Day 1 Beginning of Juice Fast (June 10th) 17 y
A walk in the park... or beach ;)
Yesterday was the first day of a two or three week Juice Fast.
Had some lax tea, then Orange Juice to start the morning off, was really nice.
Had a really nice day, spent a lot of it down the beach in the Sun. Its amazing how nature can bring the best out of us. After returning from the beach I was quite tired and was feeling low on Energy. Had some Juice as soon as I got in and it really lifted my morale along with my energy levels quite soon after.
The evening got a bit difficualt when I had to make some food for my Girlfriend, then to make things even worse I had go and get an ... read more
Pre Fast (Day 1 - June 7th) 17 y
It begins, the PreFast... a secret path to an opening which cannot be understood until passed through. One must not return until 21 days have passed.
Here we are again, last time I was blogging on here I didin’t even make it past Pre Fasting.
This time I will not fail, I am going to do a Pre Fast till Saturday (9th June).
Once Sunday begins I will start Juice fasting for 21 Days. 10th June - 1st July
Rules and Penalties:
1. Only Veg/Fruit Juice / Water / Fish Oils Allowed to be used throughout Fast.
If I break this rule I will add an extra day to my fast.
2. Pre-Fast Must not contain any red meets or processed foods.
3. No Smoking
4. No Alcohol
Reasons for this fast:
Fatigue, Foggy Mind, Detoxification, Improve Dig ... read more