mid-day five 18 y
hanging in there...
so i wouldnt say today is the highlight of my life or anything. feeling pretty blah. went and ran errands and everything annoyed me. tried to go to whole foods downtown because they have the best deal on lemons and maple syrup right now and there was no parking and i was REALLY annoyed. so i had to go to the regular health food store that i usually go to and pay about an extra 15 bucks on their limes/ms.
music also seems too loud to me. and the tv is too loud too.
geez, i sound like i am 90. hee hee. ’kids these days...’ hee hee.
alright, just had to vent.
now i feel bett ... read more
day five!!! 18 y
still alive..........
half way there! dont feel so good this morning, couldnt sleep last night. its wierd, i was so tired all day then around 9 pm started this cleaning frenzy and had tons of energy. tried to go to bed but just laid there for hours... had intense dreams about fasting and felt like i was up all night. so pretty tired this morning.
forced down about 3/4 of the swf, couldnt get it all down today. but its already coming out so thats good.
gonna try to go to the gym today to walk on the treadmill and lift a few weights.
i am really sore and achey. those damn toxins.
ill report later when i ... read more
day four evening... 18 y
so i know you're all worried...
but im fine. really. just had a bad afternoon. i feel much better now.
just went to the grocery store and then made my husband some chili and roasted brussel sprouts. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. man i wanted a bite.
so i am having pretty intense cravings but not really HUNGRY. just wanted one of those yummmmmmy brussel sprouts.
oh boy.
alright, i think i am going to sleep good tonight, pretty tired. gonna go watch a movie and then off to bed.............................
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz visit the page
still mid day four 18 y
spoke too soon :(
i feel wierd. i have a slight headache and am real congested. i guess i should be happy i am getting all the snot out of my sinuses, right? i am also feeling anxious and tired. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the detoxing.......
ive just been laying around. feel like takinga nap but worried that i will have insomnia. its 3:30, still have to go grocery shopping (for more lemons and for my husbands food) and am going to try and stay awake till about 8 or 9 and then i hopefully will get a good night sleep.
whhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i want my mommmmmmmmmmy. :)
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midday four 18 y
so today is going good. kind of tired or something, though. out of it really but feel good. is that possible? i feel kind of content. like i would be happy anywhere, just knitting, lying around, that kind of feeling. hard to describe.
i guess i am equating not being hungry with feeling good....
so the SWF was REALLY successful. amazing how much stuff can come out the backside after four days of not eating. truely amazing.
i am not hungry AT ALL today. its 12:45 and i havent even really had any lemonade. i made some but drank about 1 glass. the other three days i would have dra ... read more
day four!! 18 y
haaaaaaaaay- hoooooooooooo- haaaaaaaaaaaay- hoooooooooooooo
hey everyone!!! just woke up, rough night but slept in till 9:30 so that was good. i found that nights are the hardest. i have so much energy i cant sleep but i want to go to bed because i get a little bit hungry at night. not really hungry but this wierd feeling in my stomach. well i laid there for about 2 hours and then tossed and turned all night. woke up at 2 am and took a spoonful of molasses and it put me to bed like a baby.
so i have lost 7 pounds so far!!! in only 3 days and few hours.i have lost 75 lbs over the last 2-3 years but have been plateau’d for about the last 6 mon ... read more
day three evening... 18 y
same ol, same ol
so my day went good... i cant believe how good i feel with no food. i have been a little short with my husband but that’s to be expected. :) nothing more than pms would cause, though. actually im being a little nicer than i would be on pms. :) been cooking meals for my husband and havent had any bites. its amazing how automatic we are with food though. i kept almost tasting the food as i was cooking and had to stop myself like 20 times! its really the way i cook, though. i dont use recipes but kind of make things up and taste as i go along. not this week!
so i have been contempl ... read more
your thoughts..... 18 y
some encouraging words
reposted from zoebess’s blog.... very encouraging!!!
The Power Of Your Thoughts
The greatest power we ever got is the power of our thoughts.
There is an Intelligence inside us that can elevate our life
at the highest level.
Everyone should learn to collaborate with this Intelligence
which is organized to react on our intentions and to create
with us a life of abundance and happiness.
Freedom, happiness, richness, love, friendship, health and wealth
are our birth right.
We have been created to live our life in freedom, health and wealth.
