
This is a story told by Charlotte Dukich, who for most of her adult life
was the partner to Peter Dukich. Peter lived until the age of 92. His legacy
is Peter's Powder, a Plant Food. Peter loved Mother Earth, and said the Lord's Prayer
every day of his life. He Soul remains the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER. One of his
daughters was featured on the show, LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE. Peter and Charlotte
were both involved in Waldorf Education, that undescores the importance of Kids
having gardens, and being surrounded by all things natural.

12. Avocado sandwich maker does good.
Michael Becancon is one of the founders of the Follow Your Heart Restaurant originally
in Sherman Oaks, CA. a long haired hippy back then, Michael and partners, bought foods
from the locally grown farmers. His avo sandwich, made with Follow Your Heart Vegan Spread,
ultimately became a natural food product success. Michael is today the Southern Pacific
Regional President of Whole Foods Market. Whole Food Market is a popular fortune 500 company.
The company has a Green Mission, inspired by Michael and others, that involves returning
all the unsold food to compost, and recycles all its cardboard.

13. Local Tomato Growing Momma.
Carol Chase spends Saturday mornings regenerating in her Pacific Beach Garden.
She loves to grow her tomatos, berries and flowers. Carolyn is the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER
as well as one of Mother Earth's most beloved Enchanted Garden Club Members.
She is the founder of a non-profit that stages each year the San Diego Earth Fair, the largest
Earth Day event in the country. More than 70,000 attended in 2008. The Very Important
Planet (VIP Banquet) honors a city going Green, one business at a time. The yearly event
is help at the Environmental building in San DIego, that is a model for a healthy green building.

14. Green Giants of sustainability and Fair Trade--
This is a story of about Stephen Brooks and his partner Zak of Kopali Organics.
Stephen and Zak are part of the computer savvy generation. They are also giants of
sustainability and each the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER. They have Intentional Communities
in Costa RIca. They are at the head of the trend toward Fair Trade Foods that help sustain
local economies and indigeous people. Stephen is the inspiration behind the Conscious
Goods Alliance Bus that is traveling from City to City teaching telling us know that it is
possible to travel on used Vegetable Oil driven vehicles.

15. There will be more stories....yet to be envisioned....


San Diego Bio-Region: It can grow most any food, yet food growing in the region
has been hampered in recent years by inadequate design plans. It has been said,
that the local organic farmers have enough knowhow to grow food within a 100 miles
on both sides of the border, if they were put in the drivers seat of planning.

Many of the farmers will will hear from in this section, are the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER.

You will hear from J.R. Rodriguez J.R. Who grows some of the most delicious lettuce
you can find anywhere. "Lettuce Grow Together!" is one his messages demonstrated through
a life of service to plants and those he grows for. He give tips and advice for how to grow
food successfully. J.R. Organics, is featured at many local Farmer's Markets who customers
are encouraged to eat locally grown organic foods. They also have a CSA. What is Community
Supported Agriculture? How to start a CSA where you live. How to support your local farmer.

You will hear from Barry Logan of La Milpa Organica Farm, on how to be the ULTIMATE
PLANT LOVER through giving your plants the finest soil possibile. Barry talks about soil
amendments such as rock dust, and care of the soil.

You will hear from Dennis Stowell. Trained by Allan Chadwich, who had the famed
gardens at Santa Cruz, Dennis is more concerned about nutrition per acre than profit per acre.
Dennis grows some of the best organic watermelon you can find. Here he discusses
growing techniques.

Steven L. While grow tropical fruits. He is featured in many farmers' markets. Steven
is also a landscape designer. He speaks here about growing edible gardens.

Steven Spankler, is an expert tree grower. A biodynamic gardener who knows how to
instructs us in many biodynamic compost piles, you will learn here the steps. You will
have your eyes opened to the promise of returning our earth to a luscious Enchanted Garden
through giving non-commercial trees a home in your life. Are you aware there are more
than 1000 species of Pomegranates alone, and hundreds of kinds of mangos? What are
we missing through depending on stores for the boxed, warehouse foods we endure?

You will hear from Phil Noble of Sage Mountain Farm and Inland Empire CSA. What is the
influence of local spring water on the great tasting foods he produces and sells? Can
we get our water supply back? How important is clean water for health and growing
each of us as the Ultimate PLANT LOVER?

AND NOW for Something Really Different!
Meet and hear from Media Star KEEP THE BEET.
The Poster child for the ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER,
Keep the Beet is literally a locally grown organic beet.
She and her sister beets do not undertand why people everywhere
have fallen off the bandwagon of Keeping the Beet.
Media Star Keep the Beet in on her way to the Oscars.
She will be featured in not only a forthcoming animated feature,
but inspired a song, Keep the Beet.

Keep the Beet is coming your way.
She wants to teach you how to talk plant again.
She wants to teach you the Language of Plants.

She wants to see our nation be restored
as America the Beautiful
with spacious skies and fields of green grain
organically grown, and locally grown whereever possible.

will you Keep the Beet?
Will you commit to purchase a locally grown sugar beet
from a local farmer? Will you become the Beet Keeper in
your Neck of the Woods?

1. Get a local grown organic beet.
2. Find the finest potting soil you can get.
3. Put your beet in a pot.
4. Keep the Beet.
5. Eat the Beet Greens.
6. Enter Plant Parenthood through as you commit to Keep the Beet!

Learn and do what your Beet does:

Water: you beet with the best water you can find. Drink the best water you can find.
Sunshine. Keep the Beet out in the Sun. Go out into your enchanted Garden every day
and spend some time in the Sun.

Air: Keep the Beet loves clean air. She takes in CO2 and turns it into O2.
Breathe deep. Spend time breathing in the delightful fragrances you too can grow
in your Enchanted Garden.

Soil: Keep the Beet lives in the Enchanted Garden, a name for our renewed earth
that starts one plant at a time, and one seed dream at a time. Keep the Beet
is Wisdom Filled. She teaches that the Earth and the Soul are Soilmates. She says
she is hear to welcome us each to live again in the Promise of making more Promised
land with Earth worms. Earth worms create Holy Land from our Food scrapes.
Why fight over Holy Land, when we can grow as much as we need with worm and compost,
Keep the Beet wants to know!

Keep the Beet is the UlTiMATE PLANT LOVER. She is the ULTIMATE PEOPLE LOVER too!
She is hurt that you do not LOVE HER as much as she loves you!

She loves children, she loves mothers and their daughters.
She wants to teach each man that Gardeners Make Better Lovers.
She is a Friend of the Farm.
She is wants to to Grow in the Enchanted Garden.
Your Enchanted Garden grows right at home in your own backyard.


In this section you will find recommended Natural Produces and tools
to help you get back in step with the beat of life.

What are the favorite kitchen appliances we use here
in the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community.

What are some of our favorite foods we enjoy?

What chocolate bars to we ultimately eat when we want to sugar out?
What Coffee to we support?

What ingredients to we eat when we make home grown pizza?

The Enchanted Garden Seal of Good Planetary Housekeeping
is Awarded to the farmers and natural products we recommend in
our own shared community kitchen.

What are the ingredients of our Macadamia Kefir and how do we make it?
Where do we get our ingredients?

Where to you get the seeds you need for your garden?


How to inspire kids to garden

Grow a Necklace with Job's Tears,

Favorite Enchanted Garden Plants and seeds
and nurseries where you can get them.


64 pages
of color...
many photos from the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community.
Local organic Farmers' Market quality foods.
Photos by Leslie Goldman,
Your Enchanted Gardener

5:28 AM-8:17 AM
June 11, 08

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