National Shoot Your Kid Up With Poison Day 16 y
...vaccines are deadly poison
I love the local braodcasts that come around every year showing these pseudo-experts who are being praised by the news broadcasters as some sort of an authority on immunity and ”communicable disease” when really it is someone who they simply dug up out of the brainwashing centers who happens to be able to say the words ”communicable disease” This is your state day care for you, the re-education camps, who are pushing the industry of vaccines with immunity from your local news broadcasters. You should have seen the cow they had in there supposedly dispelling the so called ”myths” about va ... read more
People Are Suffering, Right Now! 16 y many people consider the fact that something bad MIGHT happen, it's already happening and most turn a blind eye or simply can't wrap their minds around the sickening reality.
Notice the average quack’s opinions here about the pharmaceutical drugs they were hired to sell, I tried to sum up my thoughts on the matter here since replying to this doctor’s site is a waste of time...this quack is free to censor the responses so that they have only the ones that look good to them. Normally these people try to play the left and right game in the mind control that they are submerged in, as if there is a ”well on one hand” and a ”then on the other hand” about any patient in pain. My pain is a 10.
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Speak of the devil 17 y
...Gordon Boyer
Gordon Boyer, another nobody who’s been kept on ice, calls for nationally syndicated radio talk show host and documentary filmmaker, Alex Jones, to be hung for treason. Perhaps he didn’t say ’hung for treason’ ...but I know without a doubt what he is implying. He did say that Alex Jones should be arrested. Moreso than this guy wanting to hang Alex personally, I think he’s after his own piece of the pie no matter how he gets it. To do so, he wanted to ’introduce’ this treason thing to mainstream ’average idiot’ people. Forget that it’s gone on since the beginning of the country and lon ... read more
mandatory psych evals, subsequent poisoning
17 y take your poison like a good little slave
When you support a rogue regime, represented with lower level madmen like John Edwards, you must be off in looney toon land where nothing can ever distract you from your delusions. Why should I even bring up this demon then? I mean, I could really care less about anyone supporting people like him. I suppose it’s just big news though that the media follows these ”presidential hopefuls” around without pointing out that they are obviously insane and uneducated, pretend academics ...that they are treasonous cowards, that they are filthy feminine cowards unworthy of, well, the air they breat ... read more
Something that just happened... 17 y
I’d just like to just point something out to everyone that came to mind recently, on one of my routine days off recently I was in a convenience store minding my business and had an encounter with an older man who apparently thought I looked suspicious.
This event doesn’t seem like that big of a deal on the surface...but I live in a world where EVERYONE minds their own business, I am just like EVERYONE else in this how can can I be suspicious? I am in public all the time and I never have anyone say even two words to me, unless they recognize who I am. Someone walking over ... read more
So many have so little going for them 17 y thoughts today, as they are any other day
I am not making a statement here, but an observation. If you observe something different, I would like to hear from you, it is interesting and informative when I can discuss real issues and exchange real information with the typical brain dead pawns that I encounter. Just because you don’t know that your back is against the wall, doesn’t mean that your back isn’t against the wall.
I suppose what made me start thinking is the fact that I woke up today wishing that I hadn’t. Perhaps the best thing that any of us are ever blessed with is silence. I find that IT (silence...a chance to t ... read more
STDs R bad, mmmkay? 17 y
I work for the public schools...20 years ago.
I’m here to tell ya not to have sex, because you might get a disease (or simply put, because it’s a sin...according to our satanic worship). By telling you not to have sex, I am basiclly though...introducing discussion of sex for no apparent reason...and I get to explain myself by blaming everything on some sort of irritation (symptoms) brought on by God. Okay, let’s see...let’s formulate some kind of plot that casts the masses of our victims away even further. Let’s separate the victims, the people we feed off of, from those who we call our own...those of our own who are of breeding ag ... read more
Michele Malkin, a nobody, takes to bad mouthing liberty 17 y
...attempting to liken those part of the liberty movement to a virus.
Yea, whoever this is...she thinks that you are all infected with some virus, what a conspiracy theorist huh? Malkin joined anchor John Gibson, and obviously they had some sort of productive ingenuity planned. Well, that’s just fine...if someone wants to simply liken a group of people to another life form provided by God, that sounds like a good idea really. Let’s do that...viruses I would say, as a whole, benefit the Earth immensely. Go ahead though and call people who have activated their minds a virus, if it helps you, I myself have been helped by my own ”diagnosis” by a quack doctor ... read more
An illegal drug, and the war on you 17 y
How an illegal drug called Methamphetamine fits into the ongoing failed drug war
I live in the midwest, and I’ve heard so many things in the news about’d think that it was some overwhelming setback to our economy. It’s been quite the propaganda tool in the past, a media football to throw around really. Seizures of methamphetamine, or the precursors used in manufacture, have always seemed to show up in the news and receive more than their fair share of attention. Users of methamphetamine are also demonized, much more than I see happen with users of any other drug. The thing that I always wondered, all these remedies for this ”problem” have no effect...why?
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Police ID man on bicycle 17 y
...and that's all I'm going to say
Strap up! You have the right to be unidentified...I grant it.
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