Human Design 12 y
A worthy reference for self awareness.
Chetan Parkyn, author of ”Human Design - Discover the Person You Were Born To Be”, gives a introduction to what makes Human Design tick:
I include Chetan’s book in my library of Human Design and related references.
visit the page
The Cards of Destiny 12 y
Either you have the interest to know the cosmis imprint of your self and other or you don't.
Just discovered this significant page which mentions some historical progression in revealing the ancient knowledge of the ”little book”.:
The ”Cards of Destiny” as well as ”Love Cards” by Robert Camp are always kept close at hand whenever I want to see the birth card and such of an individual. visit the page
Our 64 "Gene Keys" 12 y
Do you know where your 64 gene keys are?
August 1, 2020 -
”The Activation Sequence
Life’s Work, Evolution, Radiance and Purpose
PATHWAYS…Challenge…Breakthrough…Core Stability
1st Pathway: Your Challenge
Life’s Work to Evolution (P. Sun – P. Earth)
The first pathway is the natural place to begin your journey into the mystery of who you are. Your Challenge invites you to explore the nature of your own Shadow and the Gifts lying within it… Bridging the 2 Conscious Gifts in your profile, the Challenge is the place where you consciously begin into deprogram the Shadow frequency and reprogram your DNA with a higher frequ ... read more
In Search of Sprouted Buckwheat 12 y
Sprouted grains offer increased nutrient density over the un-sprouted.
”Scientists found that sprouting the buckwheat increased the concentration of rutin tenfold, and also increased quercitin, both of which are known for their anti-inflammatory effects.”:
Inspiration to find the best food source for rutin led me to this. visit the page
Continuing: "Choosing Seeds For Dialogue" 12 y
The need to develop our abilities to dialogue are all the more greater now!
I wrote:
”... I believe Dyads can support the learning process whereby people can experience genuine dialogue. I think it’s possible that people generally are not versed in dialogue and therefore don’t fully know what it is. In any case I think there is a need for ’guides’ to help steer monologues into a two-way dialogue.
I realize now that dialogue is a higher form of communication than is possible in a monologue and therefore it deserves our loving support. I think more connection is required for true dialogue than is required for a monologue and that if people became aware of that ... read more
It's Not Too Late To Reclaim Your Freedom Now! 12 y
My Law professor has sharpened his ”saw” and cuts through the deeply ingrained beliefs about government like a hot knife through butter! Take the following quote from his current post for example.:
”If you are one of the 50 States of the United States of America or one of the 56 or 57 federal States, you are stuck with President Obama. If you are in the military or you are a federal, State or local government employee you are stuck with Obama. Everybody else? If you are willing to limit your visits to the United States, you can let go of President Barack Hussein Obama and re-claim y ... read more
The Law That Never Was - Yet People Just Keep On Giving! 12 y
Paul Andrew Mitchell on the 16th Amendment and related
June 3, 2013 -
... there are so many Court cases
which clearly contradict each other on the
legal effects of a ratified 16th amendment:
which clearly contradict each other on the
legal effects of a ratified 16th amendment:
legal effects of a ratified 16th amendment:
The claim that ”the [federal] income tax is 100% constitutional”
is easily refuted because:
(1) there is no LIABILITY STATUTE for taxes imposed by
subtitle A of th ... read more
Aajonus Vonderplanitz: "Dairy State" Trial Against Raw Milk 12 y
"VICTORY for our right to grow and eat the foods we want!"
Yesterday was the last day of farmer Hershberger’s trial in Sauk County Wisconsin. It was a grueling week of outrageous travesties. Injustices were hurled by Judge Guy Reynolds and the prosecutors like unbridled football defense against double-bridled offense.
I have seen some pretty incredible incidents of foul play in many trials where judges abused their authority to convict innocent defendants. This was the worst. This was government hellbent on using Vernon’s case to insure governments’ seizure and control of what we eat. They were not only shameless but downright evil.
Yesterda ... read more
Jury In Wisconsin Has Some Explaining To Do! 12 y
Wall Street Journal article on the trial of Vernon Hershbeger and the inconsistency of one of their four determinations.
The Wall Street Journal reported: ”Jurors found Vernon Hershberger, a 41-year-old Loganville, Wis., farmer, innocent of producing milk without a license, selling milk and cheese products without a license, and operating a retail establishment without a license. He was found guilty of one count of breaking a holding order issued by the state in June 2010, which barred him from moving any of the food he produced without a license.”:
I invite you to look at this one sentence, (quoted above from the Wall Street ... read more
"We Are Stardust"! 12 y
Human Design is a four-fold synthesis of ancient wisdom capable of bringing you deep understanding on the uniqueness of your individuality!
