Find Your Art
by SoulfulSurvivor

Yes, you can!   18 y  
Give something new a whirl!
For all of those folks out there who actually believe that they can’t draw, paint, sing, knit, or __________ (fill in, here), it can be done!  With the right instructor, the right tools, and a positive attitude, anyone can learn just about anything, I believe!  I saw it happen with my own eyes, one semester. Years ago, I talked my mom into taking a life-drawing course with me.  She agreed and, bless her heart, she drew the human body using geometric forms.  Now, the instructor was an inspiration to me, before this - she suffered with a debilitating stammer and still managed to effectiv ...   read more

Healing properties of art   18 y  
Healing through art.
For me, one of the most notable aspects of the healing qualities of practicing a form of art was stepping out of the status of "abuse victim" and into the status of "abuse survivor." I have practiced art my whole life, from as far back as I can remember.  Of course, I went to college to pursue knowledge in art and its many forms, but I quickly gave it up after meeting the Thing that I would marry.  Almost instantly, I found myself relinquishing friends, interests, and my own personality as a result of my codependancy.  During my union with this man, ...   read more

Art start   18 y  
Find your art and heal your mind!
I just placed my signature on a commissioned piece about 30 minutes ago, and I have to say:  Boy, am I glad I’m done with THAT!  It’s not that I don’t appreciate a commission - the income is always a bonus, though I always underestimate the time that will be involved.  With that out of the way, I can start working on some projects that are strictly for my own enjoyment.  Finding the energy to start seems to be the main hurdle.  Cutting out as much refined sugar and processed starch as I can, I’m beginning to feel a bit more perky!  However, I still hea ...   read more


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Encouragement to those who "can't draw," "can't paint," "can't sing," etc. Art can be found in everything! more...

Last Activity: 17 y ago
3 Messages   Last message 17 y ago
7 Comments   Last comment 17 y ago

viewed 45,031 times
Created: 18 y   Dec 22 2006

Comments (4 of 7):
Re: gotta start so… Soulf… 18 y
gotta start somewh… blues… 18 y
Re: Welcome! SoulfulSurvi… 18 y
Welcome! tambee 18 y
All Comments (7)

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Coping with Betrayal  9 y  (30)
NPD Survival  17 y  (2)
Domestic Violence and Abuse -…  17 y  (1)

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