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Overweight, Do-Gooders, and the Thyroid, by Alex Van Der Beek

Trying to find a physical solution to a psychological problem always lands you in more trouble than you began with. The outcome is an angry battle of life, but remember – there is no battle without violence – that is, without anger. Anger destroys.

Date:   1/29/2008 7:05:19 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3539 times

All sickness comes from stress, if the thyroid gland is not working then you have a stress, below I explain how it works.

The do-gooders:

The positive negative are the people whose good hangs on the outside for everybody to see. They are to do-gooders. Their positivity is nice, considerate, discreet, and well-mannered but often out of place, unusable, unacceptable, untimely, irritating, senseless, etc. Those people usually sincerely wish to do the world and others some real good – they are just unable to see that the good might not be considered so good by the other. The other might need some negativity in his life at that moment as he is learning something from it.

For example: a do-gooder might stuff his friend full of delicacies and feel happy about his good deed, without even checking first if his friend was hungry. During the forcible feeding, he fails to notice the torture on the face of his friend who has to muster all his willpower not to spoil the pleasure of the do-gooder. No doubt, his digestion will have something to say about the whole business.

The person who likes to do good should always remember that his good deeds might not be what the others want or need. By doing this, he will save himself from a lot of disappointment. A do-gooder usually doesn’t realize that he is not considering other people to be human. He sees the famous, the eminent and their own nearest and dearest but fail to notice the lesser individuals. In taking care for one, they trample others under their feet and God forbid if those dare to open their mouth to protest.

A do-gooder perceives himself as positive. Others usually have a different opinion of him. Because the others are keeping their silence – they want to be good too – the do-gooder doesn’t even begin to suspect that there might be something wrong with his thinking. Should someone tell him the truth right in his face, his reasonable mind might just wake up. Now he can become a truly good person – only he might seem a little rough on the outside. But this is the slight negativity of an otherwise good thing.

The good deeds of a do-gooder is never satisfied with one successful project – he tears himself to pieces to succeed in everything. Unfortunately, life is just not good, and so his disappointments accumulate into bitterness. He usually doesn’t show his anger but as time goes by, his zest of life runs low. His hidden angers may be buried so deep that even the most skillful provocation will remain unanswered. I have seen the anger of such a person erupt in her grandchild as her child, too, had been taught to control herself fully. The anger of two generations broke loose in the form of epilepsy in the third.

A do-gooder is further characterized by the need to reach his goal for whatever cost, by sticking to his ideals, by a willingness to take all responsibility when something goes wrong and by mobilizing all his strength to achieve a goal. His trying too hard is usually followed by depression, as others usually show much less appreciation for his efforts than he had hoped for. Overeating and –drinking help to alleviate the disappointment and the calories gathered in the process add to the heavy artillery he needs to prepare for his next battle.

The effort of a do-gooder may be considerable but it is scattered and doesn’t serve its intended purpose. Only the good that is accepted is real good. As long as a person, wishing good and engaging in good deeds, doesn’t stop forcing his positivity on others, it will disappear without result and sense, leaving a void in its place. It is filled by growing negativity, mostly in the form of anger.

Anger makes one fat. Fatty tissue is the storehouse of anger.

Negativity accumulates slowly. Everybody has got so used to the good deeds of the do-gooder that the destruction created by hidden negativity often becomes apparent only when it is too late. Physical and psychological collapse arrives unnoticed and hits hard. Such a person will lament his misfortune – he hasn’t done anything wrong. And all this because people won’t acknowledge that there is no good without evil. The person who knows this doesn’t hurry to call himself good or point an accusing finger at someone else.

If a do-gooder happens to be reading this page, he will, in all probability, skim over it quickly – this has nothing to do with him.

The most common examples of this extreme are women and fat people. Unfortunately, their number is growing on the account of men and thin people.

Reducing one’s weight with medication doesn’t work. Hard effort, torturing oneself and suppressing one’s appetite might bring on a temporary weight-loss but in this case the person has turned into a slave to his body. By freeing himself of excessive weight, he will be free of shame of showing his body to others but all the other stresses, including the ones that had caused the obesity in the first place, still remain.

