Sweet Offerings? 19 y
A Jewish Attorney says...
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People & Land 19 y
The good, the bad and the ugly-
Well, the good will be rewarded, the bad will be punished and the ugly have goodness in them which is not seen outright.
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Created EQUAL? 19 y
I believe that all men are created equal, under the sight of God....
http://server1.aswatalislam.net/Audios/Videos/Documentaries/Palestine%20Video... visit the page
Life is... 19 y
Restricted, confined, at least in Jail, you sometimes get a hot meal
http://server1.aswatalislam.net/Audios/Videos/Documentaries/Palestine%20Video... visit the page
Why Would They Stay? 19 y
What can you do? Pray for them to get out? Its time to get out of dodge? Where is the help?
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What To Do? 19 y
Is there not a way to get the people out of this land? Or reform a part of it which is equal to the rest?
Africa Youth Ministries Uganda 19 y
Africa Youth Ministries Request, Please read:
Dear forum, Greetings. by ALBERTOK
I am writing from Africa Youth Ministries Uganda, a child and youth focused Ngo working with war traumatised Children & Youth in the 19 years war torn Northern Uganda. The 19 years war in Northern Uganda, has left over 1.6 million innocent Ugandans homeless but only living in displaced peoples protected camps, thousands of people have innocently been killed, over 25,000 children abducted and thousands an accounted for, hundreds of innocent women & men young and old maimed etc.
The war trauma has affected every hu ... read more
I Was A Human Shield 19 y
There is nothing to fear, but God.
There is nothing to hope for, but in God.
There is nothing to love, but God...
Ma’ariv [an Israeli Hebrew only newspaper]
I was a human shield
By Billie Moskona-Lerman
The death of human rights activist Rachel Corrie, crushed to death while trying
to stop an IDF bulldozer, was reason for Billie Moskona-Lerman to go to the
Rafah Refugee Camp and to spend 24 hours at the most miserable place in the
Gaza Strip. A place where shooting never stops, where shells whistle by the
windows, the walls are covered with bloodstains on the walls, houses turn into
ruins and people walk the streets barefooted and desperate. She came back a
different person. In a ra ... read more
Refugees of Khan Jonah 19 y
How we separate ourselves, define others, usurp the blessings, unfairly distribute them, and rewrite Gods Laws. Shame.
Refugees of Blood and Sand: Detail of Rafah and Khan Yunis, Gaza.
Jennifer Loewenstein
6 May 2002
There is a halo of blood on the ground where Huda died while sleeping last Tuesday night (4/30/02). Toddler-sized diapers lie strewn on the ground among the concrete heaps where the bedroom wall once was, and a single blue sandal, tiny as my fist, sat perched in a corner of the room on a wooden slab. Huda was 11 months old. Her mother is in the hospital recovering from her injuries. A pretty, paper-flower ceiling ornament that she made for her daughter still hangs, grit covered above th ... read more
Where God Put You 19 y
Of course there is a solution, there is ALWAYS a solution to every problem.
Imagine life,
Life as a child.
Your life as a child.
Your innocent childhood.
You knew nothing about
skin tones, separation
and/or segregation.
You had no pride.
What was inside
was purity.
You did not have
a choice where you
were born. What family
you had. You had no choice
which body was chosen
for your soul to embrace.
You were just alive
You were full of love
With your new life.
Now imagine,
You were born just recently
in an occupied state.
You became a statistic
And your home was a cage.
Your life would be
downplayed and
your freedom taken away.
Your new ... read more
We Remember! 19 y
May the families be comforted, may we learn, & connect as one people from many backgrounds.
911 Victims Ignored!
Ground Zero Rescue Worker Sergeant Matthew Tartaglia
www.Infowars.com | March 23, 2005
Sergeant Matthew Tartaglia was a fit, strapping man who climbed telephone polls for a living in 2001. After September 11th, he stepped up to help his fellow Americans by joining the all-volunteer United States Search and Rescue Task Force as a counselor and debriefer. He provided much needed psychological relief to the rescue workers at Ground Zero who came face to face each day with the horror of the 911 tragedy, sifting through rubble to loc ... read more
No Words to Tell 19 y
Double Trouble because of ones DNA....
I found this piece LONG ago and thought it was interesting except for the swearing. It was offensive to read for me personally. I recently found this piece again and decided to post it. I was thinking of editing this, but just kept it in its original form. The author being raised in a culture of profanity, the timing, the emotions regarding his homeland and his people, the anger of not knowing why.....is understood. Granted I despise words such as these, yet they are not mine, they are of anger, sadness, grief and confusion.
Below is a piece by Palestinia ... read more
Why the Children in Iraq Make No Sound When They Fall
19 y
Where is God? Relax, He is near....
