Cilantro Cure Debated 20 y
This was deleted from the forums. Wonder why? YOU DECIDE.
I might add that the "studies" and "research" that Dr. Jon mentions in his book are indeed based apon the works of Dr. Omura - many of his papers are found on this blog.
Ami Benton wrote:
dr’s are not very highly touted at curezone
we don’t see many people who worship them unless they
have some agenda
When i see someone worship a questionable doctor who
has been propped up by the mainstream medical cabal
like Dr. Cheney, I begin to question either whether
the poster is running an agenda or just gullible
Please read the book I mentioned. YOUR advice may be
leading people astray
Perhaps your cut and pastes should come from more
credible sources (not credible as in mainstream’s
science for hire mentality)
but credible form the vantage p ... read more
Tired of Toxins 20 y
Fatigue, sluggishness, and low energy are among the most common symptoms of toxicity. If you experience these symptoms and your health problems seem to defy identifications or do not respond to treatment, it may be that you are ill because of toxicity.
03-06-2002 -
By Michael A. Schmidt
Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from Tired of Being Tired: Overcoming Chronic Fatigue & Low Energy. For more information and to purchase the book, see information at the end of this article.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently recognizes more than four million chemical compounds. More than 60,000 of these are produced commercially, with three new compounds introduced each day. In 1992, the EPA published the results of a study in which the urine of 7,000 randomly sampled Americans was tested for ... read more
Mercury-Autism, New Evidence 20 y
New Evidence Suggests Link Between Mercury Exposures And Autism
Scientists Identify Trait in Autistic Children That Makes Them More Susceptible To Harm From Toxic Metals.
Washington, D.C., Dec. 13 -- A year-long review by Environmental Working Group (EWG) finds that a near-universal trait in autistic children suggests a possible link between autism and children’s exposure to mercury. EWG’s review corresponds with the publication of a new study by Dr. Jill James of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. James served for fourteen years as a senior research scientist with the Food and Drug Administration and is currently Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
In a paper published this week in the American Journ ... read more
Do You Know What's In It? Cosmetics 20 y
WASHINGTON — Imagine your surprise should you reach for a familiar tube of lipstick or face cream at the drugstore and find this disturbing label:
“Warning — The safety of this product has not been determined.”
What if it's also on your shaving cream, and your hand soap, mascara, shampoo and conditioner?
Do you know what’s in it?
Many cosmetics not tested for safety; researchers ask why
By: David Goldstein
The Kansas City Star
March 9, 2005
WASHINGTON — Imagine your surprise should you reach for a familiar tube of lipstick or face cream at the drugstore and find this disturbing label:
“Warning — The safety of this product has not been determined.”
What if it’s also on your shaving cream, and your hand soap, mascara, shampoo and conditioner?
Well, be prepared. Many of the cosmetics and personal care products could be wearing such a warning — required by the Food and Drug A ... read more
Perception is Everything 20 y
What you see isn't necessarily what IS...
Is it possible that being stuck with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) just isn’t the ”in” thing? These conditions aren’t popular in the media, and the government funds precious little research on them. Maybe you would be better off with male pattern baldness or impotency instead of FMS/CFS. In most major cities there are ad campaigns looking for research participants for these more popular disorders, with the added perk that if you become a study participant you will get all of your medications free for the next six months ... what ... read more
See Toxins in Your Neighborhood 20 y
"Window To My Environment" (WME) is a powerful web-based tool that provides a wide range of federal, state, and local information about environmental conditions and features in an area of your choice. This application is provided by U.S. EPA in partnership with federal, state and local government and other organizations.
Ozone Therapy 20 y
I use an Ozone Spa. I feel much better for a few days. Over time, I believe my condition improves.
Ozone has been used successfully on scores of diseases in Europe, especially Germany, for over 50 years. Over 6,000 articles on the medical usage's of ozone are in the world literature. Nearly every disease process responds favorably to any therapy that effectively increases cellular oxygen content.