A lot of fat people are afraid to go on a diet or use medication for reducing weight. Subconsciously, they are afraid to lose their power of resistance as anger increases the readiness to fight. Somebody not knowing how to release his fear and anger, who suppresses his fear by force and tortures his body for the sake of looking good, will have to be sorry later.

This is the reason people often fall ill after taking diet pills for a while. Now they would be happy to weigh even more than before if only they could be rid of the pain and symptoms. Unfortunately, the disease won’t allow it any more. Before, they could hide their negativity inside and, despite of all difficulties, continue to be good. Now the sickness brings an unhappy frown on one’s face and all optimism is gone. When before, those people were able to provide for the family and do some good to others then now, a fear of the future creeps in.

The negative energy, accumulated in the fatty tissue has to concentrate into something dense to be able to fit in the body. In such a way, various tumors may are born. Whoever realizes his mistakes will not blame the diet pill or the pharmaceutical company. Instead, he will let go of his anger by forgiving and the tumor will go away. The biggest tumor in my practice to disappear this way was an ovarian cyst  the size of a head of a newborn baby that took less than 4 weeks to vanish.

Fear makes thin.

The person, overweight before, now keeps losing weight and the lurking doubt about having some terminal illness is making him climb the walls. Actually, the situation is far from being as bad as that. But things are quite serious still – if a person has lost the ability to think straight then we are dealing with serious neurosis already. The problem of obesity is not a joking matter. A lot of otherwise great people are depressed because of it, their dignity injured.

There are different ways a person can gather weight.

Somebody growing fat in the area of the neck, shoulders and arms has an anger of not being loved; anger because of everything he does is a failure, because other are not following his lead. In other words – the anger of things not going my way. Usually obesity is not limited by this area alone.

Who has a fat trunk has made all the angry accusations and guilt fit in his body, no matter for what or who the target may have been - including his own person, of course.

An overweight person is a fighter, seeking the reason for his unhappy life – that is. He is an accuser. On the other hand, he becomes very touchy if being accused himself. The more he keeps accusing others in his fear of being at fault, the more pounds will gather around his waist. His demanding will to perceive life as good has, quite unnoticed to them, turned into anger although they do their best to turn life for the better or others to do so. All controlling, demanding and forbidding is always connected to anger. These people become very unhappy if other see them as negative. As time goes by, this grows into an angry wish to control other people’s lives.

Their drive to achieve something that would allow them to feel superior can never find fulfillment. Disappointment grows into a wide variety of angers: An anger for things never done, for words never said, for tears never wept and fights never fought. Angry self-accusation accumulates one pound after another around one’s waist. When somebody like that gets a promotion and his need for ruling is satisfied, the weight will vanish. But it will literally melt away if the individual in question is afraid to lose his job.

Obese people are typical do-gooders as it is usually not the other people that they hate. Their anger is directed towards more general targets: the injustices and difficulties of life. They are irritated by stupidity, senselessness, wastefulness, laziness, high cost of living, leaking plumbing, industrial waste, incompetent politicians, economic slump, own financial difficulties and those who are causing it.

A do-gooder never bursts out his bitterness to a stranger. Who knows what may come from it! Usually the ones to suffer are the innocent members of his family. And in particular, the children. They have no right to protest for they are in eternal debt to their parents.

When we are scolding our child, it is as if we would like to make him into a small, unfeeling and easily manipulated thing. We don’t see that we can turn a child into a machine but machines wear out. When the child cries, the parent will get irritated. His guilt is letting him know that it is there. But the parent doesn’t want to be guilty. And makes both parent and child even more angrier. And both will gain weight.

When scolding a child, we are scolding ourselves in the child.

People often ask what makes their children say, “Please don’t scold me – give me a hiding if you have to but stop nagging me!” the pure spirit of a child knows that physical pain is a small matter compared to mental violence. When a mother really lets her child have it, her burden of guilt will increase. She herself may not notice it but her child will. No child wants his parents to feel bad.