Why the Children in Iraq Make No Sound When They Fall
By Bernard Chezzall
o one said that dying had to be dull. ”Screaming with fear, paralyzed children at a shelter for the physically disabled and mentally ill in Galle, Sri Lanka, lay helplessly in their beds as seawater surged around them.” The CNN report read like the screenplay of a horror film. A crippled girl grows up destitute in a home for the deaf, the blind, the insane, and, for good meas ... read more
Poets Against the War 19 y
Poets For Peace
An Open Letter
New Years Day, 2005
The war drags on. Fallujah has been destroyed in order to save it, shades of Vietnam. A man who presented the argument in favor of ignoring the Geneva accords, a man who would authorize torture, is now our Attorney General. More than 100,000 Iraqi civilians dead, many times more wounded, homeless… And American soldiers who have served their tours of duty are being post facto drafted to remain in combat. MORE >>>
"Stopping by the Prosaic on an Autumn Day": New York Times op-ed by Francis X. Cline ... read more
Common People & War 19 y
Under the Falsehood lies the Truth
Under those deep blue eyes, under the light toned skin, under the cloak of Religion. The truth will not be forever hidden.
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Labor of Love 19 y
Blessings & Prayer Go Farther Than You Might Think
What ever our given talents, callings, blessings may be, we can share them. With sharing they do increase.
&n ... read more
What is its real name? 19 y
Full Video ONline
And do you want to be a part of it?
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Under the Afghan Shawl 19 y
Book your flight today!
Awful odds for Afghan children
Parents everywhere worry about their children but imagine having worries like these: Your child has a cold or a skin infection. Could it be tuberculosis? Or measles? When your son plays in the fields, will he lose a leg to a landmine? In rural ... read more
Portrait of a Lady 19 y
World Vision Mercy
Portrait of a lady – World Vision social worker
ROMANIA - By Violeta Roman- Cristina Haivas, a young woman of 28 is probably one of the kindest people working for World Vision Romania. She cannot be otherwise, since most of the time she is dealing with people going through dif ... read more
Family Ever After 19 y
Struggles Against the Wind Can Succeed
Jew, Muslim travel with spiritual message
Two devout men talk of harmony in the Middle East
Anastasia Hendrix
Chronicle Staff Writer
They greet each other with an extended hug, firm pats on the back and kisses on the cheek. They are dear friends, even though many of their countrymen are dire enemies.
Eliyahu McLean is 33, lives in West Jerusalem and is an Orthodox Jew, with a beard, long side curls and often a tefillin, a small black box filled with parchment from the Torah.
&nb ... read more
Christian Muslim Hindu Jew 19 y
God is Love and the Light and the One to seek
`I am a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, and a Jew’
Gandhiji’s unshakeable faith in universal brotherhood is reflected in his fascination for the hymns from the Bible, the Koran, and the Gita.
Gandhi Jayanthi, on October 2, is the time to remember the Mahatma’s truly secular beliefs.
ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1924, Gandhiji started a 21-day fast to foster amity between the Hindus and the Muslims. It was dictated by duty to the highest cause - universal brotherhood. "Th ... read more
Life in the Holy Land *Critics Choice Award* 19 y
Life in the Sacred City of Peace
Tobias - Life in Palestine Real Footage
... read more
Will You Hate Me? 19 y
People are People are people
People are people- lets deal with it and get along. Thats all for now! More later........
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Musicians in the War Zone 19 y
Musicians in the War Zone
Musicians in the War Zone
Kids with Sol Guy; Murraytown, Sierra Leone by Eric Hoskins/War Child Canada
War Child Canada aims to educate Canadian youth about the effects of armed conflict on children through our projects and partnership with the music industry. In order to effectively engage and inspire young Canadians, War Child Canada has created, "Musicians in the War Zone." Produced in association with MuchMusic and the Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund, this groundbreaking human rights documentary illus ... read more
Artists 4 a Day 19 y
War Torn Child Artists
Yom Mil
8 years old
’Yom is a Dinka. A tribe from the southern part of Sudan. Yom’s mother went away when he was about five years old. She never came back. She died on the way, but Yom does not know that. In his head she is still travelling. His father remarries, but Yon didn’t fit in there. That is why he took to living on the streets.
He is the best finder of excuses around. He’s able to talk his way out of anything. Once he didn’t want to go to school, and as a reason he gave that the hairdresser had cut ... read more
Links to the Heart 19 y
Here is a collection of Websites I have found.
Will be adding more as I find them. Ever hoping to connect broken hearts, to end the anger, to encourage people to be one with eachother.
Young Nation 2004©
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