Done goofed up on fasting 14 y
Oh shame
I know there will be good and bad days of fasting and I just have to stick it through.
Was feeling physically weak (and mentally) and gave into food, so I would have energy to get some cleaning done. Oh, how my mind can rationalize any excuse to eat.
Tomorrow will be day 1 again. I have to do this. visit the page
Fasted Day 1 14 y
Completed 1 day of fasting. Taking it day by day. My energy level is fine. I had a little diarrhea. Not craving food as much as I thought I would be.
CW:239 visit the page
Overview 14 y
What I plan to do
I’m fasting to end my addiction to processed foods. The more you eat the more you want.
Moderation doesn’t work because processed food is designed to make you want to eat more of it even though you are not hungry.
It’s better that I just go cold turkey. Cause if I just have a little processed food, it will drive me crazy until I cave in and overeat on it.
I have a lot of weight to lose as well. A little over 100 lbs. So, I’ll be fasting on and off and eating mostly fruits and vegetables in between, with some cooked vegetables, and grains too.
Height:5’6 visit the page
Add Blog To Your Favorites! Fasting on and off to lose weight. Will be eating fruits and vegetables (avoiding processed food) in between to lose around 100 pounds. more...
Last Activity: 6 y ago 3 Messages Last message 14 y ago 1 Comments Last comment 6 y ago
viewed 106,922 times Created: 14 y Jul 20 2010
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