Forgotten Words!
by kerminator
Page 3 of 7

What will the truth get you?   12 y  
** There are times when if a person makes waves by telling the truth - the result is great opposition - critism - personal attacks - and even death! ***
Here is a true story about a man who told the truth! ”Jack Wheeler is a brilliant man who was the author of Reagan’s strategy to break the back of the Soviet uniion with the star wars race and expose their inner weakness. For years he wrote a weekly intelligence update that was extremely interesting and well structured and informative. He consults(ed) with several mega corporations on global trends and the future, etc. He is in semi-retirement now. He is a true patriot with a no-nonsense approach to everything. He is also a somewhat well-known mountain climber and adventurer.” ...   read more

General Guidelines for better health - Part 1   12 y  
*** If you were to find a way to prevent some pain and suffering in your life; would you do it? ***   read more

What do you seek most?   12 y  
** Having lived over seventy years, I have come across many different kinds of so called "Truth"! Yet only the actual TRUTH is the existence or state of being in itself! The Truth of The Truth! - Rufus Jones wrote, - " To find the truth... we must break through the outer shell of words and phrases which house it, and by experience and practice discover the 'inward beauty, life and loveliness of thuth.' " **
F.W. Robertson in his ’Sermons’, wrote: ”Truth lies in character. Christ did not simply speak truth; He was Truth: true though and through; for truth is a thing, not of words, but of Life and Being!” Truth is the eternal state of Being, always existing; never ending! {God?} In John’s Gospel,it states that truth came through Jesus Christ and His promise was; ” If you are my deciples indeed; then the you will know the truth and the truth will set you free! ” ” You desire truth in your inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart. ” Psalm 51:6 *** We all seek t ...   read more

Either for us or against us?   12 y  
** Here is the truth about how God sees the work of mankind today.... Read and think! ***
For Us or Against Us ** from blog home of: Mar 27, 2012 by Craig Blomberg “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters” (Matt. 12:30). “For whoever is not against us is for us” (Mark 9:40). A superficial comparison of these two texts and you might imagine Jesus was bipolar! In the throes of depression, he lamented that all those not explicitly following him were his opponents. But at the height of his euphoria, he insisted that everyone not explicitly opposing him was on his side. If ever there seems to be a blatant contradiction in S ...   read more

What can you believe?   12 y  
** Only the whole truth will guide you to a place of peace! Are you familiar with the ICLEI? Well you should become so, because they are changing your way of life **
“The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” -President Kennedy was assassinated on the 22nd of November, 1963 ten days after he made this speech to Columbia University on Nov 12, 1963. He knew what you are finding out now. ”Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t tr ...   read more

A teacher's advice!   12 y  
*** The little things we are put here on earth to enjoy. The things we often take for granted. We must make it important to notice them, for at any time... it can all be taken away." ***
A teachers advice.. Notice the Beautiful Things *** This is from GOD VINE: I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago whose husband unexpectedly died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insight with a classroom of students. As the late afternoon sunlight came streaming in through the classroom windows and the class was nearly over, she moved a few things aside on the ...   read more

Erasing Hell?   12 y  
*** If you are to ever understand Hell, then first you must come to know God's heart and purpose! ***
Man kind wants to erase Hell! Why? Mainly because first most of us do not understand the reason and purpose for Hell! That is it was created as a place for the rebellious angels who followed Lucifer - Satan in the war in heaven {which was before the earth was created}- it was never intended for humans! What? Most people will say... It all comes down to what God said and meant compared to what we have made up! HUH! Exactly why is hell? It is a place of eternal separation from Almighty God, where there exist only conscious suffering or punishment! ** Which now inclu ...   read more

Friends - Enemies & Truth!   12 y  
** What is the real truth? It requires that you must seek it, learn to be able to discern the real truth! ** {here is some} -
Installing and undermining governments: After World War II Soviet security organizations played key role in installing puppet Communist governments in Eastern Europe, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and later Afghanistan. Their strategy included mass political repressions and establishment of subordinate secret services in all occupied countries Some of the active measures were undertaken by the Soviet secret services against their own governments or Communist rulers. Russian historians Anton Antonov-Ovseenko and Edvard Radzinsky suggested that Joseph Stalin was ki ...   read more

Don't blog about Barry?   12 y  
*** Most of us feel free to write, blog, or say what we think... But when you post stuff about BHO... Things are different, truth is not always allowed! ***
FBI Raids Blogger Over Obama Ineligibility Evidence Posted on April 20, 2013 by diggerdan The the People Our friend and diligent researcher and the person responsible for exposing several of Obama’s fraudulent activities in several venues was interviewed, hand-cuffed and had his property removed by the FBI. Al Hendershot found Obama’s alias of Harrison J. Bounel , Obama’s non-payment of taxes on a home in Chicago that he does not own, and the Obama’s use of multiple social security numbers. In addition, he has worked with Jerome Corsi and the Cold Case Posse on the ...   read more

