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MY Health Journey
by #39375

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My Health Journey

In August, 2004, I experienced a severe gallbladder attack. I was curled up in a fetal position for 3 days. Finally my husband convinced me that I had to go seek medical help. He thought I may be having an appendicitis attack and it could possibly rupture.

We went to the MD’s office for a consultation and a RN, who was a physician’s assistant, examined me. She pushed down on the gallbladder area (as I well now know) and then immediately released. I nearly went through the roof from pain. She told me to go to Denton Community Hospital and she would arrange for an ultrasonic scan. The Doctor that referred me to the hospital and the surgeon both advocated almost immediate surgery (as soon as I could get the fever, etc down).

I am a stubborn Norwegian and I firmly believe that I should keep all my body parts intact. So I rather sneakily worked to get my self released without surgery (though sometimes I regret that I didn’t have it removed). I began an extensive research program on gallbladder and underlying liver problems. I went to multiple sources from the alternative medical field and while most of them thought they had ALL the answers, I found all of them had some knowledge that I could add to what I already knew.

I don’t want to bother you with all of the false starts (and stumbles) that I went through, but the most fantastic thing I found was some information that a Canadian Doctor e-mailed me. I had been consulting with him for over a month before he called me and said that I had to read this information. He is a health consultant and does not involve him self in MLM programs. So he had no economic interest in what he sent me.

Within the next few days, I called a very dear friend of ours in Tonsberg, Norway and after about an hour he and his wife referred me to a consultation in suburban Dallas, TX for a mineral supplement that had helped her and her husband. We called and set up an appointment for the next few days. The ND there had an office in a Dr of Chiropractic office. After about an hour of talking about all my medical problems, she and the Doc wanted me to go have an Ultrasonic scan on my gallbladder/liver area. I went to the appointment the next day as scheduled and waited around for most of the day and returned to the referring Doctor. The news was somewhat upsetting and the Doctor set us up for a CAT scan the next day. I went for the CAT scan and the news was even worse than I anticipated. The Ultrasonic scan showed a totally full (of stones) gallbladder and a large cyst (mass) about ½ the size of the liver (about like a grapefruit) The CAT scan results were even worse they basically said my gallbladder had cacogenic masses in the gallbladder and the liver had a smaller (but hotter “cyst”) Plus cysts on the pancreas, the liver. Etc. Basically, I was full of them.

After mulling over and praying about it, I concluded the best surgeon in the world can’t totally remove everything. So I thought that before removing the gallbladder, I would need to get myself stronger for the surgery (I was not having a gallbladder attack but just the usual toxic bile reactions from time to time)

This episode started just after the 1st of Jan 2006. I decided that I should try the product the Canadian Dr e-mailed me about, since we had already ordered it. I have been so cautious on trying any supplements, procedures etc that I have learned to go VERY SLOW. If you have not had problems in the GI tract, you cannot appreciate how fast they can bite you in the rear-end. Anyway, I had a fairly bad stomach ache and one drop of this product helped immediately. I eventually worked my way up to 15 drops 4 times per day. I increasingly got to feeling more energetic, able to do more of the activities that I was used to, and eat a lot more different foods. However, the more foods may have been a little bit of my tendency to go to fast on healing myself. Around the end of March 200

My life since Aug 2004 to present more...

Last Activity: 18 y ago
1 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
2 Comments   Last comment 18 y ago

viewed 21,632 times
Created: 18 y   Apr 18 2006
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