If my theory makes sense to you PLEASE show your support. 17 y
Help get my theory noticed
I really feel that I discovered an overlooked phenomena that could benefit the lives of many if properly addressed.
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Since I’m not a doctor or research scientist the web is my only means to get this theory out.
I need your help. Show your support,
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My new proposed theory on Bipolar Symptoms and other conditions. Nutrition and Sleep may be the most effective solution. 17 y
It this theory is correct and proven it may change how some disorders are treated and viewed.
This is an informal proposal of my theory known as ”Forced Imprint Syndrome”
Author: Chris S.
”Since this is informal, if much of this isn’t common knowledge please do your own research.”
This is theory as simple as it is, is devastating to those who suffer from it. This proposed theory states that certain symptoms of disorders are underlying causes for a serious condition where the physical and mental defenses of oneself are lowered to such a point that it becomes the onset of an entirely different syndrome. Forced Imprint is where the mind is literally ’brainwas ... read more