My early years growing up plus including US Navy 4 y
Different places on my unusual Road of Life!
My Early & Navy years!
Hitchhiking was part of my younger life, it was a less expensive and adventuresome way to get around! I did even did it several times while in the Navy, and then later by necessary demands while I was in college!
Date: 5/22/2021 3:16:30 PM ( 58 d ) ... viewed 352 times
Travel has been a huge part of my life! It all started early, where I lived in 3 states before going into elementary school; ** where I attended school every other year in a different state. Right up until the 5th grade, which is where we finally stayed until I graduated High School.
... read more
Your moral judgement will determine your Eternal Standing? 4 y
People with no real moral values - are souls floating in the vastness of Eternity!
Without any decision and/or purpose in your existence your time is wasted!
Either can learn to use your God-Given Intelligence or fail!
The choice and actual development in your life is due to two things -
First seeking the Eternal Truth, then actually learning how to live a Blessed and Loving life!
Each of us has been designed unique - yet the world system tends to blend and bend us into self-centered souls driven by self pleasure and purpose!
Does this wake up everyone?
Not really! Look at your past existence to answer this question!
People tend to be self-centered and ... read more
Why are we where we are at today? 4 y
The purpose of the original USA was to give people freedom to live much as they willed. But then the Liberal mine set of greed, DOmination and control kicked in and here we are! Congress does not need to be in session all year long - Just set up the budget for the coming year and go unless there are special needs! Special needs seems to be the popular plan of the day anymore! WHY?
Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator
What exactly happened and what can we do now?
*** Less tax money to spend means the politicians can stay home more and the people can rest assured that things are close to normal - not the dominated way things are being run in recent years!... ***
Date: 3/13/2016 3:56:32 PM ( 5 y ) ... viewed 872 times
An important question to ask is - ”What got us here in the first place?”
Mainly Liberalism happened! Which is the thief of the working class efforts (money) placed into politician pet {paid} projects and made to look like the people are ... read more
The Ugly Cry: A Memoir 4 y
Being a parent of our 1980's children - shows how far domination and control have come into our lives! Freedom is almost a foreign word or principle today! I can relate to the idleness and bored world of modern adolescent children now a days!
Those Were the Days of Our Lives
Book excerpt July 14, 2021
Those Were the Days of Our Lives This generation will never know the true freedom — and neglect — of being an ’80s kid.
By Danielle Henderson
The author and her brother excitedly prepare to spend an entire day riding their bikes in the middle of the street. Photo: Courtesy of Danielle Henderson
My 7-year-old goddaughter missed her friends a lot over the past year. Like most kids, she spent the pandemic indoors and, as an only child, mostly without the presence of other children. A deeply inventive and wildly creative ... read more
Is there balance in your life?
4 y
** Too much faith often results in people drowning in a raging sea of legalism, thinking if they can only perform well enough, then God will respond. ** On the other hand, too much grace results in people lounging in a rising pool of carelessness, waiting on God to do everything.
Blog: Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery
by kerminator
Is there balance in your life?
Without balance, we make messes, like a haphazard high school student in chemistry class.
Date: 11/15/2020 4:02:38 PM ( 8 mon ) ... viewed 361 times
Grace + Faith = The Balanced Equation of Life
By Roxie Hebson | March 11, 2019
With safety goggles and a long white lab coat on, I began the weekly lab experiment in my high school chemistry class many years ago. I knew that if my measurements were off, I probably wouldn’t cause an explosion, but I would, at the very least, make a me ... read more
“Why don’t you just trust in God?” 4 y
Actor Anthony Hopkins was a self-acclaimed atheist for the greater part of his life. However, a single question about God posed at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting shifted his perception drastically.
Blog: Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery
by kerminator
“Why don’t you just trust in God?”
** “I feel every day, as I get older, anyway, that it’s all a miracle,” said Hopkins. “I mean, my heartbeats, my lungs breathe. That is an extraordinary — an extraordinary phenomenon.”
Date: 11/23/2020
... viewed 301 times
Actor Anthony Hopkins was a self-acclaimed atheist for the greater part of his life. However, a single question about God posed at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting shifted his perception drastically.
Hopkins described his spiritual turning point during an appear ... read more
Learning to wait 4 y
Unless you learn how to wait many special and important Blessings will not become available to you! Sad that so many have never understood this in their life.
Where God is I am! This is the condition of people’s lives who wait upon the Lord God in their existence!
We should be in service to others upon our pathway of life!This includes strangers, friends as well as family and of course The Lord God!!
Each of us are here for a purpose which includes sharing both love and concern all who are presented to us!
This is how the plan of Eternity unfolds before us; then if we have been concerned many glorious things will exist before us.
Because when this occurs, then you can say where God is; there I am also!
Amen! visit the page
Uncommon wisdom in life 4 y
Many of the young People today say that they are " BORED " - But I reply " No you are Lazy! "because there is too much to do in life!
Blog: Uncommon Wisdom!!
by kerminator
How does it work - in life?
**With Many People with the recent 2020 election here in the USA were running off at the mouth with total disregard for the truth and purpose of our elected offices! Now there seems to be some fast and disturbing background stuff! This has led to much of the misleading dominating results of today!
Date: 10/12/2020
... viewed 336 times
Gee, with all the background noise about so many People complaining about how hard they have it - there is no room for positive constructive reasoning!
