Herpes Nation
by natropractica
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Making Peace with Herpes Radio Interview   18 y  
The range of topics to be discussed include how to have safer sex with herpes, how to love and date with herpes, how to treat herpes holistically, how to deal with the "stigma" of a life-long herpes infection, how to tell others about your herpes and most importantly how to make peace with herpes.
Making Peace with Herpes Radio Interview Tomorrow evening (Thursday, June 1, 7:15 to 8:15 p.m.), I will be doing radio interview about my new book ”Making Peace with Herpes: A Holistic Guide to Overcoming the Stigma and Freeing Yourself from Outbreaks” and my personal experience with and work treating herpes on Free Radio San Diego 96.9 fm. You can listen on the internet at the following links: http://www.pirate969.org, direct listening links are; http://frsd.audio-stream.com:9290/ http://frsd.audio-stream.com/listen.asx You can call in to the station at 619.501.9532 or ...   read more

Moving Away from Substance-based Medicine   18 y  
You have the power to become a healing alchemist you can transform the substances you take into your body into the healing instrument that you need. You can limit the negative side-effects of prescription drugs with your personal power. You can make natural medicines more effective.
Moving Away from a Dependence on Substance-based Medicine One of the few things Natural healers and scientists agree on is that the universe is energetic rather than material-based. Yet both allopathic and much of Natural Medicine still place a heavy emphasis on healing through taking substances. Taking substances can be a powerful component of a healing plan- in the case of Natural medicine the remedies can re-connect us back to the natural world and allow us to harness the billions of years of experience of the plant master chemists. But I caution you not to focus too much on su ...   read more

Love is Bigger than herpes   18 y  
o deny someone of the chance to love you and be loved by you just because you have herpes, not only robs them of the chance of being united with you, but robs you of your full rights as a human being.
Love is bigger than herpes. Love is bigger than fear. The bible says ”true love casteth out all fear”. That has never been more true than when applied to love and herpes. So how deep is your love? To deny someone of the chance to love you and be loved by you just because you have herpes, not only robs them of the chance of being united with you, but robs you of your full rights as a human being. People with herpes are still human beings with the right to love whomever they are called to love, regardless of if that person has herpes or not. People with herpes have serious responsibil ...   read more

Getting information on Natural Medicine from a doctor is like...   18 y  
Getting vegan receipes from a butcher. Not to say that some butcher's wouldn't be familiar with good vegan receipes. I'm sure some butchers are closet vegans.
Getting vegan receipes from a butcher. Not to say that some butcher’s wouldn’t be familiar with good vegan receipes. I’m sure some butchers are closet vegans. But they wouldn’t be who I would turn to. If you want information on Natural Medicine be skepical of any information coming from doctors and the corporate medical industrial complex. Re-turn to your traditional healers. christopher scipio homeopath/herbalist african bush doctor   visit the page

Government Lies and Misinformation on Health   18 y  
article on the campaign by religious conservatives and the government to lie about health issues
http://www.glamour.com/features/healthandbody/articles/060403fewohe   visit the page

Mobilize Your Immune System   18 y  
you are the great healer your body is a great miracle when ill you can mobilize your immune system command it and believe it and it will be so but you cannot fake it
mobilize your immune system you are god/dess to the billion of cells in your body those cells will respond to you they hang on your every intention- formed and unformed you create your own gospel/god-spell everyday somehow along the way we collectively bought into the myth of our own powerlessness but you can experience your almost unlimited powers the day you decide to no longer believe in the lie you are the great healer your body is a great miracle when ill you can mobilize your immune system command it and believe it and it will be so but you cannot fake it your body k ...   read more

Complimentary &Alternative vs Natural Medicine   18 y  
It’s easy to give a “distinguished” looking middle-aged white man in a lab-coat the status of an authority figure but in my opinion as much respect if not more should be given to a wise-woman folk herbalist who has been keeping her community healthy with the herbs she grows and collects and makes into medicine.
Why I will not use the phrases “Alternative Medicine” or “Complimentary Medicine” ever again. Diversity is health. Lack of diversity is patently unhealthy. Choice is empowering. Competition is empowering. To me, calling Natural Medicine “Alternative Medicine” or “Complimentary Medicine” -while well meaning by some, ends up being fundamentality disrespectful and a distortion of the reality on the ground. Herbal Medicine and other forms of Natural Medicine are at least 30,000 years old, allopathic medicine is only about 75 years old. Natural Medicine is the main form of health ...   read more

