stem cell alternative therapy diabetes 18 y
alternative therapy diabetes stem cells
Some of the most promising research being conducted to treat and cure diabetes involves stem cell transplantation. Stem cells are primitive master cells which can be programmed to become many kinds of tissues. Researchers at Stanford University have been able to coax immature brain stem cells to develop into insulin-producing islet cells that are lacking in diabetes. It is hoped that eventually these islet cells could be used for curative transplants. The research team found that when they added chemicals to brain stem cells, the cells changed and though they were not identi ... read more
stem cell therapy for parkinson's disease 18 y
Stem Cell Alternative Stem Cell Therapy
Parkinson’s Disease
Transplantation of stem cells directly into the brains of Parkinson’s disease patients has shown great results. One man’s own stem cells were extracted from his brain and subsequently transplanted into the left side of his brain. He has stated that he went 4 years without symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The transplantation of stem cells has enabled him to remain active. In another study, 5 Parkinson’s disease patients were injected with a normal protein known as glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor that stimulates adult stem cells of the brain. Within a year t ... read more
stem cell therapy used for autism 18 y
autism, stem cell, alternative therapy, bone marrow transplant
Stem Cell Treatment - A Cure?
This exciting technology is very new and is proceeding at an amazing speed. However, in the past several months I have become aware of what appears to be the beginning of a medical miracle. It started with the discovery that cord blood (umbilical cord blood) from the birth of a baby, which is normally disposed of, is an exceptionally rich source of stem cells. It is also exceptionally easy to obtain non-intrusively, and plentifully. It is normally disposed of. It was also found that it could be used for bone marrow transplants. In fact, it appeared to ... read more
alternative cancer treatments 18 y
breast cancer, alternative, cancer therapy, freedom of choice
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Alternative cancer treatments are being utilized by millions of patients, either as sole therapy, or as an adjunct to traditional therapies. Patients are seeking alternative cancer treatments at just about every stage of their disease, from initial diagnosis to late stage illness. If you are looking for credible, responsible information continue to visit my site on a regular basis. Not only for alternative cancer therapies but information on stem cell therapies as well. This site will be updated on a regular basis. If you have a quest ... read more
laetrile facts 18 y
laetrile, vitamin b 17, alternative therapy
A doctor from the United States FDA once said that Laetrile contains ‘free’ hydrogen cyanide [HCN] and, thus, is toxic. I would like to correct that misconception. There is no ‘free’ hydrogen cyanide [HCN] in Laetrile. When Laetrile comes in contact with the enzyme beta-glycosidase [the cancer cell], the Laetrile is broken down into four molecules:
(a) Two molecules of glucose (b) One molecule of benzaldehyde (c) One molecule of hydrogen cyanide [HCN]
Within the body, the cancer cell and only the cancer cell contains that enzyme, beta-glyc ... read more
surviving cancer 18 y
surviving brain cancer alternative therapy
Hello, and welcome to my site!
If you, or a loved one, has been given a scary diagnosis from your doctor, I know that this is a very difficult time in your life. I understand all the feelings you are having.
My son was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, astrocytoma grade 4, in 1991, at the age of thirteen. He was given three months to live. I decided to take him to
for alternative therapy.
The treatment he was on consisted of immune therapy, laetrile, high does of vitamin C ... read more