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    Iodine is gooooood!!!!

Iodine is gooooood!!!!
by spaceape48

4 blog entries; 4 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 24,331 times
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Here's a little about me, what brought me here, and why:

I first learned about iodine supplementation on a forum about meditation. The particular thread was discussing the poison fluoride and how iodine can help. Being just another believer of what we are lead to believe from childhood, I didn't really delve into the topic too deeply. Instead I went about my fluoride poisoning and dental routines oblivious to the truth and thinking I was doing myself good.

Just recently I happened across a forum on another site referring to iodine again for detox. This time I was in many ways a different person and what I read meant a lot more to me. I had lost some fifty pounds and made some choices to live as healthy a life as I could. The post was more detailed and my attention was grasped. I started researching and still am.

My goals for this journey are first to detox the halogens that have been piling up from a life of poor food choices, fluoride, and who knows what other crap. After the initial detox I will begin the second step; to implement a lifestyle that will minimize further exposure to these things all the while dosing with iodine but in smaller quantities.

From what I have read so far, I have concluded that for the initial detox stage I will use a minimum of 50mg of iodine daily. My source will be Lugols Solution(5%) taken by means of half the dose in the AM and the other half in the PM. To help with absorption and clearing of bromide I have chosen to take the companion nutrients suggested by medical doctors(selenium, magnesium, niacin, B2, Vitamin C). This protocol will be followed for approx. three months.

For the second stage I will lower my dose of iodine to two drops taken split up between night and morning. This is the part I am unsure of still at this time. I do not know how long I will stay on the dose before moving back into a detox dose. I am also going to continue companion nutrients.

All protocols are not set in stone. I am relying in a huge part on the way my body reacts and detox symptoms. I feel that each person is different and requires some tweaking to find what is right. What is right may very well change as well.

With the problems mankind is suffering in this day and age we have to start looking at ourselves and questioning everything. We are given ideas and supposed facts to follow by science and medicine, and yet if you look at general health we are having some serious problems. Man does not know everything and not everything is healthy that is called healthy.

I think one day we will realize that the countless chemicals we pour into our hair, our washing machines, our stomachs, and into our belongings are killing us. Cancer is man made without a doubt- my opinion though. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think a lot more is known than is released to the general public. Money and power rule all.

I am open to comments and suggestions. I am new to this so I will be learning as I go. I started this journal in hopes that it will be of help to someone. Someone here on curezone said that we are pioneers- I like that. Lets make our own science and our own history.

This will be my experience with iodine. Included will be the affects of iodine. Any symptoms and bumps in the road will be recorded. By no means will this be scientific, but I do hope that one day it can be seen as beneficial by someone starting out.… more...

Last Activity: 16 y ago
4 Messages   Last message 16 y ago
0 Comments   Last comment 16 y ago

viewed 24,331 times
Created: 16 y   Sep 03 2008
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