Why Some Are Hostile to Nature   18 y  
Some people are afraid of nature. They are afraid of anything untamed by man. If it isn’t slickly packaged, sterile, and dead, they are afraid. If it doesn’t come with the seal of approval of the government or the scientific community they are also afraid. Their fear keeps them dis-empowered.
My Top-Ten List of Why Some People are Hostile to Natural Medicine Laziness In this quick-fix, instant-gratification society some people are too lazy and too spoiled to do the actual work required to be healthy. It’s so much easier and so tempting to simply pop some pills hoping that that will somehow deliver health. Drug Addiction Between Coffee, Chocolate, Green Tea, Black Tea, Cola Drinks, Yerba Mate, Cigarettes and Alcohol, some people don’t go a day without some sort of stimulant drug or alcohol. For the people already addicted to these legal drugs embracing prescription o ...   read more

Resisting The urge to Only Date Others with Herpes   18 y  
Don't get me wrong, having to warn people about my herpes and anticipate their reactions is not my idea of a good-time, but It's small price to pay, in my mind, for having a the right to date outside of the herpes community.
Resisting the Urge to Only Date Others with Herpes. My girlfriend and I broke-up (amiably) three weeks ago today. It was unexpected since we were getting along very well and still love each other very much. But we didn’t agree on how the relationship should be in the future so we decided it was better to stop now than face a certain break-up down the line. So I am suddenly single and am in an awkward position. I hear that voice at the back of my head saying, ”Christopher” wouldn’t it be so much easier to just look for women with herpes to date?” The voice is right of course, ...   read more

I Need Your Help   18 y  
I need your help spreading the word about my book "Making Peace with Herpes". It truly is a must read for anyone with herpes or cold sores or in a relationship with someone with herpes. It isn't easy convincing the mainstream media to talk about herpes so the lack of awareness about herpes creates problems for us all.
I need your help. I am a sole practitioner with a tiny advertising budget (currently it’s $150.00 per month). I need your help spreading the word about my book ”Making Peace with Herpes”. It truly is a must read for anyone with herpes or cold sores or in a relationship with someone with herpes. It isn’t easy convincing the mainstream media to talk about herpes so the lack of awareness about herpes creates problems for us all. If you have a blog or a page on myspce or livejournal or similiar please do mention the book or if you can put a link to my book’s site on your website please do so. ...   read more

"Making Peace with Herpes" my book is finally finished   18 y  
Writing this book has been the hardest thing I've ever done so far in my life.
Writing this book has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done so far in my life. It was 18 months of painfully writing it page by page. I was forced to go back to the early ”bad” days of my herpes infection and relive it all, but it’s been all for the best because a book that will help lots of people came out of all that pain, and there was a lot of joy in writing it as well. The book starts going on sale tomorrow at http://www.herpesbook.com. There were so many people who encouraged me to write this book so I thank you all and I think you’ve created a monster because I’m going to write ano ...   read more

Coffee and Herpes don't mix   18 y  
Today I also learned that it takes 10,00 tons of water to grow and produce one pound of coffee. With water resources becoming a great crisis around the world, I’m appalled that so much water would be used for such a useless crop, the number one drug addiction of choice for the industrialized world.
Coffee and Herpes don’t mix. The detrimental affects of caffeine on the nervous system are well known. Consuming anything with caffeine promotes outbreaks whether it be chocolate, cola drinks, coffee, green tea, black tea, chai or yerba mate. Coffee also depletes your adrenal glands, not only contributing to fatigue and lethargy but also making it far more difficult for your body to deal with stress, and sensitivity to stress is one of the main triggers for herpes outbreaks. Also considering the fact that many third world countries are pressured by the world bank and by greed to ...   read more