”All of us are in the same field of information as a global community. We are stardust. We were all seeded when the Supernova 1987A exploded and released a huge stream of neutrino information. Normally we receive 3 trillion neutrinos per second over a square centimeter of space and in the 17 minutes following the death of this star we received 9 trillion neutrinos per second over a square centimeter. From a visionary point of view this star, as it died, gave all of us its last bits of information. It’s a wonderful thing. The most beautiful thing for me in physics is the recognition that th ... read more
Got Soil? 12 y
The need for healing the earth at the soil level and a way that most people can possibly participate and support this.
Over the past 100 years the soil in the U.S. of A. has lost tremendous vitality from conventional farming practices. The need for healing the earth at the soil level has never been greater than it is right now!
”You can tell if your garden is good by digging a six-inch hole — if you don’t see any worms, then your soil is undernourished. Worm castings are nature’s all-in-one soil amendment and fertilizer. Compost that has been eaten and turned into worm poop has ten times the concentration of micro-ingredients and microbes. Typically, a bag of soil has little to no worm-casting content ... read more
I Have Crucified The "Person" Whom I Thought I Was! 12 y
A "Son of Truth" insight plus "The Christ Mind" author.
Time for some ”Truth and Life” (after sharing what I have shared about ”The Whey”).
I had an ”uh huh” moment on the significance (in my life right now) regarding the truth that my ”parents created the ’person’” that I believed myself to be when they named me when I was born.(A Yahoo group that is devoted to this subject here:
Yesterday I sent correspondence to a brother on the East Coast (I’m on the West Coast) quoting the scripture in the gospels of the one who came to Jesus saying words to the effect that ”your mother and brothers are asking f ... read more
"It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Zing" 12 y
Lacto-fermentation delivers the zing plus Chef Jem's Nourishing "Bug Juice"
It’s gotten to the point that I just as soon pass on most foods unless they include some form of lacto-fermentation. That’s especially true for drinks. I have been lacto-fermenting nourishing traditional drinks for over ten years now and there are no other drinks for me! I recently tried some packaged coconut water and immediately thought, I can add this to my lacto-fermented coconut drink (that has become appealing to other members in my household as well)!
For a single batch I take an individual jar of coconut butter, place it on the warm shelf in my kitchen for a day or so until the ... read more
D.A.S. Currency - Backed With: Dirt-Alchemy-Soil 12 y
A new vision for an ecologically-backed currency.
The ”real dirt” on federal reserve notes is they have no backing. Better to at least have ”dirt”-backed currency than nothing at all!
To Be Continued! visit the page
What Was Left Unsaid By The FDA 12 y
"What I'd Put On A Non-FDA-Approved Medicine Package" by Pete Hendrickson
You’ve probably seen the FDA ”disclaimer” label before:
”These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
Pete Hendrickson writes:
What struck me about this disclaimer was its inherent denigration of the product (which certainly IS intended to treat a disease) and its simultaneous elevation of the state. I was also struck by what was left unsaid, and that I believe ought to accompany and dramatically overshadow this protectionism-payoff disclaimer (which is added to forestall ... read more
Nourishing Satiation 12 y
The importance of real, healthy fats in the diet in order to experience nourishing satiation plus the role of gut bacteria.
Have you ever filled yourself full on food only to be unsatisfied? Although it’s been a number of years since I have had that experience I do remember that feeling and how uncomfortable and terribly dissatisfying that was.
One of the things I discovered through many attempts at eating a ”politically correct” vegetarian diet (that was a close to vegan as I could possibly stand) was how much my body needed real healthy fats in order for me to feel satiation. I’ve also learned that my fat of choice is primarily raw, grass-fed butter, butter oil and ghee. I can now very clearly say that a v ... read more
New Beginnings 12 y
New "All-in-One" Blog by Chef Jem (AKA Mixologist).
November 20, 2018 -
All of my food, dietary, nutrition and (therefore) the whole spectrum orientation of ”Chef-to-’Chef-doctor’” is based on all the ”wise traditions” that have been gleaned from the extraordinary and well-documented findings of Dr. Weston A. Price and that are well-represented and presented by the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Traditionally whey has most always been consumed raw in all the various forms of raw dairy products. The raw state of whey includes all the enzymes naturally occurring in whey.
Many lacto-fermented foods use whey in support of the fermentation ... read more