Out My Face
by thatzwhytheydie
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Hate laws conjuring up hate   17 y  
...in order to "cleanse" the prison planet of those who are critical of ideas
Obviously the people who are and who will be responsible for passing such legislation have everything all figured out...they know everything, isn’t that amazing? If I can be prosecuted for criticizing someone, it only gives me all the more reason to do so...because whereas they are being protected by unlawful legislation, I am being prosecuted. This would obviously add to the amount of people I would have to criticize...those who I was originally criticizing, and those who wish to strip me of the freedom to do so...by force if necessary. Let me tell you, force will be necessary! In thi ...   read more

Documentaries to take note of   18 y  
...Truth is stranger than fiction
I’d just like to suggest the following films to anyone and everyone, some extremely informative pieces regarding history and current events. (see below) Waco: The Rules of Engagement...a real report on the events surrounding David Koresh and the Branch Davidians who were killed in ’93, is a must see. Three of these films look exclusively at the 9-11-2001 attack and how the investigation/cover up took place. The others offer more of a perspective into history and events building up to such crimes. The death of the country is going on now, the death of any and every country will follow. ...   read more

Fate is in your hands   18 y  
...while your life is hanging from a string.
Any man or group who takes it upon themselves to decide the fate of another, has attempted to take away what can lie only in God’s hands. This seeking to control the fate of another simply announces to the world that this person or group is the Devil...and they will be hunted down and destroyed by the hands of almighty God...if not by the very persons they were attempting to control. Such evil acts as, attempting to control others, imply superiority...though one must ask, who is superior to God? This lays down the law to those who create and enforce law, private or public. The fate ...   read more

Environmentalists beware!!!   18 y  
The movement towards environmentalism is a change as large in scope as industrialization
...but will end up serving the global elite (crooked politicians, corporations, members of the fraudulent banking industry, and the military industrial complex). Environmentalism and industrialization should really be seen as two cards in the same deck. This is what happens when you trust the people who cause problems to fix them...they don’t, and if they do, you won’t be around to see. Contrary to popular belief, the politics of environmentalism will not be serving ”the people.” Addressing environmental problems can easily end up serving these global elite just as much as the industri ...   read more

No wonder   18 y  
slavery incorporated and my poisoned surroundings
For the most part, people were not born and raised to prepare themselves for complete failure. This is a problem, and the problem is evidence that far too many people having children know nothing of the world around them. We learn how to handle life from our parents, and ultimately learn how to survive through them...it is through them that we get our genes and that we are nourished at the most vital of times. When almost everyone can work upon the prejudices of the people and endorse slavery in a so called legitimate fashion, in other words by chasing the empty dollar, people are put ...   read more

To Fast, or not to fast, Pt. 2   18 y  
A slave's results with fasting...
Roughly 32 hours after a 30 hour fast... I’ve underestimated the physical challenges. I can usually deal with headaches, but it seems when I manage to fall asleep with one...my body will retaliate. I woke up after at least 24 hours of not eating or drinking anything and vomited...there obviously wasn’t much substance to what came out. I can only remember its intensely acidic nature...the acid tasting almost like orange juice, only much much stronger. At least I never succombed to poisoning myself with advil or other worthless ”treatments” because of the headache, I simply vomited. ...   read more

To Fast, or not to fast   18 y  
you gotta know how to survive
Preparing: I decided that the drawbacks of fasting would be less me facing physical challenges, and more a problem with me and my own consciousness. Eating does give me something enjoyable to do afterall, and so this cure will be more a problem with me and my own psychological symptoms. Such psychological symtoms, whether we accept it or not...are very much related to our immediate surroundings. These surroundings include the consciousness of other people among other things...meaning to me, that there is this problem of others who are free in their minds to blow cigarette smoke in my ...   read more

USA making efforts to feed the world?...why?   18 y  
Who needs things like air, food, water...these are luxuries to the slaves (US citizens).
I overheard something today on my daily comic relief, the mainstream news. It was some unimportant ramblings about our bureaucratic nightmare of a government. I don’t listen to BS, so it was something about one of the meaningless divisions of our government...the Department of Agriculture, that’s all I know. At some point though the news summed up some of its activities and said this...”in our (the USA’s)efforts to feed the world.” Can anyone tell me more about this, what does this involve? How does my slave labor (which funds the government) transform into a benefit for everyone else ...   read more

North Korea, nuclear...who cares?   18 y  
People are being brainwashed into believing that a nuclear war hasn't already started.
Let’s pretend everyone is an idiot, and say that a nuclear test just happened... White House propaganda What then do we call the last 15 years of warfare? I’m not really sure, but it’s called a ”silent nuclear war” here... The Ongoing Nuclear War! Here are some excerpts from the propaganda briefing(titled above, White House propaganda)...remember, this comes from people who are controlling you. Oh yea, and it is important to ask questions. ”THE PRESIDENT: Last night the government of North Korea proclaimed to the world that it had conducted a nuclear test.” ...   read more