No Shame in Promiscuity   18 y  
It’s a blessing to share the beautiful and wonderful things in this world. Sex isn’t always beautiful and wonderful, but it can be. It’s all about the intent of the people involved. You bring everything you are and everything you have ever been with you when you have sex. Those of open hearts and open minds can share the gift of sex generously with how many people they choose and there need never be any shame involved.
Herpes: There is no Shame in Promiscuity I’ve been thinking about how often my patients and others I speak with want to emphasize very strongly to me that they didn’t get their herpes from promiscuity. I even state that in my own personal herpes story called “ My first year with herpes; or how I was re-born a modern day leper”. I wrote it in my story not because I think there’s anything wrong with promiscuity, because I don’t, but because I wanted to warn people that being in a monogamous relationship does not necessarily protect you from getting sexually transmitted infections. It f ...   read more

A Holistic Herpes Analogy for the Information Age   18 y  
There is an infinite, all-powerful healing energy that anyone can download anytime they wish. No cost, no judgment, no negative side-effects, just log on to the spiritual web and receive your healing. You can also reach out for love and support from this stream of love and mercy.
A Holistic Herpes Analogy for the Information Age Imagine if you will that your body is a computer. Whenever you network with another computer both computers are exposed to each other’s viruses. Safer sex with a condom and anti-viral gel is a firewall that can help protect against the transfer of viruses but is not foolproof. If you become infected with the herpes computer virus it has evolved a way to stay borrowed deep within your random access memory by being able to re-engineer your C.P.U. The herpes computer virus can lay dormant for years until triggered. The Virus’ stealth is ...   read more

Doctors and Herpes   18 y  
Most doctors give the public mis-information about the effectiveness of natural therapies for herpes: The medical profession in alliance with the drug companies have been discouraging the general public from seeking natural treatment for herpes by repeating the lie that there are no effective natural treatments for herpes.
Why Your Doctor May Be the Last Person You Want to Speak with About Herpes 1. Most doctors are uninterested and unsympathetic to persons with herpes: Doctors are busy seeing lots of patients making lots of money. Herpes is a disease very few doctor’s have taken an interest in. There is no glamour involved with herpes like with cancer or heart disease. There are no big charities or foundations with millions or billions for research, and it’s incurable. Other than writing a prescription for an acyclovir-based drug there’s not much else seeing a doctor can do for persons with herpes. Very ...   read more

Herpes and The Lysine Lie   18 y  
You cannot manage herpes with a pill whether it comes from a drug company or a "natural health" company. This isn't "the valley of the dolls" you actually can get through life without being dependent on pills.
The companies selling Lysine supplements have done a great job in getting people to buy a substance that has little value in managing a chronic herpes infection. Lysine has never been shown conclusively in clinical studies to be an effective long term treatment for herpes and in the short term it has never been shown to be more effective than a garlic supplement. Long term use of lysine supplements suppress the arginine levels in your body to a point where it begins to impair your immune system because your immune system does actually need a certain amount of arginine to function properly. ...   read more

Taking a Personal herpes Inventory   18 y  
To truly manage your herpes in a holistic way you have to take a deep personal inventory.
To truly manage your herpes in a holistic way you have to take a deep personal inventory. What are your triggers? Are you at peace with the virus’ permanent presence in your body? Have you been successful in rejecting the superficial and mean-spirited stigma placed on people with herpes and regained all the self-esteem and confidence you lost when you found out you had herpes? Are you living a life of integrity by informing your potential lovers beforehand of your herpes status and doing your best to manage your herpes so that your are less likely to infect others? What are you willing to ...   read more

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Thoughts and Meditations on how to Holistically treat, Live with and Love with The Herpes Simplex Virus more...

Last Activity: 8 mon ago
118 Messages   Last message 9 y ago
46 Comments   Last comment 8 mon ago

viewed 551,471 times
Created: 19 y   Oct 01 2005


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Comments (10 of 46):
Re: Treating Herpe… Shirl… 7 y
Re: Please Help Sp… Petit… 10 y
Re: Herpes and The… redro… 10 y
Re: Please Help Sp… JustH… 11 y
Re: Risk and Herpes JustH… 11 y
Re: Herpes Heroes amanda1… 13 y
Re: On Herbal Medi… albul… 13 y
Re: Herpes and the… #1391… 13 y
Re: hpv ren 17 y
Re: hpv natropractica 17 y
All Comments (46)

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