Not sticking to it 19 y
Eating raw is not for me!
I can’t say that I’m enjoying this new diet. I love fruits and vegetebles but I also love them more--cooked. I can’t say that in the past few days I’ve completely stuck with this plan. In fact I haven’t. I’ve had plantain chips, cooked squash, heated hummus and bran cereal, all with no real regrets. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve been eating. While my diet remains healthy overall, I just haven’t been able to make the switch to eating raw foods exclusively.
So while this diet may be great for others it’s not for me. Having been a vegetarian even before my juice fast I’d miss cooking all t ... read more
Raw Foods Day One 19 y
First day on raw foods.
I managed through the day quite well. Mostly I had fresh vegetebles with various seasonings (cumin, s&p, corriander) some fruit and also juices. I’m sure this is easier for me since I’m recently coming off of a juice fast. I find that my jaw gets a little sore and tired after chewing the hard vegetebles so that feels uncomfortable. In the back of my mind I keep wanting to go back to my juice fast. I actually MISS fasting! I have become use to not planning meals or even taking time out to prepare them.
Psychologically it’s hard for me to see myself eating like this for the rest of m ... read more
Becoming a Raw foodist! 19 y
Starting a raw food diet.
I’m experimenting with the raw foods diet. My reasons for this are to help maintain the outcomes of the goals I’ve achieved on my 3 week juice fast. I’m not sure if this is something that I can adopt as a lifestyle change but I’m open minded to trying it for 30 days and evaluating my progress at the end of this time. I’d also like to share my experience and journey on the board because it really helps to keep me motivated! visit the page