No role models, no morals   18 y  
I have a hard time with arrogance, and people kicking over unsolicited half-knowledge to me.
I have a hard time thinking of ”what I want to do with my life,” ...when what I’ve done until now has only been what has ”happened” in my life. I have a hard time believing that I need to ”figure out what to do with my life” or that I’m not already doing what I need to. The fact is, these things are already happening...I figure things out and I do what I need to do. The belief that I need to do something assumes the fact that I’m not already engaged in it. I could care less if someone has ten degrees or went to school for eighty years, the fact is that I know more than anyone going to ...   read more

What did you expect?...Does it matter?   18 y  
Why are we reaching for answers and blaming ourselves?
Were we conditioned to endlessly discuss and think?...were we conditioned not to act? What you expect at any given moment, can appear to manifest as reality later on...but does this explain anything? How can something that hasn’t happened yet, the thoughts you have yet to ”create”....be affecting reality in the present? In other words, how can I explain the situation I’m in....with what I’ve yet to do. I don’t see this happening, I cannot hold this as Truth. I think there are so many who believe in this ”get what you pay for” mentality...that this is a problem. This isn’t even a p ...   read more

I had a realization today...   18 y  
What's the trouble.....?
At this point, if I could heal myself (let’s say for instance, overnight) and return to this world I once knew...I would then wonder what was so bad about chronic pain. Healing overnight, I know, it’s not realistic...but I need to consider that neither is devoting life to healing only to look back the entire time at what I’m missing. Looking at this world after suffering for so long, I do not see the things I’d like to see...I no longer imagine things happening. What I see is reality...hopelessness and meaningless is right in my face, this is my consciousness. The idea of ”being positiv ...   read more

Putting things in perspective   18 y  
The deadly "types of cancer" are on the rise, and the very methods used to to detect this inevitable disease...cause it.
The fact that the cancer industry employs more people than are being treated should tell you that the entire infrastructure that supposedly runs this country is a fraud. Curing cancer lies in the very flaw that is our economy...if you allow your people to chase after an empty dollar, and allow other people to be left in charge of your currency, this will drive your people into slavery and genocide. This will make sure that corporations become the educaters of children. The almighty dollar is so important that hundreds of thousands, millions, seem to die annually without even a faint whi ...   read more

Those who doubt healing   18 y  
Here is something that sickens me...looking back, here at curezone.
the poster: http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=559914#i the response: http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=559924#i This person seems to have doubts on the posters assumption that doctors do not have an answer. Any doubts this person had are based on their own false beliefs that one can see a doctor for a problem and receive care. See, one can only receive what doctors refer to as care...but it will cost them. This treatment that is suggested then will only be a temporary move on the doctor’s part to make money, money for their selves and for their ”educaters” th ...   read more

serious problems   18 y  
Suddenly, everyone is an expert.
People have stopped thinking and joined sides...this is a trend I see progressing and taking hold here in the US, it has been set in motion for some time. I don’t talk to that many people over the internet, but I can’t tell you how many people have forwarded propaganda emails to me... emails telling of the great things that the US is doing. They imply that while the other nations are turning their backs on the war effort...the good old US is out there to ”get some work done.” Getting work done though means creating global environmental disaster and conspiring in corporate greed schemes ...   read more

Farmers have declared war on people who need to eat   18 y  
GMO's and corporate America
The species of plants which humans classify as food have already been in a state of genetic perfection. Why then do we alter genes in order to grow Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)? The answer is simple, in order for people to get paid. The people paying for the genetic modifications all have that one thing on their minds, money. Not only do they have cash on their minds, they have the empty American dollar in mind...the ”currency of cannibalism” which is being extorted from tomorrows generation. The people responsible for these alterations are absolutely not choosing to do this ...   read more

I grant myself the right to no need for an attorney...   18 y  
...through my ABILITY to bear arms of course!
I feel that I have been oppressed, and I will therefore liberate myself by any means I feel necessary. Even if I feel that the ends don’t justify the means in this process of liberation, I may take actions that I simply find entertaining...such as overreacting to everyday situations or fighting amongst other slaves. I have a thing for getting juiced up...my heart gets going and I feel better after letting loose rage (pain)...go figure. Growing up as a slave has shaped my currently unstable personality for good, as in permanently...and I can only guess for the better as well. As unsta ...   read more

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I believe the stigma of insanity can only be described as a god given tool. I was diagnosed with a "problem" long ago, and so this permanent problem was therefore created. I have since sought to create my own "problems" with this magnificent tool, insanity.… more...

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Created: 18 y   Aug 20 2006


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Comments (10 of 19):
Re: National Shoot… katst… 16 y
Edited pinknblue 17 y
...part of the new… thatz… 18 y
Re: Hi thatzwhytheydie 18 y
Edited rudenski 18 y RN
Re: Disaray... thatzwhyth… 18 y
Disaray... kerminator 18 y
Re: another persep… thatz… 18 y
another persepecti… #4241… 18 y
Re: You put it so … thatz… 18 y
All Comments (19)

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