The politics of AIDS and Ozone
by Thomas Levy, MD
from ”Extraordinary Science”, Jul-Sep 1994
Possibly one of the best therapies ever discovered for AIDS, other infectious diseases, and most degenerative, or chronic, illnesses (including cancer) is oxygen therapy, especially in the form of properly used ozone therapy. The main ”drawbacks” in any form of ozone therapy are its simplicity and its minimal cost. The m ... read more
Co-Existing Mycoplasma, Bacteria and Virus in CFS 20 y
(CFS) patients show evidence of multiple, systemic bacterial and viral infections that could play an important role in CFS morbidity. CFS patients had a high prevalence (51%) of one of four Mycoplasma species and often showed evidence of co-infections with different Mycoplasma species, Chlamydia pneumoniae and/or active Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6). We found that 8% of the CFS patients showed evidence of C. pneumoniae and 31% of active HHV-6 infections.
Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2003; 11(2):7-20
Evidence for Bacterial (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia) and Viral (HHV-6) Co-Infections in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
Garth L. Nicolson,1 PhD, Marwan Y. Nasralla,2 PhD, Kenny De Meirleir,3 MD, PhD, Robert Gan,2 MB, PhD and Joerg Haier,4 MD, PhD
1The Institute for Molecular Medicine, Huntington Beach, California, USA,, 2International Molecular Diagnostics, Inc., Huntington Beach, California, USA, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium and 4Department of Surgery, University Hospital, Munst ... read more
"DEAth" for disabled pain-sufferers 20 y
Question: What is the greatest barrier to proper healthcare for most people suffering from chronic pain or debilitating injuries?
Answer: The United States Drug Enforcement Administration.
”DEAth” for disabled pain-sufferers
March 7, 2005
Question: What is the greatest barrier to proper healthcare for most people suffering from chronic pain or debilitating injuries?
Answer: The United States Drug Enforcement Administration.
Picture if you will: You were born with some genetic malformations, as well as hereditary traits that progressively worsened as you have aged. In spite of all these infirmities, you are an extremely intelligent and personally powerful person, and have not allowed them to stop you from pursuing your dreams and destinies. Then, for a period from ... read more
CFS - Exercise Not Helpful 20 y
In contrast to previous studies fatigue, muscle pain, and overall mood did not improve with increased activity.
Increased daily physical activity and fatigue symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome
Christopher D. Black , Patrick J O’Connor and Kevin K McCully
Dynamic Medicine 2005, 4:3 doi:10.1186/1476-5918-4-3
Published 3 March 2005
Abstract (provisional)
Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have been shown to have reduced activity levels associated with heightened feelings of fatigue. Previous research has demonstrated that exercise training has beneficial effects on fatigue-related symptoms in individuals with CFS. PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to sustain an incre ... read more
Pets and CFIDS/CFS/ME 20 y
Study 1:The conclusion of this study was that CFIDS patients not only have pets, but that there is a significant animal interaction and that a large number of these animals have atypical or unusual diseases which at least mimic CFIDS.
Study 2:The conclusions of the second study were that animals of CFIDS patient. demonstrated a wide range of disease and dysfunctional signs, similar to their CFIDS owners
The Human/Animal Interaction of Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome: A Look At 127 Patients and Their 463 Animals
By R. Tom Glass, D.D.S., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Oral and Maxilofacial Pathology and Pathology University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center Tulsa, OK 74114
Throughout the recognized existence of Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, anecdotal reports have linked domestic animals with CFIDS, but no formal scientiflc studies were reported (1,2). Cats and dogs were implicated by their owners most frequently. The usual association with the presence o ... read more
Unknown Epidemic - Lyme, MS, CFS,FMS, ME etc 20 y
Millions of people who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue syndrome and other degenerative diseases could have Lyme Disease causing or contributing to their condition.
Millions of people who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue syndrome and other degenerative diseases could have Lyme Disease causing or contributing to their condition.
Forget just about everything you think you know about Lyme disease. It is not a rare disease, it is epidemic. It is not just tick-borne; it can also be transmitted by other insects, including fleas, mosquitoes and mites--and by human-to-human contact. Neither is Lyme usually indicated by a bull’s-eye rash; this is fou ... read more
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