Hello Leora,
I've read your posts in eg's blogs too. Thank you for responding. To keep it straight, it was not me that smelled the pesticides, that was JeSuisButterfly (sp?). I've never smelled any of it, except, that I can "smell a rat" when I see one.
I live in a city, and no, those were not crop dustings. I've seen crop dusting before, the planes fly low, close to the crops. Otherwise, it's a big waste of money for the farmers. Notice how high these "clouds" are relative to the foreground objects.
I've watched planes go from horizon to horizon with a trail behind them that eventually fanned out and spread over the entire sky. So, what was once a clear blue skied day, turned dull and overcast, with sunlight weakly shining through. By the time sunset came around, the cover was so complete that it completely blocked the sun.
I've been on a commercial airplane and witnessed the sprayings from those altitudes... and no, those were not contrails. Contrails do not last for hours and miles and miles.
As a Sungazer, I pay attention to the skies all day long, so I'm observing the sky all day long so I can plan my evening session.
The heaviest of the spraying happened about 18 months ago. I have been pleasantly surprised this summer that the spraying hasn't been anywhere near as bad, and that my sungazing has continued to progress. It seems like the winter months is when it starts to get heavy again. The signs are all there, the writing is in the sky.... it's time to get out of Dodge.
It's a global agenda, so where can I go?
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, but I ain't scared of the truth either... rather, I ain't buying the lies, because I know the Truth. So if the pictures do not speak for themselves, then there's nothing more I want to say on the subject other than do your own research and base your belief on what you learn, on the evidence. You will be best served to approach it with a scientific inquiring mind that's open to any possible conclusion.
Now... if you'll excuse me while I go back to eating my raw chocolate nibs now... with goji berries of course... I must be going.
Don't Worry, Be Hopi! :-)