If our life doesn’t look like ... read more
saga of day three continued.... 18 y
post-swf, day going good....
funny how i track my days as ’pre-swf’ and ’post-swf’ ha ha ha. those swfs are INTENSE. they really are working. crazy how much stuff they are getting out of my intestines. day three with NO FOOD and there is still ’stuff’ being flushed out (and down the toilet-ha!)
so my hip felt better yesterday even while i was walking on the treadmill but today, i was just gardening and it started to hurt again. hopefully it is just the toxins being flushed away.... so much flushing going on around here.
... read more
day three yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 18 y
manana del dia tres.....
day three, yo. ha ha ha. didnt think i could do it did ya?? well here i am, drinking the nasty salt water and loving every minute. well thats a lie, but im still doin it. i had a dream this morning i had a great bowel movement without the salt water and i woke up thinking ’ohhhh i dont have to drink the swf this morning’ but it was just a dream.... hey- a girl can dream cant she?
so i was pretty hungry all night, not enough to keep me awake but enough to keep me tossing and turning in some sort of delerium. i woke up at 5:30 and was STARVING!! so i took a T of molasses and went back ... read more
day two evening.... 18 y
so proud of myself
if you knew me you would know what an accomplishment this fast is for me. i mean, i know i am only on day two but i feel GREAT!! i cant believe i am not hungry. my life revolves around food. well this fast is showing me that it doesnt have to. dont get me wrong... i still love food but i realize that i dont NEED food. this is huge. i even made it through the day without watching the food channel!
i really thought this would be a lot harder for me. thats usually how it is, though, right? we psych ourselves up for something and it is no big deal.
hahaha... watch tomorrow i wont be ... read more
day two.... 1:30 pm 18 y
feeling great...
wow! i feel GREAT!! went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes. was going to lift some weights but kind of felt a little light headed. didnt get my heartbeat up too high but did break a sweat. came home and did some yoga and i really feel good. have tons of energy, really more than usual which seems crazy to me. no food = energy???? maybe ill never eat again... HA! HA! HA!! now thats just crazy talk.
alright, gonna go do some yard work if it stops raining here for a second. visit the page
day two continued.... 18 y
made it past the swf
so this blog is turning out to be a lifesaver for me. kind of an invisible support system. i find i am having a hard time filling my day without food but it is a learning experience, right?
i made it past the swf, went good today, not as nauseous. starting working before i even got it all down. its been 2 hours though and i was just about to leave the house but i dont think i can just yet. better let the swf finish the course.
so i am going to the gym here as soon as my body lets me. ususally do an hour of cardio 6 days a week but i think i am just going to walk on the treadmill. ... read more
day two!!! 18 y
cant believe i made it to day two!!
well i have to say i had my doubts.... im just not the fasting type. too much of my life revolves around food. but thats why i am doing this, right? well one of the reasons... drinking my SWF right now. yuck! i put an emergen-C in it to mask the taste. hopefully it wont screw things up. yesterday i had great success with the SWF so we’ll see what happens today.
slept good last night. woke up a few times and was a little hungry and wide awake but kept going back to bed and ended up sleeping for almost 12 hours. i have lost 2lbs on the scale since yesterday.
the SWF is making me ... read more
hip pain 18 y
hip pain and master cleanse
so i am having some wierd hip pain. could barely walk earlier when running errands. i have had some hip pain previously but that was more of a dull ache. this was an intense needley pain that had me wondering if this was mc related. we’ll see what happens tomorrow.
so far so good. just made my husband dinner and it was actually nice to smell the food but not eat it. i got some fasting tea at the health food store that is an appetite suppresent so i drank some of that before dinner. :) visit the page
calming the hunger pains 18 y
peppermint tea to help with hunger pains
so i just drank some peppermint tea and it REALLY helped in calming the hunger pains. my stomach was growling and i was getting some intense cravings. the dog food even started to look good!! hee hee.
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day one, first cleanse 18 y
first day on cleanse
well its 4 pm on day one for me. started the day with a salt water flush and WOAH! was not prepared for those results!! i wish i would have known about swfing before. it felt like an internal colonic. drinking the salt water was not easy but i got it down. made me really nauseous so the first few hours with no food werent that hard. went on with my day... no work but went to meetings and ran errands. felt fine. i have drank 7 glasses of lemonade so far. got some pretty bad hunger pains about an hour ago, drinking some peppermint tea to try and soothe the gurgeling stomach.
we’ ... read more