When the accumulation of similar stresses in an organ causes the organ to fall ill then the anger a fat person puts in his struggle of life is as unlimited as life itself and can keep gathering all over the body for a very long time until erupting in an organ, an insoluble problem has appeared in the person’s life.

If someone’s lower part of the body gathers more fat then this person is enraged by economic matters, work and money – no matter to what or to who these may be connected with. The lower part of the body is the past. Who fails to release the anger for the past will have no other choice than to have a large backside where all the angers of his childhood and youth can reside. Here are the mother’s anger felt for the father because he fails to do what she wants, together with the common angers of all women towards men in general.

The upper body is the future. A person feeling that he has to push into the future with anger has a large upper body. He is determined to reach the future despite all difficulties.

The midriff is the present – today. Whoever won’t let the past go, will always experience his journey to the future as an angry fight. Such a person cannot but have a fat trunk. Somebody releasing yesterday’s worries from him with playful ease has a notable slim waist compared to the rest of the body.

Someone who wishes to demonstrate his good intent to every to everybody else, to prove that he is good – that is, to be visibly good – will grow fat. He may even be ashamed of himself for being so good and feel uncomfortable if others notice it but the inner yearning gets the better of him. Usually such people don’t admit to themselves that they are angry. They sincerely don’t know what anger is. Others make him mad, sure. They may even hate angry people. This particular method of fighting for good is quite common. Such a person is irritated by other people moaning, criticizing and accusing.

“Stop complaining, this solves nothing! I simply can’t bear this accusing. What a senseless waste of time!” he will burst out in irritation. It is a good thing if the stress can leave the body in an audible form. Then, at least, his getting mad served a purpose. Usually such a person doesn’t realize that he is taking a double amount of anger in him – his own anger and the anger of blaming others. A short while after the outburst, he starts feeling bad, thinking his blood pressure must have gone up and connecting it with the incident. He curses himself for butting in. Why did he have to open his big mouth again? This already is direct self-accusation, although not acknowledged. This is added to the fear for his health as he is not sure what might be the matter. It could very well be something more serious than just hypertension.

“Its something awful how I can’t bear whiners – they make me so mad! I feel ready to burst with anger – they don’t understand anything. They keep repeating the same song over and over! They are walking through life with blinders over their eyes.”

Well, well, well… You see: this, exactly, is your own stress speaking. This is why you keep attracting such people to you, to make you mad. If they wouldn’t, you couldn’t feel angry. But you want to – you want to so badly!

You are attracting the feeling of bursting with anger. And if this stress is not enough to cause you a brain stroke, you’ll at least bump yourself somewhere and get a black mark. This way, your body signals you of the current situation. The current situation is the reflection of the general situation.

Somebody, whose fear of not being loved is smaller, doesn’t care so much about the opinion of other people. He doesn’t worry about any unintentional slip of the tongue as he doesn’t think he was wrong. He doesn’t get stressed from situations like that and accordingly, doesn’t grow overweight so easily.

Medically speaking, overweight people have a slow metabolism. The clinical indicators of metabolism can be determined by different tests on the thyroid gland.

Let us now consider the problem of obesity from a new and more simple angle, the way of thinking I am introducing in my teaching of healing people.

The thyroid gland is situated in the middle of the fifth chakra – the chakra of communication. Accordingly, the overweight people must have something wrong with their communication with the world – i.e.  people, the animals, nature. It doesn’t count if the fat person himself is sure that he has always got along just fine with the whole world and the people in it and adored all animals. If the thyroid gland is not functioning the way it should then the communication with the world must be difficult, tense, too much to take, full of disappointments and giving up, trying too hard, senseless. The constant and nagging fear of being run down by life causes malfunction of the thyroid gland. These all are the indicators of an angry fight for life.

