Raw Milk: The Whole Truth
by chef jem
Page 7 of 18

Cow Care   14 y  
An "easy 'sensory cow meditation' (to) be done every time you milk your cow."
Cow Care By farmer M in California ”I am grateful for my cows. Certainly I adore the milk, manure and meat they provide, but I am truly grateful for one particular thing. When I sit to milk my cows twice a day, their large warm energy soothes me into myself again. Twice a day they create the space for such a restorative gift. Therefore I feel it is the least I can do to give them the care I deeply feel they deserve. I would like to share with you my daily checklist that enables me to begin to deliver such care. I have found that the best time to check my cows is right before I ...   read more

Wisconsin Senate Committee on Agriculture Says Yes To Raw Milk!   14 y  
News report from the capitol of the Dairy State!
”The Senate Committee on Agriculture and Higher Education Wednesday passed legislation unanimously that would allow for the sale of raw milk.” http://www.wkowtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=12157501   visit the page

Whole Foods Discontinue Raw Dairy Products!   14 y  
News from Organic Pastures Dairy regarding this issue plus additional commentaries including an inquiry to Whole Foods and a simple reply.
April 13th Update: ”Whole Foods Corporate has decided permanently to discontinue raw dairy products from all stores nationally, as a matter of corporate policy”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnLas8rMaYc Organic Pastures Dairy - ” ... We have just learned that Whole Foods insurance will no longer cover ANY raw milk sales NATIONALLY!!! This is affecting all states that currently are able to sell raw milk in the stores. Our product, as well as all other raw milk, will be taken off the shelves starting tomorrow (Saturday, March 13) at 8:00 am! We have done nothing wrong, this is a ...   read more

Operation Cow Rescue   14 y  
"Several organic dairies in California are going out of business, and many of their cows will be sent to slaughter or sold to conventional dairies. We need your help to rescue these cows."
Greetings! ”We have been able to rescue 40 cows thus far for Operation Cow Rescue!! While we have had amazing outreach so far we are still wanting to save about 60 more cows. Any help that you can provide would be absolutely amazing! We can even set you up with others who may be interested but cannot afford the whole price. This is a life changing event for these many cows that are living in horrible conditions, any help that you can provide for their well being would be amazing. Thank you for your interest in this amazing program!!” -- Marcy Oliver Executive Marketing Assistant ...   read more

"If There Is Such A Thing As A 'Freedom Movement' It Showed Itself Wednesday In Eau Claire, Wisconsin."   14 y  
Articles Re: The Wisconsin Raw Milk Bill hearings
Update: ”Free Soil, Free Men, Free Milk” Posted on March 14th, 2010 by Sean Scallon at The American Conservative ”If there is such a thing as a ’freedom movement’ it showed itself Wednesday in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.”: http://www.amconmag.com/blog/2010/03/14/free-soil-free-men-free-milk/#more-3402 My Comment: ”Very glad that you made it to this event Sean! Your observations give wonderful support to your spot-on commentary! If the ’freedom movement’ showed itself Wednesday in Eau Claire, Wisconsin then I hope every Republic wherever ”free milk” is wanted across America ...   read more

"Raw Milk and Children"   14 y  
Link to a chapter from "The Untold Story of Milk" at Google
From The Untold Story of Milk http://docs.google.com/viewer?...   visit the page

The Most Natural, Healing Food; The Food Mother Provides!   14 y  
Commentary on Raw Milk by Sophia
”Why would we take milk from a nursing mother, and first smack it really hard against a wall (homoginize it) and then heat it (pasteurize it), killing what is inherently absorbable and nutritious? It seems barbaric! We are the only species who would think to obliterate the most natural, healing food; the food Mother provides. Fear and control and isolation are powerful, deleterious forces when behind any philosophy. Let’s embrace what Mother has to offer. Raw Love.” ~ Sophia Angelina Dallair   visit the page

