Blog Description This blog will contain all my research about the BARF diet for dogs. 80% of dogs fed on commercial and processed foods end up with the SAME diseases as humans - arthritis, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, eczema etc. It is imperative that we look at what is biologically appropriate and feed them accordingly. Canines in the wild like wolves and hyenas rarely get such diseases, and theres a reason why! I dedicate this site to my canine mentor and love, Baboo, my adorable Bedlington Terrier, and to all you wonderful dog lovers everywhere!
I will also detail how to homeopathically vaccinate a dog, how to heal emotional trauma, how to correct behavioural problems, and more! |
This blog will contain all my research about the BARF diet for dogs (and cats). 80% of dogs fed on commercial and processed foods end up with the SAME diseases as humans - arthritis, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, eczema etc. It is imperative that we look at what is biologically appropriate and feed them accordingly. Canines in the wild like wolves and hyenas rarely get such diseases, and theres a reason why! I dedicate this site to my love, Baboo, my adorable Bedlington Terrier.… more... Last Activity: 17 y ago 33 Messages Last message 17 y ago 42 Comments Last comment 17 y ago viewed 91,899 times Created: 18 y May 03 2006 |
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