The 5th chakra is located in the region governed by the fear of not being loved. The head with all its vitally important brain centers, including those who managing the metabolism of the body, is situated above. The fear of not being loved, of nobody caring for me, the fear that despite my best efforts nothing will go the way I planned blocks normal communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

The cramp seizing the communication centre doesn’t allow the brain centers to see the trouble the rest of the body is in. A head of a person who has not been taught or who has not learned to communicate properly has no idea of what his body is doing. At the same time, his body hasn’t the faintest idea what his head is thinking about. Proper communication joins the human body into a normally functioning whole. Correct thinking unites a family, an organization, a country and the whole humanity into one. Until we have not mastered the art of reading each others’ minds we still need to communicate verbally. Insincerity can always be recognized on the subconscious level, even if one hasn’t taken a special course in communication.

Small children are taught to say hello. A happy “hello” from a child will never fail to make you smile back as the feeling behind the greeting was one of sincere joy. The pure love of a child asks nothing in return from the person he is greeting. If we could remember and use this small word for opening our communication, if we would take the trouble to greet children back then they would never start walking with their eyes on the ground and their mouth shut tight to avoid the obligation to greet a grown-up. A sincere and heartfelt “hello”, without any fear or anger in it, opens all doors. When entering a room and greeting, try stopping at the door for a moment and wait for the answer in order to sense the communication begin. Following good manners mechanically gives no effect.

Although we humans are relatively sensitive, we often allow fear of not being loved to mix up our understanding. This is because we hardly ever stop to analyze our feelings.

The thyroid gland of a person habitually running away from his fears will become hyperactive. Such a person will quickly lose weight. Somebody else, trying to find a material solution to his problem, will sit down to think and get fat. By taking different paths they both land in the same place – the swamp of anger. The only difference is that one of them got thin in running away and the other got fat staying put.

Being overweight shows that the person wants to receive more from life than he is ready to give back.

Being underweight shows a readiness to give more to life than to get back.

A normal, slim build shows that the person’s view on giving and getting are in healthy balance.

“Give what and take what,” you may ask. Each one of you has to find his own answer, as there are as many goals as there are people. One wants to be rich, another is proud of not giving a damn for money. One is dreaming about a peaceful mind, not allowing a moment’s peace to everyone else at the same time. Another would like to travel all over the world but the minute he gets his hands on some money, he senselessly wastes it all. Someone else wants peace and quiet but the moment he is left alone at home, he finds out that he can’t take it. So he slams the door behind him and goes out to find somebody to talk to.

Everyone has different goals in life. Would you be ready to part with everything you have accumulated in your life? Would you feel more secure about the future then?

Fatty tissue is the store of your ability to fight the battle of life today and, the older you grow, tomorrow. Your human logic says, “Why should I give away what’s mine? Everybody should be responsible for his own life, after all. I have given more than anyone else as it is.” You have stored up a lot and you feel secure for that. Your fatty tissue is the same.

To someone else life has given less and accordingly – he has to give back less. Everyone according to his ability. You have been given more so you should give more. There’s no way you can measure the share other people have contributed. One person gives away something material and considers it a big deal. Somebody else gives all the strength of his spirit – the greatest gift one can offer – but an outsider can’t see it. And still those two things get weighted by the same measure.

The unwillingness to give up something of one’s own is a sign of stress. Fat is also, symbolically spoken, something of our own: a larder for the rainy day. Release your stress and the fatty tissue surrounding you like a wall can start to melt. How many fears for tomorrow you have gathered in it!

To say nothing about your angry readiness to stand up and fight! One person fights like a soldier, another sends the soldier off to war. One fights with his mouth – another, with his pen. One fights with his action – another, with his thought. Which of those is you? Think, release your anger and your unwillingness to give.

Trying to find a physical solution to a psychological problem always lands you in more trouble than you began with. The outcome is an angry battle of life, but remember – there is no battle without violence – that is, without anger. Anger destroys. The person giving in without a fight is also destroyed, by the way. The only way to win is to correct your way of thinking.

There are some fat people, especially women, who never as much as raise their voice in anger. They never try to bend other people to their will. Women like that usually don’t have a family where they could demonstrate their power. Among friends, they are always sweet and discreet. They have hidden their anger deep inside and their resilience and endurance is remarkable. Their strength is their kindness and wishes to understand others.