Raw Milk Websites and Information   14 y  
Some websites, additional blogs, articles and other information in support of Real Milk - the original grass-fed variety that has used as medicine by the Mayo Clinic
Raw Milk Websites and More! Alliance for Raw Milk: http://wholefoodusa.org/ http://thebovine.wordpress.com/ Products and services in Canada: http://www.homeontherangefarms.com http://www.wildthingorganics.com Quesnel, BC: http://www.hunnydoranch.com/ Michael Schmidt’s Glencolton farm in Ontario: http://www.glencoltonfarms.com/index.php http://www.realmilk.com The ”raw truth”: http://www.raw-milk-facts.com http://www.raw-milk-facts.com/raw_milk_health_benefits.html Real Milk and Pasteurized Homogenized Milk Compared: http://www ...   read more

New Cover Photo For "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" DVD!   14 y  
Update on the next set of "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" DVDs that are coming with what will soon become a famous cover photo of "Elsie and her heifer"!
I’m excited! I have the best picture of ”Elsie”, a long-horned cow, who is nursing her heifer out on a green pasture in Texas! I’m excited to have permission to use this as my cover photo for ”Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” DVD! I’m so happy about this beautiful photo that as soon I have the cover layout ”camera ready” I’m going to have some printing done. I’d love to have a complete line of stationary and if possible matching envelopes in two sizes, note pads and more, not only for myself but for all ”Real Milk” lovers! Imagine having your written correspondences (a stretch for some in this ...   read more

State of Wisconsin Shuts Down One Of The Oldest Biodynamic Farms For "Distributing" Raw Milk!   14 y  
"In the last year the State of Wisconsin reinterpreted the laws that originally made these programs legal and now has begun to crack down on such programs in the state."
The following is an ”ACTION ALERT FROM THE BIODYNAMIC ASSOCIATION” The Zinniker Family Farm of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, was established in 1943 and is considered one the oldest biodynamic farms in the United States. The farm has played a key role in the biodynamic movement, hosting field days, workshops, and prep-making events that have introduced hundreds of thousands of farmers and consumers to biodynamic agriculture. This fall, Zinniker Farm was shut down by the State of Wisconsin for distributing raw milk through a cow-share program they had run since the mid-80s. Through the program fa ...   read more

Raw Milk Issues Are Food Sovereignty Issues!   14 y  
Beginning to identifying, prioritize and clarify a number of Raw Milk issues & subsequently identifying a foundational issue of "Food Sovereignty"!
There are a number of issues that one can find regarding the subject of Raw Milk. Some of these issues seem to have the appearance of controversy surrounding them. That is why we started with: ”The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction” as the original title in the DVD that I have produced. It is my intention to begin an index to this blog and identify the issues that I have covered (over the past two years) starting with at least four categories including: Food Freedom (AKA Food Sovereignty), Health & Nutrition, Dairy Farming and Legal Issues. In the Raw Milk DVD we also covered ...   read more

"Michael Schmidt Vindicated In Ontario ... We Win In British Columbia, Too!!"   14 y  
"Cow-sharing" in British Columbia - Michael Schmidt Vindicated. Several reports here plus more hot-linked!
Gordon S Watson update on Thursday, January 21, 2010: ”Michael Schmidt was vindicated in Ontario today = cowsharing is legitimate - so we win in British Columbia, too!!” My original title on this particular blog was: ”More Raw Milk News From British Columbia’s Queen Charlotte Islands” - and at that time - this was the number one news item in Google for ”raw milk news”!: http://thebovine.wordpress.com/2009/09/13/more-raw-milk-news-from-british-columbias-queen-charlotte-islands/ Gordon S Watson says: ”we have won the contest for public opinion.” Also ”If we can just keep th ...   read more

"90% of Raw Milk Drinkers Will Disobey The Law to Obtain It"   14 y  
Results Released on National Raw Milk Survey
http://wholefoodusa.wordpress.com/ The survey has revealed a perfect indication of the unalienable Right of the people to pursue what they need for their Life as well as their greater good! Truth trumps fascist law. ”fascist america”+law”raw milk”: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&ei=_6E9S7rcF4rSNf-A6fAP&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&ved=0CAYQBSgA&q=%22fascist+america%22%2Blaw%22raw+milk%22&spell=1 ”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Cre ...   read more

