on and off waterfasting 8 y
my first blog regarding fasting after marriage
Dear everyone,
I feel blessed that I got the chance to sign up for this website.
I have learned so much from this website in the last 3 years regarding fasting.
I lost 24 kg with waterfasting in 2015. I was thrilled to weigh less than I did when I was 23 years old. oh those days.. just remembering how I used to struggle with my weight and size back then.
We (my younger brothers and I or is it me? ) grew up with the concept of fasting in the month of Ramadan.
But culture got a grip of us. My dad grew up with Fasting during the day and Feasting during the night.... so di ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! gained a lot of weight in less than a year after marriage. Why? Struggle to go back to raw and juices and regular religion-fasting ( like in ramadan) and water fasting. Finally husband understands what I need from him to have a chance at succeeding.… more...
Last Activity: 8 y ago 1 Messages Last message 8 y ago 0 Comments Last comment 8 y ago
viewed 3,096 times Created: 8 y Jun 01 2016
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