The senseless need to increase superficial positivity often grows into advertising – beginning from singing one’s own praise and ending in huge advertising campaigns and underhanded competition. A decent, if somewhat modest person, deep down aware that he is doing his job as well or better than the next person with a glib smile and smooth manners, often has to fight back disappointment when having to witness the other’s success and his own failure. All the important clients prefer the competition and he can be grateful for the leftovers.

A modest person has trouble communicating. He may also be so sensitive to lies that he with all his being will protest against showing himself for what he is not. Having to work next to a particularly outgoing, he may grow dark and moody, withdrawing into his shell. In a state of mind like that, effective work is out of the question. And as always, conclusions are drawn by appearances: he is ill-mannered and in addition to this, he can’t do his job either. And they are right – his work is not what it should be.

If you are one of those people who feel uncomfortable in the hypocritical atmosphere of business life, my advice to you is: be just the way you are – sincere, warm and plump! Let go of your fear of not being loved together with all the other stresses that are hurting you and making you mad and before you know, the client of your dreams will appear – someone warm and sincere who will be overjoyed for having found a warm a warm-hearted businessman (or woman), wondering how he could have missed you before.

When, for example, you go to a beauty salon and notice that your hairdresser is feeling sad or irritated, and then all she needs is some love. She will try not to let her bad mood show but you feel uncomfortable anyway. Let go of your reluctance for having to deal with someone in a bad mood or your disgust for irritated people or any other similar stress, rooting from your upbringing or lifestyle. Don’t forget that you were the one who came to the hairdresser in the first place. So, in addition to a hairdo, there has to be a lesson for you here and a very important lesson at that – one you’ll understand only some time later.

Let go of your fear that you might get a haircut similar to your hairdresser’s mood – then you don’t have to get mad later if you do. In your mind, take a big warm handful of love from your heart – you have enough to spare – and put it where the hairdresser’s heart is.

And when you end up with a surprisingly pleasant hairdo, then you should know that you have your own wisdom and kindness to thank for it. after you have gone, the hairdresser will think, “What a nice client, she even took my lousy mood with her!”

This holds true wherever your life might take you. Let go of your stresses by forgiving and you’ll feel good everywhere you go. And should you find yourself in a foreign country among strange people with yet stranger manners, you’ll be able to understand them. You’ll never have to think them to be

- below you – making you feel very high and mighty, an attitude which never fails to draw a painful lesson or

- better than you – this will make you bend over with humility, an attitude that will only draw more humiliation to you.

All kinds of unpleasantness are always drawn to a person by his own thoughts.

Let’s go back to the example of the hairdresser to analyze some more options to behave in a situation like that. You notice that your hairdresser is in a bad mood. The nice – not to say, too nice – person you are, you let your concern show, “Is there anything the matter? You are looking awful! Is there anything I can do?” Such an behavior may have exactly the opposite effect to what you desire: instead of feeling better, the other person may get mad at you. She had tried hard not to let her feelings show. She doesn’t want to discuss her problems with you – she would just want to be rid of them. The only way you can help in a situation like that is to release your fear of seeming heartless for not taking her trouble in heart.

How much are people really willing to help a person in trouble? An empty gesture, a rhetorical question that nobody expects an answer to – that is usually how far it goes. Social graces and good manners dictate it. and if you are so naïve as to fall for it then you’ll have to learn. Someone really willing to help can be recognized for his serious attitude and few words in a difficult situation.

It may also be that your hairdresser is the one to irritate you with her superfluous kindness and too much talk. You on the other hand, are the kind of person who can’t bear anything excessive in communication or giving. So you are the one who has to forgive your intolerance – that is, your fear – and you’ll not be bothered by it any longer even if the other person does nothing to change her manners.

Life is easy - one just has to know the rules.


Dr. Van der Beek is a healer from Europe, and has been a wonderful teacher to me.  His letters need study, and lots of rereading.  But there are epiphanies galore to be had!

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