Blog: 20 day juice fast
by curlyq22

Day 1

the first day

Date:   4/14/2008 8:33:01 AM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1431 times

Today is day 1 of my 20 day juice fast. I am going to shoot for 20 days and see how i feel - i may make it into a 30 day juice cleanse if i can. yesterday my friend was visiting from another school so i was showing her around the city, and i didnt eat as well as i'd like to have for the day before. I had just melon and fruit for breakfast and just some salad and fruit for lunch, but we got some pretty greasy chinese for dinner. needless to say, i wasnt completely pleased that that was my last meal and i ate that right before my big detox, but oh well. i had an apple later in the night so i could have some more fruit before starting my cleanse.

i feel very good about this cleanse - i dont think it will be as big of a struggle for me, as i am having fruit juice. I've done water fasts before and gotten through them, but i just find i have very low energy and usually i have trouble eating like i had planned following the cleanse because i'm in binge mode and i never want to do that to my body again - i feel like i hurt myself more than helping last year in doing that because i has only water for two weeks and then ate horribly after becaue of these crtazy cravings - i ate worse that before my fast.

so anyway, i feel very good about this and i'm all prepped and ready and looking forward to it! i've got a small journal too that i've written down some goals and can write in if i'm having a hard time or just feeling good, but i think it will help keep me on track. i'll update at night for the end of my first day!

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