Looking back from what ... read more
Conceive it in your mind - 2 4 y
when and if you allow the Word of Almighty God to paint a word picture in your imagination, then you will have it to guide you in place of all the natural things which we see each day
Blog: Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator
Conceive it in your mind - 2
*** unless you can come to see the word pictures in your mind where the Word of God can direct changes in you thru your imagination - things will never be much better in your life! ***
Date: 11/11/2016 5:46:02 AM ( 5 y ) ... viewed 830 times
” Truly I say to you, those who actually believe in me, and the works I have done; shall also do them and even greater works than I have done, shall they do; because I go unto the Father! ” John 14:12
God desires that we come to prefor ... read more
From: Blog: Forgotten Words! by kerminator 4 y
Life is short so don't follow the lies in life!!
Blog: Forgotten Words!
by kerminator
Where are you in existence?
Each person has been given a period of their actual existence regardless of briefs, so don’t follow the lies in life!!
Date: 9/5/2020 1:55:44 AM ( 10 mon ) ... viewed 345 times
What are we (you) doing in this world?
1) We exist therefore we are!.
2) We all live or play out our existence.
3) Our effort is based and/or limited by our intelligence.
4) Once we come to realize that we have freedom of choice, most everything else can be changed and or controlled.
5) One of the key parts of our exi ... read more
How to recover from burnout due to exhaustion
4 y
Since there is no one solution for recovery, figuring out the source of your burnout can empower you to identify the next steps. “When you understand [your] burnout, you can see more opportunities and solutions and ideas,” Ziegler adds.
Mental Health
What Kind of Burnt Out Are You? (And Why It Matters)
Different types of burnout require different solutions.
Rachel Fairbank
Friday 10:30AM
(And Why It Matters)
Photo: ShutterProductions (Shutterstock)
By now, many of us are burnt out. In addition to the stresses about our health and safety, we’ve had to worry about job losses, changes in working conditions, as well as juggling family and work in a way that is even more exhausting than the usual. (And the usual wasn’t all that great either.)
When you’re burnt out, recovery can seem almost impossi ... read more
Had never honestly seen this before! 4 y
After taking and passing a shool test with a grade of 94% - put a note on the bottom regarding his +5 Bonus points to go to any deserving student! Excellent! This is the Agape Love of God in action!
Student’s Humble Plea to Teacher at the Bottom of His Test Goes Viral for All the Right Reasons
Posted on July 8, 2021
Kelsey StraeterKelsey Straeter
In an era where middle school children have perhaps become most known for bullying peers and terrorizing teachers, one fine young man is restoring our hope.
Teacher Winston Lee described the student as a “straight A+ guy” who had a track record of performing at the top of his class. At the end of his most recent test, the boy left a note for Mr. Lee at the bottom that has tugged at the heart strings of over 35,000 people acros ... read more
Biden blunders & whatever? 4 y
Well people have been telling how the present regime will chicken out and just walk away from responsibility! Read and see for yourself Some would say a gutless wonder!
Viral video of Taliban executing 22 Afghan commandos as they surrendered ignites more criticism of Biden’s withdrawal
John Haltiwanger
Tue, 13 July 2021, 11:39 am
Afghan special force commando unit officers and soldiers attend a graduation ceremony at the military academy in Kabul, Afghanistan, on May 31, 2021.
Afghan special force commando unit officers and soldiers attend a graduation ceremony at the military academy in Kabul, Afghanistan, on May 31, 2021. Haroon Sabawoon/Getty Images
22 Afghan commandos were apparently massacred by the Taliban while surrendering in June.
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Stop Look and Listen = great advice! 4 y
If you have never heard of the Agape Love of God - read on friend!
** From: Blog: Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery
by kerminator
God’s kind of love
** it is equally applicable to human love and kindness for everyone.
Date: 8/17/2020
... viewed 365 times
RELATED: 100 Love Quotes That Say Exactly What ’I Love You’ Means
While it is written in reference to God’s love, and the love gift of the baby Jesus turned Savior to the world, it is equally applicable to human love and kindness for everyone.
1 Corinthians 13 is the glue to a married couple in love or a parent with a child that has become defiant. It can be understood by a child ... read more
How do you learn to succeed? " a repeat post! " 4 y
One of the guiding principles in my life was my God given intelligence! Unless you come to recognize the importance of attempting to live a life which is not self-centered and dominated by greed and domination = your will fail!
Do you work by fact or fiction?
If you get off the ” Popular and Trending ” crap - and start looking for solid reasons and methods {answers} to problems; you will be better prepared for life! Try it I did and it works!
Date: 7/6/2021 2:27:01 AM ( 7 d ) ... viewed 31 times
Blog: Forgotten Words!
by kerminator
Time and Talent - 2
We all have some form of talent - the problem is that most people do not know how to use it! Most people are lazy or just plain slow to attempt to resolve problems that arise in their life! Your Existence here upon Earth is either fact or fiction ... read more
BIG Bad changes are coming down the pike! 4 y
Get ready for more control and domination in the US - very soon!
If you could have your choice - what would you seek?
Most people are disconnected with the real purpose of human life today! That is mainly because of several different things:
1) People have become more self centered and mainly looking for what they can get in life!
While each person has certain basic needs and desires. Some of this desire is understandable!
2) Where the lines become blurred and confused is the ” too much stuff ” which is available. This set up desires leading to more greed. The question in life is how much do you really need?
3) With the previous ” Work Ethi ... read more
Control and change are necessary for a successful life 4 y
Ask God to change you not just your situation!
Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator
Just like your Diet - control and change are necessary
*** Ask God to change you not just your situation! ***
Date: 4/18/2016
... viewed 1083 times
* Like your diet - your relationship with God must be a permanent life changing event.
The true condition of your heart (soul) determines how you act!
Many people attempt to change their actions without changing their hearts. Unless you come to make the necessary changes to get it right in your life - you will continue to spin out in life!
Change your efforts so that your efforts he ... read more
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