Friends of the Clinton's ?   12 y  
*** How and why? ****
1- James McDougal - Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation. 2 - Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexua| harassment in the White House. 3 - Vince Foster - Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide. 4 - Ron Brown - Secreta ...   read more

Way of a Spirit Warrior   12 y  
*** Here is the real plan and purpose of God for us all!
Chapter “1” Ways of the Spirit Warrior: We all must learn to reignite the flame that has laid dormant within most of us. Before we came into this world we were spirit beings, waiting to take on this physical body and decide our eternal destiny... How many stories have we heard about children who grew up in a religious/church environment; and were forced to act out rather than be really won over to the heart of God? This is so true of many of the world’s religions... Many have been taught to act out of fear. A Spirit Warrior yearns to seek what is right from both love and con ...   read more

Love the power source of the Universe! {Love Dream Part 3}   12 y  
Once we ever get our eyes off self and onto the pure source of Love; then our existence will shine forever!
Love is a mutual exchange of eternal energy! Love is powerful in small spaces, yet has profound effect at great distances! Love defies time out living both it’s source and object! Love is faster than light, as light requires time in order to pass through space. Love reaches it’s object instantaneously! Love is limitless, as it travels forever into Eternity! Love is the true sign of God’s Eternal existence! Love binds the souls of beings! * {The soul, as religious, philosophical, and psychological traditions, is the incorporeal and, in many conceptions, immortal essenc ...   read more

Who built the first Egyptian pyramid?   13 y  
Just may be there is more to the Biblical account of the story of Joseph (Imhotep)? Imhotep, Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, Chief under the King, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary Lord, High Priest of Heliopolis, Imhotep the Builder, the Sculptor
Joseph in Ancient Egyptian History By Mary Nell Wyatt Based on Ron Wyatt’s research It’s rather amazing how historians and archaeologists have managed to explain away evidence which validates the Biblical account. Myths and legends derived from actual events of biblical times are found all over the world, such as the multitude of Flood stories, but to the unbeliever these only prove that the Bible was influenced by these myths. The fact is that these myths are satanic corruptions of the truth, designed by Satan to convince man that in his own cleverness, he is smarter than God. And ...   read more

1400 years of death, violence and world control!   13 y  
**** Here is the history of a world religion' with it's stages of total domination!
    ‎***  Stages of  the  -  Modern Islamic Conquest of the Western World: STAGE 1: INFILTRATION Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle. *First migration wave to non-Muslim “host” country. *Appeal for humanitarian tolerance from the host society. *Attempts to portray Islam as a peaceful & Muslims as victims of misunderstanding and racism (even though Islam is not a ‘race’). *High Muslim birth rate in host country increase Muslim population. ...   read more

God only cares...   13 y  
While most people may not care about their future or how they will spend Eternity; it never the less is the major factor in their existence!
   Once we stop an look at our life we will generally find that all is not well in your-Ville...  Most is due to lack of thought, or hasty actions either in response following your emotions {which are really just warning bells} or worse some off beat { often evil or diabolical} plan of man...   Many may well stop reading here because like so many they do not or will not accept the truth in their life!   ‎"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what Go ...   read more

Your Standards   13 y  
When you get away from your standards... Things can go drastically wrong in a hurry!
   When you become more concerned with the world around you than your core beliefs; you move into dangerious treeitory as far as your future!    It is always tempting to relax your standards especially when life’s situation or circunstances seem to be against you!   While many people will agree that to just ignore your life long commitments in certain areas or situations is both logical and well intentional; really is that so?  The answere is NO!    Because once you cut loose from you moral anchor, things go far bey ...   read more

A Quick over view of the English Bible   14 y  
What do you know about the history of the Holy Bible?
   What we need is to better understand the source and history of the Holy Bible!   You are here: Truth >> Learn More about the Holy Bible! >> History of the Holy Bible What is the history of the Holy Bible? Unlike any other book ever written, the Holy Bible is compiled of writings that cover a span of about 1400 years and include some 40 writers. Within its pages are 66 books, yet it is considered one book, The Book, The Holy Scriptures, The Word of God. The time period recorded during those 1400 years covers nearly 4000 years of huma ...   read more

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Created: 16 y   Oct 22 2009


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Comments (10 of 32):
Re: So what is tru… kermi… 9 y
Re: So what is tru… r1def… 9 y
Re: FGM - Evil in … glaxo… 10 y
Re: Integration??? kermin… 10 y
Re: Integration??? ren 10 y
Re: How to know a … kermi… 11 y
Re: The Myths of M… kermi… 11 y
Re: Where did we g… kermi… 11 y
Re: Where did we g… kermi… 11 y
Re: Did someone fo… kermi… 11 y
All Comments (32)

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My Unusual Road of Life....  31 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  3 y  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  4 y  (291)
Ya’ think??  4 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  32 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  4 y  (212)

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