"Raw Milk Dairy Farming Tells the Story of Farming Best In Terms of What Would Be Lost"   15 y  
A message in response to the state of raw milk dairy farming in South Dakota and expounded upon in relation to the multiple crises the country now faces.
”S 510 is the corporate effort on a national level to get rid of raw milk (and the farmers producing it) by corporate dairies now demanding pasteurization regulations being inserted in it as a food safety measure. ... At the state level, corporate lobbyists will pull back but then return with more later on, including pressure (of all kinds) to remove honest state officials who are not in their pocket. (Read Corrupt to the Core by Shiv Chopra to see how food safety apparatus in Canada was fully dismantled by corporate corruption). ... ... it would be important to push for the state’ ...   read more

"Milk: The Surprising Story Through The Ages"   15 y  
Quote from "Milk: The Surprising Story Through The Ages" By Anne Mendelson
By Anne Mendelson ”Milk itself would have been a fascinating subject at any time in history. It is really and truly the First Food, at least for all members of the mammal class. The practice of milking was an anchor of many prehistoric civilizations, one of humanity’s oldest and deepest bonds with domestic animals. The animals raised for the purpose are remarkable creatures, though they remain nearly invisible to most of the people who put milk on shopping lists. What they produce is a biochemical marvel that modern science has not yet finished analyzing, Its still-unp ...   read more

The Three Biggest Milk Myths   15 y  
An excellent article "Raw Milk Myths: Are We Prisoners of Pasteurization?" by Dr. Josh Axe
”The three biggest milk myths are: * Pasteurized milk is safe while raw milk is dangerous. * There is no nutritional disparity between pasteurized milk and raw milk. * Pasteurization is in everyone’s best interest” ”Raw Milk Myths: Are We Prisoners of Pasteurization?” This is an excellent article by Dr. Josh Axe! It nicely compliments ”Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” DVD http://blog.joshaxe.com/2009/09/22/raw-milk-myths-are-we-prisoners-of-pasteurization-part-1-of-3/   read more

"Beware Homemade Pie And A Glass Of Milk?"   15 y  
Food Freedom article regarding HR 2749: Totalitarian Control of the Food Supply.
”Pennsylvania Church Ladies Raided by ‘Food Safety’ Cops” by Linn Cohen-Cole http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2009/06/13/pa-church-ladies-raided-by-food-safety-cops/ One reader comments; ”Great article although I need to point out one grave error. The U.S. is not a Democracy it is a Republic. We don’t say ’….and to the Democracy for which it stands…’ and the word Democracy is not anywhere in our founding documents but the Constitution Guarantees to each state a Republic, there is a difference and our founders spoke highly of a Republic and badly about the evils of Democracy.” ...   read more

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The people’s food sovereignty with all raw milk lovers in mind, both in the present and those to come! Additional topics include raw milk: the first ”food-as-medicine” plus every additional raw dairy food.… more...

Last Activity: 10 mon ago
310 Messages   Last message 10 mon ago
25 Comments   Last comment 10 mon ago

viewed 2,822,141 times
Created: 16 y   Jan 09 2008


Comments (10 of 25):
Re: Raw Grass-Fed … Advoc… 9 y
Re: Milk Contains … kermi… 10 y
slippery elm is a … #1545… 11 y
Re: "Raw Farm Milk… Betty… 11 y
Re: "The Court of … kermi… 11 y
Re: "The Jury Has … refre… 11 y
Re: Hello Again! kerminat… 11 y
Re: Legal Charges … Mixol… 11 y
Re: Legal Charges … kermi… 11 y
Re: "Raw Milk: The… refre… 12 y
All Comments (25)

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The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  67 d  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  21 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  5 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  23 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
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